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#187 (Oct 18, 2020, 10:06:20 PM)

Started 4 yr 2 mo ago
Took 16 sec
Build Artifacts
CubesideUtilsBukkit.jar678.24 KiB view
original-CubesideUtilsBukkit.jar144.62 KiB view
CubesideUtilsBungee.jar7.73 KiB view

Started by GitBucket push by Starjon

Revision: ec1615baa98aaa201543bb768687e0f5e621365f
  • origin/master
  1. Begin transforming utils into a plugin. (details)
  2. wip (details)
  3. PlayerCache (details)
  4. Working on PlayerData, OnlinePlayerData and afk detection. (details)
  5. Probably finish AFK-detection and basic database infrastructure. (details)
  6. Move firstJoin, lastJoin and lastSeen from CubesideSecurity to Utils. (details)
  7. Implememt handlePlayerDataChanged. (details)
  8. Add StringSerialization and GlobalDataHelper. (details)
  9. Add IteratorUtil. (details)
  10. Implement rank logic. (details)
  11. Add convinience method PlayerData#getRankPrefix. (details)
  12. Add plugin.yml and details to pom.xml. (details)
  13. Trigger-happy commits cause more commits... (details)
  14. Add Brokkonaut repository. (details)
  15. Add events for afk-changes, add continiues afk-checks. (details)
  16. Add temporary method for conversion. (details)
  17. Change version. (details)
  18. Fix SQLConnection -> MySQLConnection. (details)
  19. Fix SQL syntax. (details)
  20. Remove stupid foreign key. (details)
  21. Add missing closing parathesis. (details)
  22. Initialize queries after table names. (details)
  23. Add default config. (details)
  24. Fix NullPointer. (details)
  25. Fix sql syntax. (details)
  26. Fix NullPointer. (details)
  27. Fix sql syntax. (details)
  28. Fix some bugs. (details)
  29. Fix missing registration of GlobalLocationWrapper for serialization. (details)
  30. Fix stupid bug. (details)
  31. Fix Nullpointer. (details)
  32. Fix Nullpointer. (details)
  33. Rename method. (details)
  34. Fix bug. (details)
  35. Log exceptions. (details)
  36. Fix afk-bug. (details)
  37. Fix NullPointer. (details)
  38. Fix StackOverFlow. (details)
  39. Create EventListener. (details)
  40. Register AfkManager as EventListener. (details)
  41. Improve afk detection. (details)
  42. Add MC_INDENT string. (details)
  43. Implement StringUtil#mcIndent. (details)
  44. Rebuild GlobalDataHelper. (details)
  45. Add PlayerPropertiesAPI to GlobalDataHelper, add name as  parameter. (details)
  46. Improve AFK management. (details)
  47. Light rework of GlobalDataHelper. (details)
  48. Implement worldDisplayNames. (details)
  49. Remove unnecessary permission. (details)
  50. Fix bug with event execution order. (details)
  51. Add checks for requiresPlayer and allowsCommandBlock. (details)
  52. Add util for enchantments. (details)
  53. Add util to send messages to all players with a given permission. (details)
  54. Add StringUtil#matchEntityType. (details)
  55. new method in ConnectionAPI (details)
  56. Adjust to new restriction options in GlobalConnectionClient. (details)
  57. Add SQLUtil. (details)
  58. Small changes to sendMessagesPaged. (details)
  59. Fix SQLUtil#escapeLike, add utility to ChatUtil#sendMessagesPaged. (details)
  60. Small changes to sendMessagesPaged. (details)
  61. New convienience methods with default parameters for formatDate. (details)
  62. Remove TODOs. (details)
  63. Use GlobalPlayerJoinedEvent for first/last join for more accuracy. (details)
  64. Add general data storage. (details)
  65. Auto-manage synchronization of general data. (details)
  66. Fix comment (details)
  67. Add roundTimespan and roundDate. (details)
  68. Move roundTimespan/roundDate to ChronoUtil. (details)
  69. Implement CachedSendableList to allow use of sendMessagesPaged with lazy (details)
  70. Implement Supplier, Function and BiFunction alternatives that can throw (details)
  71. Fix bugs. (details)
  72. Make checkRank public for OnlinePlayerData. (details)
  73. Handle SQLException while querying PlayerData. (details)
  74. edit queries to avoid MySQL reserved word "rank" (details)
  75. Allow sending global data to restricted servers. (details)
  76. Add formatTimespanClassic. (details)
  77. Add commands for rank information. (details)
  78. Implement triple. (details)
  79. Show priority in rank list. (details)
  80. Fix setting local afk status. (details)
  81. Update build plugins (details)
  82. Split. (details)
  83. Change version to split instead of plugin. (details)
  84. Add .gitkeep to source folders to make eclipse happy. (details)
  85. Allow toRomanNumber to deal with non-positive arguments. (details)
  86. Split plugin core and bukkit part. (details)
  87. Make nameing and visibility consistent. (details)
  88. Rename UtilsPluginApi -> UtilsApi. (details)
  89. Rename UtilsBukkitApi -> UtilsApiBukkit. (details)
  90. Add ChatUtilBukkit#sendMessage. (details)
  91. Register GlobalLocationWrapper for serialization. (details)
  92. Add ymls. (details)
  93. Shade CubesideUtilsCore dependency. (details)
  94. Fix stupid NPE. (details)
  95. Fix StackOverFlow when sending message to all online players. (details)
  96. Fix potential bug with restricted servers. (details)
  97. Add util for random alpha-numerical String. (details)
  98. Add SimpleCacheMap. (details)
  99. Implement password management utils. (details)
  100. Fix RandomUtil.generateRandomAlphaNumericalString (details)
  101. Make password hashing unsafer (details)
  102. Fix missing parameters in SQL query. (details)
  103. Java wants key-length in bits, sql in bytes. (details)
  104. Remove automatic indention if pluginTag is empty. (details)
  105. Add item group for skulls and heads. (details)
  106. Also show usage of SubCommand if subordinate SubCommands are present. (details)
  107. Fix possible NPE. (details)
  108. Add ChatUtilBukkit.toRGB(ChatColor) (details)
  109. Fix typo. (details)
  110. Save player name in player data table to allow partial name queries. (details)
  111. itemgroup container (details)
  112. Fix DB errors. (details)
  113. Fix ChangeRankInformationCommand, move commands to new package. (details)
  114. Fix NPE with events called after PlayerQuitEvent. (details)
  115. Fix bug not setting ranks correctly when using a permission system. (details)
  116. Fix NPE because of checking rank to early. (details)
  117. Fix server-crashing performance issue. (details)
  118. Remove unnecessary special case. (details)
  119. Fix potential issue in bungee chat utils. (details)
  120. Change obsolete mc indention. (details)
  121. Add PlayerData#getRankPriority. (details)
  122. Add getters to Pair/Triple for ::-notation. (details)
  123. Replace mcIndent with indent, keeping the former as deprecated. (details)
  124. Correct comment. (details)
  125. Allow PlayerData to store custom data. (details)
  126. Implement condition system. (details)
  127. Remove methods associated with CubesideSecurity conversion. (details)
  128. Add sendMessage(playerId, ...). (details)
  129. Remove non-API-methods from interface. (details)
  130. Allow names of paged lists to be BaseComponent[]. (details)
  131. Fix bug with messages beeing send to sender. (details)
  132. Move ChatUtil.toRGB to core (details)
  133. Refactor events package name. (details)
  134. Add PlayerOptionsRetrievedEvent. (details)
  135. Put spaces between options. (details)
  136. Actually call event... (details)
  137. Move sendPlayerOptions to plugin api and change formatting. (details)
  138. add HtmlUtil (details)
  139. Add /playeroptions command (details)
  140. Remove debug output (details)
  141. Add temporary getter for the UUIDs of all known players. (details)
  142. Add StringUtil#startsWithIgnoreCase. (details)
  143. Add PlayerPermissionsChangedEvent (details)
  144. Add checkRank for non-online PlayerData with an external Permissible. (details)
  145. Specify implementation instead of interface for implementations. (details)
  146. Implement several kinds of caches. (details)
  147. Reload PlayerData if player joined after timeout. (details)
  148. Change join/login timeout to 5 minutes. (details)
  149. Add string location utils. (details)
  150. Make sure serializable pair and triple are registered. (details)
  151. Fix player options crushing client if target never was an server. (details)
  152. update ChatColors to 1.16 (details)
  153. Update version to 1.16-SNAPSHOT, update dependencies (details)
  154. Fix ChatUtil.toRGB for new rgb colors (details)
  155. Some ChatColors might not have a rgb representation (reset/italic/..) (details)
  156. Improve StringUtil.parseHexColor (details)
  157. Update ItemGroups to 1.16 (details)
  158. Adapt breakLines to new chat colors. (details)
  159. Adapt revertColors to new chat colors. (details)
  160. Update bungee dependency to 1.16-R0.3-SNAPSHOT (details)
  161. The chat hover api has changed (details)
  162. A triple has 3 elements (details)
  163. Add ComponentUtils and SerializableComponent (details)
  164. Begin ComponentUtil#convertEscaped. (details)
  165. Restructure ComponentUtils#convertEscaped and fix some bugs. (details)
  166. Delete accidentally pushed test psv-main. (details)
  167. Refactor ComponentUtils -> ComponentUtil. (details)
  168. Disallow unknown control sequences. (details)
  169. Convert translated components. (details)
  170. Make findMatchingRightBrace non-static. (details)
  171. Implement entity and item hover events. (details)
  172. Implement score (not quite working), selector (not quite working) and (details)
  173. Replace & with § in convertEscapedString. (details)
  174. Implement insertion in convertEscaped. (details)
  175. Split ComponentUtil. (details)
  176. Add some custom heads (details)
  177. ItemStacks.amount (details)
  178. Netherite swords (details)
  179. Use if is not available (details)
  180. add cpaste for pasting (details)
  181. 1.16.2 / Add PIGLIN_BRUTE_SPAWN_EGG (details)
  182. Add stringUtil.stripColors (details)
  183. Adapt chat utils for single components instead of arrays. (details)
  184. Fix formatting. (details)
  185. Add methods for registering commands (moved from CubesideEssentials) (details)
  186. Add methods to register HybridCommands (details)
  187. Implement GlobalDataRequestManager. (details)
  188. Let respondToRequest and handleResponse throw IOExceptions. (details)
  189. Move exception handling. (details)
  190. Add sendMsgParts for convenience. (details)
  191. Timeout requests after 1 minute. (details)
  192. Revert "Add ChatUtil.toRGB(ChatColor)" (details)
  193. Revert "Add dependency-reduced-pom.xml to gitignore." (details)
  194. Revert "Also show usage of SubCommand if subordinate SubCommands are present." (details)