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#54 (May 9, 2024, 10:15:49 PM)

Started 10 mo ago
Took 5.4 sec
Build Artifacts
CubesideStatistics.jar168.31 KiB view

Started by user Brokkonaut

Revision: 94f608e6d3edfe7989e9dc02157f7ef0ee4208e6
  • refs/remotes/origin/master
  1. Add PlayerStatisticUpdatedEvent (details)
  2. Expose internal method for converters (details)
  3. Add total ordering QueryTypes (details)
  4. do not add null values to results (details)
  5. add some enabled checks for async callbacks (details)
  6. allow deleting scores (details)
  7. better seperation of plugin and implementation (details)
  8. fix POSITION_MIN (details)
  9. Fix collision when stats names only differ in case (no db autoconvert!) (details)
  10. java 17 (details)
  11. convert old tables (details)
  12. Add PositionAlgorithm for getTop() (details)
  13. allow different order and position order when getting top players (details)
  14. Allow querying stats for previous timeframes (details)
  15. total order by last update and total query chaos (details)
  16. 1.20.6 (details)