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LogBlock (May 15, 2019, 1:31:17 AM)

Started 5 yr 10 mo ago
Took 12 sec
Build Artifacts
logblock-1.14.1-SNAPSHOT.jar502.90 KiB view
logblock-1.14.1-SNAPSHOT.pom6.71 KiB view
Test Result (no failures)
    1. Update to 1.14pre5 (commit: 254c856) (details)
    2. Spigot 1.14 instead of 1.14-pre5 (commit: 82d61d5) (details)
    3. Fix version parsing (commit: 503541a) (details)
    4. Improve compatibility when running 1.13 and 1.14 servers on the same (commit: 33c18a9) (details)
    5. Spigot 1.14.1 (commit: ac233a3) (details)