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#140 (Mar 24, 2020, 6:02:44 AM)

Started 4 yr 9 mo ago
Took 3.5 sec

Started by user Brokkonaut

Revision: a1b3a389c1f0ac2790a5e59f3ed419a1d4201d80
  • refs/remotes/origin/master
  1. Useless test commit (details)
  2. Revert "Useless test commit" (details)
  3. format sources (details)
  4. SQLConnection.disconnect() (details)
  5. Add PotionNames, EnchantmentNames, StringUtil (details)
  6. add spawn eggs group (details)
  7. Add Flowers and DyeColor -> Wool,Concrete conversions (details)
  8. Add crops group (details)
  9. update from 1.13-pre7 to 1.13 (details)
  10. Spawned entity for SpawnEgg (details)
  11. Change spigot version to 1.13.1. (details)
  12. Add getBedForDyeColor, format pom (details)
  13. Add EmptyChunkGenerator (details)
  14. Add fish group (details)
  15. Add wood types and redstone stuff (i.e. buttons, doors) to ItemGroups. (details)
  16. Fix copy-paste-bug. (details)
  17. Readd fishes and beds, add potted plants (details)
  18. Add class Pair. (details)
  19. Let Pair have two generic parameters. (details)
  20. Add SQLConfig to utils. (details)
  21. Add convertColors to StringUtils. (details)
  22. Add breakLines and isSafeFilename isLegalCommandName. (details)
  23. Change default tableprefix. (details)
  24. Allow specification of command route as one string with spaces. (details)
  25. Add some StringUtils and introduce ItemsAndStrings. (details)
  26. Implement getSubCommand. (details)
  27. Make ArgsParser an iterator and add some parser methods. (details)
  28. Fix infinite loop in getSubCommand. (details)
  29. Add constant for the default color of item lores. (details)
  30. Add UNKNOWN_COMMAND_MESSAGE as a constant. (details)
  31. Fix typo. (details)
  32. Add GeneralHashMap (+linked version). Untested and potentially unstable! (details)
  33. Add case ignoring hasher and equality. (details)
  34. Allow onTabComplete to return Collection<String> (instead of ArrayList). (details)
  35. Add revertColors. (details)
  36. Add splitAtPipe. (details)
  37. Implement ArgsParser#clone and #iterator. (details)
  38. Add isEmpty to ItemGroups. (details)
  39. Improve isEmpty and add isAir. (details)
  40. Add RepairationMaterials. (details)
  41. Add some enchantment util. (details)
  42. Add fish buckets (details)
  43. Improve dye color <-> material conversion (details)
  44. Add utils. (Enhantments, Patterns) (details)
  45. music discs (details)
  46. Change PotionNames internal method name (details)
  47. build against paper-api 1.13.2 (details)
  48. Add custom heads (details)
  49. Prevent creating instances (details)
  50. add ItemStacks helper (details)
  51. Arrays utils - shuffle arrays (details)
  52. Add indexOf to Arrays. (details)
  53. Add option to preserve color codes to breakLines. (details)
  54. formating (details)
  55. Fix bug in breakLines. (details)
  56. Add some string and chat util. (details)
  57. Add some ItemStack utils. (details)
  58. Fix potential bug in addToInventoryIfFits. (details)
  59. Improve addToInventoryIfFits (details)
  60. Allow Objects to be passed to sendMessage instead of Strings. (details)
  61. More hashers/equalities and small change to ChatUtil#sendMessage. (details)
  62. null check in ItemStacks.fastPvP() (details)
  63. Implement String flip. (details)
  64. Generalize Arrays#shuffle, implement Arrays#flip. (details)
  65. Fix formatting error. (details)
  66. Implement convertEscaped in StringUtil. (details)
  67. Fix bug in convertEscaped. (details)
  68. Prevent mooaar instances! (details)
  69. Implement some RandomUtil. (details)
  70. Refactor Arrays into ArrayUtils. (details)
  71. Add randomElement(List<T> list) to RandomUtil. (details)
  72. Fix bug in RepairationMaterials. (details)
  73. Really fix bug in RepairationMaterials. (details)
  74. Implement parsing of dates. (details)
  75. Add wrapper classes for variable primitives (details)
  76. Add sets of string representations of true and false. (details)
  77. Use TreeMap instead of GeneralHashMap to avoid dependency. (details)
  78. Add many utilities necessary for QuestActions. (details)
  79. Fix stupid bug. (details)
  80. Prevent infinite particles in case of Exception. (details)
  81. Fix bug with date parsing caused by timezones. (details)
  82. Fix off-by-one causing exception in date parsing. (details)
  83. Make Pair ConfigurationSerializable. (details)
  84. Implement parseTimespan. (details)
  85. Add some FunctionUtil. (details)
  86. Allow sender-dependend implementations of SubCommand#getUsage. (details)
  87. Check command permissions for tab complete (details)
  88. 1.14 (details)
  89. Update ItemGroups for 1.14 (details)
  90. Add isDye, fix dye mapping for 1.14, add some sign related methods (details)
  91. Add shrinkItemStack and isEmpty in ItemStacks. (details)
  92. Rename ItemStacks#shrinkItemStack. (details)
  93. Add ItemStacks#removeIfHas. (details)
  94. Change semantics of removeIfHas and rename to doesHave. (details)
  95. Implementation of shrink didn't do what was expected. (details)
  96. Fix bug in ItemStacks#doesHave, add ItemStacks#equals. (details)
  97. Modify StringUtil#breakLines to deal with already contained line breaks. (details)
  98. Add custom head "Quartz Block Blank" (details)
  99. add CommandUtil.resyncCommandTabCompletions() (details)
  100. Add HybridCommand. (details)
  101. Add permission check to HybridCommand. (details)
  102. Add CommandRouter#addAliases. (details)
  103. Fix bug in addAlias. (details)
  104. Add options for formatDate. (details)
  105. Prevent ClassNotFoundError when using StringUtil without Bukkit. (details)
  106. Make StringUtil usable without BungeeCord. (details)
  107. Improve indention. (details)
  108. Add rounding util. (details)
  109. add multi block plants and add some missing plants (details)
  110. Implement ArgsParser#getNextEnum. (details)
  111. Add @Target(ElementType.METHOD) to ArgMatcher annotation. (details)
  112. Add tools and weapons as item groups. (details)
  113. Do not double-add addtribute modifieres for fast pvp (details)
  114. Base GeneralHashMap on Apache Harmony for licensing reasons. (details)
  115. Fix setting attribute modifiers for fast pvp (details)
  116. Fix NullPointerException. (details)
  117. Implement some basic tests for GeneralHashMap. (details)
  118. Add basic tests for LinkedGeneralHashMap. (details)
  119. Fix bug with iterator initilization. (details)
  120. Add iteration tests. (details)
  121. Add some more tests. (details)
  122. Add testing for Iterator#remove. (details)
  123. Add get tests. (details)
  124. Add StringUtil#tryPlural and some associated CharacterUtil. (details)
  125. Fix bug in tryPlural. (details)
  126. Add FunctionUtil#functionPredicate. (details)
  127. Fix small bug with empty route to SubCommand in CommandRouter. (details)
  128. Fix bug in CharacterUtil#isConsonant. (details)
  129. Fix bad heuristic in tryPlural. (details)
  130. Fix possible IndexOutOfBounds. (details)
  131. Refactor CommandRouter: Split into two files (details)
  132. Refactor commandrouter (details)
  133. Only show subcommands in tab complete if exactly one argument mismatches (details)
  134. Make case sensitivity optional in command router (details)
  135. CommandRouter: Change some internal access modifiers (details)
  136. CommandRouter: Update getSubCommand() (details)
  137. Fix NPE in CommandRouter (details)
  138. Add resources directory to calm eclipse. (details)
  139. Modify ItemStacks#doesHave to include off hand and armor slots. (details)
  140. Make ItemStacks#doesHave not unnecessarily complicated. (details)
  141. 1.15 (details)
  142. to bee or not to bee (details)
  143. Build against 1.15.1 (details)
  144. Compile against java 11 (details)
  145. Add HastebinUtil to post text to the hastebin website (details)
  146. Maven-Compiler-Plugin target version 1.11 -> 11 (details)
  147. Add randomInt to RandomUtil (details)
  148. generateRandomPassword (details)
  149. Move generateRandomPassword to RandomUtil (details)
  150. Update build plugins (details)
  151. source/target instead of release in pom (details)
  152. Revert "source/target instead of release in pom" (details)