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LogBlock (Nov 10, 2018, 4:27:46 AM)

Started 6 yr 4 mo ago
Took 8.5 sec
Build Artifacts
logblock-1.13.2-SNAPSHOT.jar497.56 KiB view
logblock-1.13.2-SNAPSHOT.pom6.58 KiB view
Test Result (no failures)
    1. Incomplete entity logging (commit: 707e0a1) (details)
    2. Implement basic entity change lookup (commit: f9d246d) (details)
    3. Allow other edits than block edits (commit: 868c56e) (details)
    4. Rollback of killed entities works! (commit: 3a2c1d8) (details)
    5. Improve entity logging/rollbacks (commit: 9d1baee) (details)
    6. Log armor stands, item frames and paintings (commit: ea16656) (details)
    7. Configurable entity logging (commit: 4e1a79c) (details)
    8. Log & rollback armor stand/item frame modifications (commit: a5ffa3b) (details)
    9. Better messages (commit: 1eace44) (details)
    10. Filter for entity types (commit: 76aeb5f) (details)
    11. Animals should not contain ambient entities (commit: 9ea7a47) (details)
    12. Add entities to params command (commit: 8a1897e) (details)
    13. Error message if entity logging is enabled, but no compatible WorldEdit (commit: 27c72b4) (details)
    14. Improve worldeditor row ordering (commit: c3b0fda) (details)
    15. Summarization for entities (commit: cd798e8) (details)
    16. clearlog for entities (commit: 83157ad) (details)
    17. Version 1.13.2 (commit: 7f3bb30) (details)