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  1. modified ant build to not do unit tests -- not necessary right now. also (commit: 2e58458) (details)
  2. emptied out and for now put basic build instructions (much (commit: 015d008) (details)
  3. Oops, <code> is a lie (commit: 33b9b14) (details)
  4. All admin commands have thus far been converted to use the new events (commit: a1c34c2) (details)
  5. All use of deprecated events on LWC's end should now be fixed !! (commit: a8fc599) (details)
  6. /lwc admin version will now use VERSION (BUILD), in preperation for #65 (commit: a59ce44) (details)
  7. Reformat build.xml (mainly replacement of tabs with spaces.) (commit: 348facd) (details)
  8. fixes #54 - do not allow access to chests when LWC has database issues (commit: 9e2e83a) (details)
  9. and print out problem stacks when bad errors occur :-) (commit: dcac5d3) (details)
  10. closes #51 -- pistons can no longer destroy protected objects (doors, (commit: 2396f94) (details)
  11. Change default table prefix to 'lwc_' (commit: 0f00482) (details)
  12. some minor formatting fixes in core.yml (commit: 09e6625) (details)
  13. fixes #68 -- core LWC modules must take precedence over modules from (commit: b45632c) (details)
  14. Fixes issue where one would always receive "limit reached" (commit: 4d605db) (details)
  15. Fixes #75 -- obtain a player's groups the correct way via (commit: 0500f16) (details)
  16. Fixes #70 -- also, when clicking on say, a block under a Sign, it will (commit: c79712f) (details)
  17. It would be preferable to take your eyes away from this commit. On a (commit: 2d7d046) (details)
  18. Closes #61 -- Kainzo: This one is long overdue !! Protection discounts (commit: bebee65) (details)
  19. Updated -- should have done that already !! Also made (commit: 6138726) (details)
  20. forgot linebreak between header and lists (commit: cb3182a) (details)
  21. Native SQLite binaries were not being downloaded.. >.> (commit: b6bdf12) (details)
  22. Just kidding, this one's the real RC .... (commit: 123eba5) (details)
  23. Fixes issue with interfering with PermissionsBukkit somehow... and made (commit: 3e2343d) (details)
  24. Fix LWC-Economy -- LWC now loads at STARTUP. Also changed wording in the (commit: de6223e) (details)
  25. Convert history when converting from SQLite -> MySQL. History was not (commit: fe75db7) (details)
  26. Push version to 3.40 (commit: 5ba4358) (details)
  27. Fix PermissionsBukkit (again), /permissions did not work, LWC was using (commit: 2eb90fc) (details)
  28. Init ModuleLoader early (commit: 37a76fe) (details)
  29. Fix a stackoverflow error (commit: bf3dcf8) (details)
  30. Push version to 3.41 (commit: 4ae0f03) (details)
  31. Fix LWC-Economy bootstrapping (commit: a2b89db) (details)
  32. Push LWC-Economy to version 1.21. LWC is unchanged. (commit: f36b399) (details)
  33. Fix a freezing issue some servers may experience on startup. (commit: 27b92f2) (details)
  34. Disabled modes were not being properly disabled, despite the user being (commit: 6bcc2f6) (details)
  35. Protections + history will now not be immediately flushed to the (commit: c6961fa) (details)
  36. That is prepareStatement, not prepareCall, mr. database (commit: 8a171ea) (details)
  37. MonsterTKE: fixes #73: add EXEMPTION flag which exempts protections from (commit: c142dfe) (details)
  38. Allow history logging to be disabled in core.yml (core.disableHistory) (commit: a3870b1) (details)
  39. Comment up core.yml (commit: 2c9cb5b) (details)
  40. small sanity check (commit: 5e1c843) (details)
  41. pre-3.42. Fix a consistency error for history cache <-> database. And (commit: 72c48ba) (details)
  42. untrack Mainly just testing fingerprints. (commit: a78cf09) (details)
  43. Update Package.json, let's try uploading it again (commit: 9c2ec81) (details)
  44. formatting errors ... (commit: 8e1c10a) (details)
  45. wrong checksum, I've been had... (commit: 8781475) (details)
  46. sqlite.jar in lib/ folder is not required for anything in particular. (commit: b7fdaf0) (details)
  47. Move WorldGuard and Lists modules to core/ (afterall, they ARE bundled (commit: 2d8cedf) (details)
  48. 3.42 (commit: 550565f) (details)
  49. SQLite did not recognize streaming made (Integer.MIN_VALUE) (commit: b835189) (details)
  50. Add discount type to LWC-Economy, to support how discounts worked (commit: 50c1d94) (details)
  51. Update iconomy.yml to not include outdated info (commit: 76b06a8) (details)
  52. Native PermissionsEx support (commit: aac4689) (details)
  53. Update build.xml with PermissionsEx.jar (commit: bad75e3) (details)
  54. Go around a Bukkit bug for pistons which would cause a casting exception (commit: c3394ad) (details)
  55. Put the version back to 3.42 (whoops (?)) (commit: 4dd0845) (details)
  56. Allow refunds to be disabled in LWC-Economy (commit: 21688e4) (details)
  57. Allow /lwc admin purgebanned to take the -remove argument, which removes (commit: 9edccba) (details)
  58. Updated Polish locale, courtesy of Geoning! (commit: ab437c0) (details)
  59. Closes #83 -- add Essentials Econ support. (commit: 1bbc5c3) (details)
  60. Closes #85 -- fixes /permissions not working on PermissionsBukkit 1.2 (commit: 73bc131) (details)
  61. New versions: LWC: 3.43  LWC-Economy: 1.30 (commit: 3710449) (details)
  62. Test promoting via changelog tag #promote (commit: 6e1ab01) (details)
  63. Test auto-promote tag one last time #promote (commit: cafa249) (details)
  64. Forgot to turn on the notifier.... #promote (commit: e64343d) (details)
  65. Does all of #88 - not fully tested yet, so it will not be auto closed (commit: 48da505) (details)
  66. Fixes #89 (commit: 856afe6) (details)
  67. Initial work on #87 - fully untested !! Adds central bank functionality, (commit: 290bae3) (details)
  68. Add a bit more to central banking so protections could not be removed if (commit: f61e1eb) (details)
  69. mostly final changes for #87. Central banking now works as expected, (commit: 1b70331) (details)
  70. closes #87 - central banking for LWC-Economy is looking excellent to me (commit: 9bba55d) (details)
  71. Reconnect to the MySQL database if connection is lost from a timeout (commit: d12c4a0) (details)
  72. Make double wooden doors also automatically open on both sides much like (commit: 438d0ea) (details)
  73. Using /cinfo (or most other LWC commands) on a double wooden door would (commit: d1c9850) (details)
  74. Give a default value of TRUE to lwc.protect perm node (commit: e5e36f1) (details)
  75. Support multiple groups on Perms 3+, with fallback support to 2.1.x (commit: b570751) (details)
  76. database.adapter had to be all lowercase (MySQL would not work, had to (commit: 29324ac) (details)
  77. nospam mode now also hides notes. SEND_LOCALE event was also not being (commit: d5ea9fa) (details)
  78. in regards to #88 - removes reliance on Permission plugin-specific (commit: 36971bb) (details)
  79. Prepare protections table for #87 - the build associated with this (commit: 2564bfb) (details)
  80. Protection rights are now stored via JSON in the protections table. (commit: 30e1c1b) (details)
  81. Old rights -> new rights conversion. Does not drop the rights table just (commit: c8ba2d7) (details)
  82. Use streaming query for old rights -> new rights if it's available (not (commit: e09b85e) (details)
  83. That's right, streaming results won't work in this case! (commit: 7747557) (details)
  84. Display 4.0.0-alpha2 in the version (commit: e8b394a) (details)
  85. sp (commit: 75c7cab) (details)
  86. Reconnect to the MySQL database if connection is lost from a timeout (commit: 48f841a) (details)
  87. Push version to 3.44  #promote (commit: a0f3194) (details)
  88. (forgot VERSION file) (commit: 8b582e5) (details)
  89. Initial implementation for being able to schedule jobs or commands - for (commit: b9cf3bc) (details)
  90. Allow resource bundles to add keys that are not defined in the default (commit: 575a9f6) (details)
  91. Allow resource bundles to add keys that are not defined in the default (commit: 6d55a77) (details)
  92. nospam mode now also hides notes. SEND_LOCALE event was also not being (commit: e697108) (details)
  93. Make double wooden doors also automatically open on both sides much like (commit: 6a81875) (details)
  94. Using /cinfo (or most other LWC commands) on a double wooden door would (commit: 3d10e29) (details)
  95. 3.45, cherry picked commits from devel branch.  #promote (commit: eab08ff) (details)
  96. Spout support via 100% standalone LWC-Spout.jar. At the moment, it just (commit: 4cfe20a) (details)
  97. Open the chest after entering the correct password. (commit: 1fae71d) (details)
  98. I disregarded the fact that you can protect blocks other than chests :D (commit: 73d35b5) (details)
  99. Non-Custom spout windows can't be drawn on, so we'll make our own. /lwc (commit: 602055e) (details)
  100. remove test junk (commit: 6987b63) (details)
  101. pushing small changes before sleeping. Just a header on /lwc spout (commit: ec8db04) (details)
  102. Redstone flag was not being propogated via new events (commit: 9f7265a) (details)
  103. Redstone flag was not being propogated via new events (commit: e323f07) (details)
  104. 3.46  #promote (commit: 214f53d) (details)
  105. Add iConomy6 support (commit: 8f3f6b0) (details)
  106. Add iConomy6 support (commit: 6c9660d) (details)
  107. 3.47 #promote (commit: c93a904) (details)
  108. Fix merge conflict #promote (commit: 40bb348) (details)
  109. Redid how /lwc admin report looks. Much prettier and easier to read. (commit: 0f0336f) (details)
  110. Change cache hit/read counter to use long. spunkiie's server would (commit: 5dace84) (details)
  111. Add again so I'm not keeping track of changes in my head (commit: 740487c) (details)
  112. Basic job scheduling commands. e.g: /lwc schedule create test2 cleanup, (commit: 9d62fb1) (details)
  113. 4.0.0-alpha3. Scheduler is complete and needs some minor changes and (commit: 16466b8) (details)
  114. Added the expiration job handler. To add arguments: /lwc schedule create (commit: 348c3e5) (details)
  115. Update changelog (commit: 1928f48) (details)
  116. - fixing umlauts (commit: 40bd1be) (details)
  117. FULL removal of Memory Database. Every single usage of it has been (commit: c1af71d) (details)
  118. Update changelog. (commit: baa9804) (details)
  119. Fix a possible dupe exploit that when magnet was used alongside the (commit: c1b65d1) (details)
  120. misc changes (commit: 8434a53) (details)
  121. Fix merge conflict (accidentally committed.) Double console output also (commit: 6b1ac9d) (details)
  122. Closes #98 - out of sync double doors can be fixed with /lwc fix or /lwc (commit: dd5361b) (details)
  123. The openAndClose feature of double doors has been given new life and (commit: 17696f2) (details)
  124. Version comparator for semver compliancy. Parses versions as small as (commit: 82ff2b4) (details)
  125. Don't continue to look for release levels if one is already found (commit: f5fb196) (details)
  126. Define possible update schemes and provide convenience methods for (commit: a3d4571) (details)
  127. Change LWCInfo.FULL_VERSION to instead use the Version class. (commit: 3a3e396) (details)
  128. 3.48. You can now interchange 3.48 and 4.0.0-alphaX without NOT being (commit: 8cf1510) (details)
  129. Old, deprecated LWC events have been fully removed. All other (commit: 90ebad9) (details)
  130. Clicking on a password protection would actually ADD you to the access (commit: f63f8ed) (details)
  131. Towny integration. Protections cannot be made outside of Towns, e.g the (commit: 14ea6bb) (details)
  132. Fix piston exploit that allowed wooden doors and other minor (commit: 64bafbd) (details)
  133. Prevent sticky pistons from pulling away protections (commit: ae5c269) (details)
  134. Shiny new updater + downloader (old one was scrapped.) At the moment, it (commit: f1300fc) (details)
  135. Fix a typo, but this commit is mainly to make a build happen (commit: 1b4941c) (details)
  136. 4.0.0-alpha4 - All builds past this are now running on the new update (commit: 90316da) (details)
  137. ..changelog should be changed, too! (commit: 34ba2d2) (details)
  138. Update changelog again with a feature added on a few days ago (ability (commit: 57622ea) (details)
  139. Fix minor bug when converting old rights (commit: 5bdc1f5) (details)
  140. Fix double console output (commit: a205b68) (details)
  141. 3.49  #promote (commit: 6b0f9b5) (details)
  142. Backwards compatibility with permissions 2/3 (without superpermsbridge) (commit: 187859b) (details)
  143. Backwards compatibility with permissions 2/3 (without superpermsbridge) (commit: 2a7eca7) (details)
  144. 3.50. Remove the permission metadata from defined commands so the (commit: d6dd838) (details)
  145. Gracefully ignore iConomy4 (commit: bd5ec63) (details)
  146. Gracefully ignore iConomy4 (commit: 729864b) (details)
  147. Protection rights have been moved to the 'data' column in protections, (commit: 33751b1) (details)
  148. Renamer renamed a little bit *too* much (commit: 8cf8dbd) (details)
  149. The command /lwc admin purgeregion <RegionName> [WorldName] has been (commit: 26631cc) (details)
  150. Go around a bukkit bug with pistons (commit: 807d0fb) (details)
  151. Proper Fix Issue #88, adds full SuperPerms support (commit: 4082767) (details)
  152. Flags are now in data column and now support data as well. No utility to (commit: 9579810) (details)
  153. Default core.locale to en (commit: 1a15bbc) (details)
  154. Avoid a possible arrayoutofboundsexception (commit: 2d527cd) (details)
  155. Fix Cleanup (commit: a468a9c) (details)
  156. Fix /lwc admin cleanup, for real (commit: e893b7c) (details)
  157. Fix override bundles (commit: a22cc68) (details)
  158. update thread was not synchronizing, and /lwc admin purge was borked. (commit: 9123e8c) (details)
  159. /lwc admin reload should also reload the loaded locale. And so it shall. (commit: f8008fa) (details)
  160. /lwc admin dump locale! It dumps the current loaded locale into (commit: 99429e1) (details)
  161. Allow LWC.instance to be set again (commit: 5cb4429) (details)
  162. Fix resource loading - it "should" fix reloading after a new LWC.jar is (commit: 318b41a) (details)
  163. revert those last changes (commit: 45bcd27) (details)
  164. Try something so crazy it might just work (commit: 5d3de7a) (details)
  165. LWC *SHOULD* reload okay now after a new LWC.jar has been downloaded (commit: 8e88550) (details)
  166. We are now 4.0.0-alpha5 - all builds from this point on can be loaded (commit: 7cf698f) (details)
  167. if core.locale was set to a locale that didn't actually exist, (commit: c593a98) (details)
  168. default lwc.protect to false again [superperms] (commit: 195bff9) (details)
  169. default lwc.protect to false again [superperms] (commit: e3249a2) (details)
  170. 3.51 - default lwc.protect to false again (superperms) #promote (commit: 37f77bf) (details)
  171. Use Set<> for flags/access rights and also don't let null objects in (commit: 2aa2811) (details)
  172. Should fix Permissions 2/3 errors (commit: 2bf370f) (details)
  173. Really does fix Permissions 2/3 errors. (commit: a73ee5f) (details)
  174. Some null checks (commit: 9647301) (details)
  175. 3.52 #promote (commit: 6129890) (details)
  176. Show the parser who's boss - i'll give you some input to match (commit: 66bc1a1) (details)
  177. Add the AUTOCLOSE flag which will make doors automatically close after 3 (commit: 1961bb7) (details)
  178. and the changelog should take note, too! (commit: 3a9561c) (details)
  179. lwc.flag.autoclose should be defined, too ... (commit: c46b3f9) (details)
  180. fix plugin.yml (commit: 581b0ae) (details)
  181. Permissions 2/3 getGroups () support with our fallback hacks (commit: c68921a) (details)
  182. misc code from last night. Nothing special, just an empty /lwc setup (commit: 1d11c7c) (details)
  183. in regards to #88 - removes reliance on Permission plugin-specific (commit: c06d7eb) (details)
  184. Permissions 2/3 getGroups () support with our fallback hacks (commit: 0fca3ae) (details)
  185. I didn't ask for that method, mr. mergetool (commit: a19fd6f) (details)
  186. Default lwc.protect to true (commit: 6eb60eb) (details)
  187. 3.53 #promote (commit: fb4756c) (details)
  188. Default lwc.protect to true (commit: fb971e6) (details)
  189. and lwc.admin to false (commit: 4d5f265) (details)
  190. Do not show locale messages defined as 'null' (commit: 47a501e) (details)
  191. Add t:TownName and town:TownName for Towny integration for /cprivate and (commit: 0c46aa2) (details)
  192. /lwc admin expire always showed "Expired 0 protections", even if it (commit: 9eb014e) (details)
  193. Closes #105 - add lwc.autoregister perm node to allow a player/group to (commit: f4a243c) (details)
  194. Oops (commit: 863d34e) (details)
  195. Add andrewkm under donations header in credits. And a few others under (commit: 9769887) (details)
  196. Oops, duplicate (commit: 653ecf0) (details)
  197. Store the known Protection object for History objects early on to save (commit: 784abf4) (details)
  198. switch back to delayed insert for the initial history obj on a (commit: 0852310) (details)
  199. Automatically fix chest block faces from pre-1.7 maps. Also, /lwc fix (commit: 3ab7de2) (details)
  200. whitespace! (commit: 003c55d) (details)
  201. Equivilent methods for fixing chest face to the dev branch! (commit: be3734d) (details)
  202. Equivalent of 94c5b458 for dev branch, but had to retrofit what I (commit: 261d0f4) (details)
  203. The magnet module was not queueing items properly (commit: e3e39a6) (details)
  204. Apply blacklist checks before entities are queued for the magnet flag (commit: 47513b3) (details)
  205. Disable lwc.autoprotect for now (commit: ebf142c) (details)
  206. Limits will now instead use the group with the highest limit. (commit: 029b50a) (details)
  207. Update changelog (commit: 5f01c34) (details)
  208. Destroyer of a protection was not being added to the history on (commit: 8e3fc01) (details)
  209. LWC-Economy + No Econ plugin = Sad Times, but who would try that, (commit: 757d225) (details)
  210. HistoryModule (commit: 1f160d9) (details)
  211. (and remove from destroymodule) (commit: 2a488b7) (details)
  212. Add /lwc history. Allows the viewing of all history items for a player (commit: 0328e82) (details)
  213. Create /lwc details (it does nothing, however) (commit: 2cbe6b5) (details)
  214. Add /lwc details which allows you to view some more info known about a (commit: 4512741) (details)
  215. The player who destroyed a protection was always being shown as the (commit: 009eca5) (details)
  216. if a non-SuperPerms perms plugin is present, ignore SuperPerms (I'm (commit: 7d20dc1) (details)
  217. 4.0.0-alpha6. LWC is now licensed under the 2-clause BSD license. All (commit: e4fb181) (details)
  218. build.xmp shouldn't have been commented as well (commit: 8f91ca9) (details)
  219. Remove Package.json (commit: bb488b3) (details)
  220. Avoid possible NPE (commit: 862ef3e) (details)
  221. Avoid possible NPE (commit: 5ca60e7) (details)
  222. Minor addition, for science (commit: 0c69ab4) (details)
  223. Acknowledge discounts in /lwc details (commit: d95e46e) (details)
  224. Do not depend on the stored world name for protections and one less (commit: 869a433) (details)
  225. Remove the science (commit: 2828a77) (details)
  226. Send an error when something that shouldn't happen happens (commit: e3dd591) (details)
  227. Uh oh is not necessary. (commit: 4ee4aca) (details)
  228. devel's equivalent of deae6999 (commit: 2b4b895) (details)
  229. Automatically update the block id and world name in the database if they (commit: 4e701e8) (details)
  230. Developer Mode - to enable on a player, /lwc dev enable PlayerName. You (commit: cc8890f) (details)
  231. Forgot MOD considerations. Minor typo fixes (commit: 7c9e38d) (details)
  232. Send timing info about PLAYER_INTERACT and onCommand to devmode enabled (commit: 9bc7081) (details)
  233. Make the message sent by /lwc dev enable not break lines in an (commit: abed2d0) (details)
  234. derp, i've been getting the latest build the slow way (commit: e007b36) (details)
  235. ability to define an id for Economy discounts to allow EXACT to give (commit: 33b8bed) (details)
  236. Ensure ACCESS_EVENT is only used if required (commit: 9c9dd82) (details)
  237. Show entity count in report, and also remove unused memdb (commit: 4e8aba6) (details)
  238. Reduce the amount of queries done on the database by quite a bit, (commit: 0d9caf6) (details)
  239. Support old & new Showcase API (sigh!) (commit: 8b97a72) (details)
  240. Don't send the cache size if it's being cleared (commit: a77e055) (details)
  241. Don't use raw database access when checking explosions - use (commit: ef09aed) (details)
  242. Economy usage fees. set usageFee to a number (e.g usageFee: 2.50) and (commit: f9940aa) (details)
  243. Allow /lwc fix to reorient dispensers and furnaces (commit: 0937db8) (details)
  244. Remove /lwc admin view (commit: c497214) (details)
  245. remove /lwc admin view (0254bed) (commit: 44305c7) (details)
  246. Remove the no longer needed water exploit checks (commit: 08c1f70) (details)
  247. Closes #112 - Add the aliases /lock and /unlock. /lock is equivalent to (commit: 0de8afd) (details)
  248. Allow the /lwc admin forceowner command to take a protection ID (commit: 846bd35) (details)
  249. Abstracted /cmodify XXX and /cprivate XXX to (commit: b00b7d4) (details)
  250. Allow /cmodify to take an id:## argument. The id can be anywhere, for (commit: f948cc7) (details)
  251. More modular build.xml to allow seperate Jenkins projects for LWC, (commit: 89f3a3c) (details)
  252. Update ant build file to only build jars when newer files are detected (commit: 6d9970a) (details)
  253. make a small change to LWC-Economy to make sure it recompiles (commit: 6f5f132) (details)
  254. Undo my minor edit (commit: 5fdbe56) (details)
  255. Testing jenkins changes (commit: aadb8e3) (details)
  256. and again :) (commit: 076cc00) (details)
  257. nothing useful here (commit: bb3a3b3) (details)
  258. undo~! (commit: 07254f2) (details)
  259. Creating protections created an empty right (commit: 0ff3e9a) (details)
  260. Closes #109 - add the IN_USE discount type to allow discounts to only (commit: 71d2cb9) (details)
  261. Use 1 less query when removing a protection (commit: 1be17f8) (details)
  262. Append the LWC build info to /version LWC. (commit: ed7ce3d) (details)
  263. double b (commit: 3a194b4) (details)
  264. force LWC to build (commit: 022ebe6) (details)
  265. env test (commit: 2e6e5fa) (details)
  266. Change build number matcher to match adjusted changes (commit: e986edd) (details)
  267. 4.0.0-alpha7. NO LONGER POSSIBLE TO DOWNGRADE TO 3.53 WITHOUT LOSING (commit: aca019c) (details)
  268. Broke the version comparator when updating (commit: 9ddda12) (details)
  269. Workaround a small bug with build numbers found in git sha1s for now (commit: 839f07d) (details)
  270. the bug 656 workaround has been removed and instead has been replaced (commit: f469693) (details)
  271. Append the changelog and remove some obsolete code (commit: 54076b0) (details)
  272. Economy usage fees were being charged even if you couldn't access the (commit: 1278dab) (details)
  273. default LWC admin/mod perms to false (without explicitly defaulting to (commit: cc2d9e8) (details)
  274. default LWC admin/mod perms to false (without explicitly defaulting to (commit: a060495) (details)
  275. append the credits (add Eric and Twizz to donations) (commit: dd3ef42) (details)
  276. Fixed SuperPerms permission regression (commit: 487b5e1) (details)
  277. Permissions 2/3 should have highest precedence (commit: 36a07ca) (details)
  278. Fix for creation date not showing up for History objects. Also, hide the (commit: 08a8019) (details)
  279. Show the block action to dev mode enabled players (commit: a5b4463) (details)
  280. Fix NPE (commit: 731961f) (details)
  281. Fix /lwc admin report on 3.53 (commit: 5f9ab56) (details)
  282. More detailed debug info for dev mode enabled players (commit: 4196a12) (details)
  283. Improve indexing. Added: history.protectionId, history.player, (commit: 35471b3) (details)
  284. Fix a bug where Wall Signs would not be recognized as a protection if (commit: 9cd4baa) (details)
  285. Seperate the database connect / load messages to differentiate them (commit: f98c6af) (details)
  286. Fix door recognition. note to self: make block finding simpler! (commit: ccf21e1) (details)
  287. Startup time has been dramatically increased for those with a very large (commit: 314f399) (details)
  288. The previous commit was fine for 1 million protections. Not 13 million. (commit: d18c4b2) (details)
  289. Bunch of misc lingering issues (my apologies in advance if you're (commit: a7c57c8) (details)
  290. Whitespace fixes and other misc things (again, apologies if it affected (commit: 746631b) (details)
  291. Block some other typos of /cunlock: .cunlock and lcunlock. And also send (commit: 9b0e203) (details)
  292. Remove copyright headers from lang files (commit: 5865fe5) (details)
  293. Merge pull request #123 from phrstbrn/master Fixed SuperPerms permission (commit: b6062df) (details)
  294. Begin storing x/y/z coordinates for history objects. Fix a bug with (commit: 98d139f) (details)
  295. Set the history's x/y/z when creating it (commit: 4653e0b) (details)
  296. Show the history's known location in /lwc details. (commit: c845975) (details)
  297. Log the time protections are destroyed (commit: 9e38646) (details)
  298. Removed on date/time. Also make the /lwc details screen look a wee bit (commit: 8ec6158) (details)
  299. Closes #131 - support changes made to Towny by Towny Advanced (makes (commit: 506e741) (details)
  300. Made mapProtectionLimit a public method again (commit: 7887f5f) (details)
  301. Fix x/y/z not being added to the history table (commit: 6d42389) (details)
  302. devel's equivalent of 624e46bd (commit: 16955b3) (details)
  303. Fix being requested for the password to a protection after a few seconds (commit: de1474d) (details)
  304. Make lwc.encrypt use StringUtils.encrypt (they were identical!) Side (commit: 61b0f01) (details)
  305. And another - it picked up the old master commits? (commit: 466e274) (details)
  306. Remove my space. It's working! (I should've kept it this way before, (commit: 2b5cb81) (details)
  307. For LWC-Spout, use asterisks in place of real chars in the password and (commit: 60ab41e) (details)
  308. Added /cremoveall, which will remove ALL OF YOUR PROTECTIONS. This (commit: a909cc4) (details)
  309. Allow `lwc.limit.#` permission nodes to explicitly set the player's (commit: 33b1f42) (details)
  310. new OO-style Protection finder. Works the same as before (the old (commit: 3904c4b) (details)
  311. Closes #133: Protect the wall protected Buttons & Levers are attached (commit: 4e9abcd) (details)
  312. Simplify the switches for the wall matcher into ifs (commit: bc34bf0) (details)
  313. Closes #113: Fixes the umlauts in the german locale. (commit: 2b7af47) (details)
  314. Italian translation courtesy of portaro. (commit: 7b98a9a) (details)
  315. Remove found protections from the cache when using purgebanned, etc. (commit: 5b749c6) (details)
  316. The ProtectionTypes class is no longer in use and is now replaced with (commit: eed3525) (details)
  317. misc cleanup - no noticeable changes (unless you break the database.) (commit: 76fb14e) (details)
  318. Remove DriverStub (no longer needed) (commit: 2b7054a) (details)
  319. More un-noticeable stuff: renamed CacheSet to ProtectionCache and it now (commit: 31a56ec) (details)
  320. Created WeakLRUCache (commit: 81ab9e9) (details)
  321. Some ResultSets were not being properly closed (just a couple of queries (commit: d4cd007) (details)
  322. Made WeakLRUCache properly use ReferenceQueue to remove GC'd entries, (commit: 217001b) (details)
  323. Move some methods and/or classes around. (Performance has become (commit: a16aea4) (details)
  324. Oops - error (commit: ad52d52) (details)
  325. Change Physical database: to Queries: in /lwc admin report (commit: b8fd3f1) (details)
  326. Re-enable lwc.autoprotect perm node for SuperPerms - it is not usable on (commit: d74361d) (details)
  327. Fix a NullPointerException in WeakLRUCache (commit: 75fd354) (details)
  328. Restore (and instead, deprecate) compatibility with plugins that create (commit: c1d4557) (details)
  329. Last commit was a lie - any other plugins that created a LWC protection (commit: 5114852) (details)
  330. Fix an exception being thrown for protectable blocks being placed that (commit: 453c495) (details)
  331. "exploit": Don't allow drop transfer to be used to transfer items across (commit: e3f1af0) (details)
  332. Fix load order of various members to not break downloading of config (commit: f532308) (details)
  333. Explicitly remove protections from the weak caches instead of relying on (commit: 5df3a84) (details)
  334. Preliminary support for DONATION chests - yeah. Allows you to *donate* (commit: ca58f74) (details)
  335. Donation chest support - requires LWC-Spout. Anyone can open the chest (commit: c526fc2) (details)
  336. Automatic config updater. What it does is automatically adds new config (commit: 9e23509) (details)
  337. Forgot java docs for a method! (commit: 8873f72) (details)
  338. Added WG region blacklist and canBuild check (commit: ad8c20c) (details)
  339. Startup errors saying a path could not be found should now be resolved - (commit: bc7d8e7) (details)
  340. Fix exception when using /lwc schedule create (commit: 9fd4268) (details)
  341. Added WG region blacklist and canBuild check via Pull Request #142 from (commit: 8d95bb7) (details)
  342. Fix out of range error when using /lwc schedule autorun (commit: 008958c) (details)
  343. Only register optional modules if plugins are actually active (lists, (commit: e3b04d6) (details)
  344. action: was renamed to name: in doors.yml by the refactorer at some (commit: bf1713d) (details)
  345. Moved the database converter to its own handy class (commit: 77db5ec) (details)
  346. The comment for a method made absolutely no sense at all... (commit: 47cf90f) (details)
  347. Remove ambiguity from the database migration method (commit: f73d78b) (details)
  348. On the fly live database conversion which can switch between SQLite and (commit: aff1ea0) (details)
  349. Closes #139 -- on the fly db conversion is indeed working as it should (commit: 489dc3f) (details)
  350. Closes #119 -- allow charges to be added under protections.blocks in (commit: f4c0866) (details)
  351. Give /cinfo a fresh look. Now also shows who can access the protection (commit: 662cada) (details)
  352. Modify colour scheme for ACL list in /cinfo (commit: 2eb4045) (details)
  353. Convenience commands to query the database much more easily. Example: (commit: d10bff2) (details)
  354. Update the changelog (commit: 12e96e0) (details)
  355. Add missing event cancellation checks so we don't waste cpu on something (commit: 6856efb) (details)
  356. Closes #143 -- Rewrote the WorldGuard integration feature -- it works as (commit: 9d2d53f) (details)
  357. Fix my engrish (commit: f4b18f5) (details)
  358. 1. Add removeProtectionsByPlayer to PhysDB; 2. Only show ACL list in (commit: bb3d7d6) (details)
  359. Test git hook for the new build server (oh, and remove an unused line) (commit: 2a1748a) (details)
  360. Minor experimentation with some automatic rearrangement (just on LWC and (commit: b175895) (details)
  361. CI Building should definitely work now (commit: 0070f49) (details)
  362. Closes #141 -- Adds optional.onlyProtectIfOwnerIsOnline to core.yml (commit: b4e9ebc) (details)
  363. Fix potential NPE when saving protections (commit: 13c8623) (details)
  364. Protection.update() is no longer needed as LWC's protection cache is (commit: a2c2ae8) (details)
  365. Remove unneeded cache write when saving a protection. Misc clarification (commit: c2d5c05) (details)
  366. Fun little info message when starting up. Will be changed to only shown (commit: 7804288) (details)
  367. Add a warning after protecting something that redstone is currently (commit: 3a7e143) (details)
  368. #141 -- Add optional.onlyProtectWhenOwnerIsOffline. Also renames (commit: fe802e3) (details)
  369. Fix /cunlock (commit: d35992e) (details)
  370. Added worldguard.allowProtectionsOutsideRegions to the WorldGuard (commit: 61d4e50) (details)
  371. Mismatched default values for worldguard.allowProtectionsOutsideRegions (commit: 2eaa38e) (details)
  372. Format the larger numbers in /lwc admin report (handy for a special (commit: 8a5ee08) (details)
  373. Showcase exploit fix pulled into LWC3. This marks the release of LWC (commit: b29c42b) (details)
  374. Minor change to LWC-Spout to force a rebuild (commit: 88d357a) (details)
  375. Add RustyDagger (donation) and krinsdeath to credits. Started the (commit: 27fe764) (details)
  376. Refactor some PhysDB methods to remove old naming from LWC 1.00. This (commit: 6368b19) (details)
  377. Rename UpdateThread -> DatabaseThread and rewrite it. Again, there (commit: 63be96c) (details)
  378. 3.55 - minor defect in 3.54 preventing /cunlock from being used #promote (commit: 6ecb965) (details)
  379. 1. Don't display redstone warning when denyRedstone is true for (commit: c335834) (details)
  380. Resolve compilation error from upgrade in CraftBukkit dependancy. Remove (commit: 379bf0f) (details)
  381. Update changelog (commit: 43d039c) (details)
  382. Replace the help screen when using just /lwc flag with a list of all of (commit: 28b98cf) (details)
  383. Closes #161: Add the ALLOWEXPLOSIONS flag, which allows a protection to (commit: db031a9) (details)
  384. Closes #162: Enforce the protection's stored block id (commit: b6ebf33) (details)
  385. Remove tests; unused and causing errors (commit: 3ffb72e) (details)
  386. push devel to top of build list (commit: 4d9fa2e) (details)
  387. Closes #161: ignoreExplosions was still trying to use the old variant (commit: 4d2a2f3) (details)
  388. Major refactoring of what was known as 'AccessRight'. It is now named (commit: 1dafb34) (details)
  389. Closes #168: fixes a bug where doors would appear to disappear if you (commit: e3a9c57) (details)
  390. Lowered entity destruction event priority for real this time (forgot to (commit: 93d9644) (details)
  391. %lighgray% should be %lightgray% (commit: cc1c347) (details)
  392. Closes #136: Protection item keys! These allow you to make your private (commit: 58028b9) (details)
  393. spelling! (commit: ad7b8d3) (details)
  394. When matching protections, remove 'corrupted' protections that shouldn't (commit: 6cd6b40) (details)
  395. rank up andrewkm (commit: 6cb4e81) (details)
  396. Compact the translations section in /lwc credits, makes it easier to (commit: b297224) (details)
  397. Clarification in changelog (commit: 0169a20) (details)
  398. Closes #171: burning furnaces were being seen as corrupted protections (commit: b5a2090) (details)
  399. Begin the translation phase -- a lot of additions (~80) to (commit: 876725f) (details)
  400. 3.56 -- don't load WG/Lists modules unless they plugins are loaded (commit: a96ade5) (details)
  401. put devel back on the top of the build queue (commit: 13443bd) (details)
  402. Minor internal workings, doesn't do much right now but in preparation (commit: 4c877cf) (details)
  403. 3.57 -- ran Jenkins through Building 101  #promote (commit: 954e8d6) (details)
  404. To Jenkins: please kindly switch over to the devel branch. With love, (commit: f16ef3a) (details)
  405. Experimental metrics. Basic non-identifiable data available to anyone: (commit: efcc431) (details)
  406. Add ping to metrics so time-based stats are accurate (e.g 'last hour') (commit: 8895c97) (details)
  407. Only add a plugin to Ping if it isn't already tracked (won't happen (commit: f87ad9c) (details)
  408. Add player counts -- will be pretty graphs at some point when viable (commit: 398566d) (details)
  409. Minor renaming of code that didn't get renamed when AccessRight was (commit: 17e2143) (details)
  410. add Protection.removeAllPermissions() (commit: 5dbd84e) (details)
  411. 3.58: Fix the flags error (>do not< download the jenkins build of this) (commit: e1b3d48) (details)
  412. rebuild lwc-econ (commit: cb59342) (details)
  413. misc renaming for remnants of the AccessRight -> Permission change (commit: cdfffe2) (details)
  414. Closes #163: Add Hungarian translation courtesy of dretax (commit: 5034782) (details)
  415. Closes #163: Add Hungarian translation courtesy of dretax (commit: 56bc0af) (details)
  416. Explicitly build for java 1.6 to avoid potential issues in the future (commit: a989723) (details)
  417. Experimental door & wooden plate feature. It AUTOMATICALLY PROTECTS (commit: 8e72315) (details)
  418. Fix imports (commit: 304dd9c) (details)
  419. Cool feature 002: You can now disable all redstone on a door (/credstone (commit: ea39672) (details)
  420. 4.0.0-beta1: all major changes should now be completed. From here on: (commit: c817937) (details)
  421. Add constructors to Permission and remove protectionId from Permission (commit: eb5d6f3) (details)
  422. amend /lwc credits -- catch up on donations, and also VADemon, (commit: f1c8018) (details)
  423. Let loadProtection(ID) utilize the protection cache (commit: 495d3c3) (details)
  424. modify folder structure the updater will use for stable builds (commit: 9b6f2f2) (details)
  425. Expose the updater config options (core.yml -> updater.branch and (commit: 2ad5f13) (details)
  426. Update the language files with untranslated strings (commit: 32f62d8) (details)
  427. Forgot german! (commit: 63cbd25) (details)
  428. German locale update (commit: 9c5f81b) (details)
  429. Update polish locale with the first two things that were done (commit: 84f1d24) (details)
  430. fix /lwc setup database  to not show %type% (commit: 5889322) (details)
  431. Test jenkins again (post-migration now!) (commit: fae0a4e) (details)
  432. German umlauts (commit: 5270689) (details)
  433. update german locale with some extra block names -jobsti (commit: 8d43fec) (details)
  434. Update the german locale, courtesy PinguinAman (commit: e08aebe) (details)
  435. At long last, the protection's type can now easily be changed. /cmodify (commit: 7a294d8) (details)
  436. Disable the lwc.autprotect perm node and minor grammar error fix. The (commit: e2e98cf) (details)
  437. Disable lwc.autoprotect, take 2 (commit: 7898dfc) (details)
  438. Update Italian (portaro), Dutch (MadZero) and some of Polish (Geoning) (commit: 0672e3b) (details)
  439. Sample config for new limits v2 -- only config is implemented, not (commit: ce8299d) (details)
  440. Limits v2 -- extremely simple and much more easier to use over the (commit: 2daccaf) (details)
  441. If no player limit was present and a group one was, the default would (commit: a01b20e) (details)
  442. Add a method for limits that gets all of the limits that can affect the (commit: 78743db) (details)
  443. Move /climits over to limits v2 and some bug fixes in logic (commit: 0b7f7d2) (details)
  444. reprivatize normalizeName (commit: af44522) (details)
  445. Stop auto downloading limits.yml (old one) so as to not add more (commit: 539c880) (details)
  446. Increase explosion event priority higher to HIGH in order to defeat (commit: b0b3b5a) (details)
  447. protection config: 'quiet' mode which hides all creation messages & (commit: f74bab6) (details)
  448. Fix group limits and some rearranging of stuff to prepare for a command (commit: 479bddb) (details)
  449. add a reload event -- /lwc admin reload will now reload the limitsv2 (commit: 2a3236c) (details)
  450. Closes #128: Command to set limits! Some examples: DEFAULT 5 chests, (commit: 8fae469) (details)
  451. adjust the startup message to be more appropriate (commit: 9ca2d79) (details)
  452. Add the amount of protections the player has to /climits (and for (commit: ba14874) (details)
  453. Fix /lwc setup database when going from mysql -> sqlite (commit: d18684c) (details)
  454. more reliable conversion of old rights (LWC3) -> new rights (commit: 2015d49) (details)
  455. update the changelog (commit: f222c1e) (details)
  456. 4.0.0 - Merry Christmas everyone (commit: 51bbdd5) (details)
  457. Rebuild LWC (commit: ddbb91c) (details)
  458. Fix a dumb Spout bug (in RB and dev builds) that allows protections (e.g (commit: f6a54f0) (details)
  459. Closes #187: Fix the german locale's file encoding (latin-1 -> utf-8) (commit: 277d6c2) (details)
  460. 4.0.1 - bug fix release :) (commit: 4d5725a) (details)
  461. kindly request jenkins to build 4.0.1 (commit: 8dca1f6) (details)
  462. Identified areas that caused 1-2 more queries than normal for protected (commit: 36671df) (details)
  463. fix a bug where protections could override a chest protection in two (commit: 64099c0) (details)
  464. update the credits: donations -> MonsterTKE and imaxorz (commit: ba9bdfa) (details)
  465. Fix an issue with access conversions from 3 -> 4, LWC would assume the (commit: 60e7719) (details)
  466. 4.0.2 - mainly a bugfix/optimization release. Fixes the bug where old (commit: 789fcfc) (details)
  467. make quiet protection config also hide removal message (via removing the (commit: 46ae1e3) (details)
  468. forgot a !, go me! (commit: 5d21be5) (details)
  469. Fix plugins/LWC/locale/ (commit: f027053) (details)
  470. fix removal of double step protections when a step is placed and (commit: 873fc70) (details)
  471. fix automatic upgrade from sqlite->mysql (commit: d1e49b8) (details)
  472. Closes #197: located and restored /lwc admin purgeregion .. (commit: 093fb13) (details)
  473. Fail with a more descriptive failure when LWC cannot connect to the (commit: 00d57c5) (details)
  474. Fix an NPE in limitsv2 that is normally only found when using /climits (commit: 0e0b6ef) (details)
  475. Two great things! When removing one side of a protected double chest, it (commit: 0aeba94) (details)
  476. Oops, missed one debug statement :) (commit: ba74570) (details)
  477. organize the library directory (commit: e4827c5) (details)
  478. fix gitignore (commit: 869a5dc) (details)
  479. soft defend iConomy to fix a bug when using the serverBankAccount (commit: e110528) (details)
  480. soft depend permissions and permissionsbukkit (commit: 4d10dcd) (details)
  481. support custom protections via the data value ( 'id:data' , e.g '181:8' (commit: 171c4eb) (details)
  482. Group limits (in limitsv2.yml) are now case INsensitive - huzzah! (commit: 5d1d4b4) (details)
  483. only perform rights migration once even if the rights table fails to (commit: b5d7b24) (details)
  484. move the log message for rights migration so it only shows up when it (commit: e0c48e4) (details)
  485. How come I never noticed sqlite libraries were using plugins/LWC/lib/lib (commit: 4573d09) (details)
  486. Default values for history object enums (type / status) (commit: e5c6954) (details)
  487. worldguard.allowProtectionsOutsideRegions was working in reverse (true (commit: 405b42a) (details)
  488. Fix an exploit detailed by Sir Spunkiie. the fixes applied to (commit: 58edf5b) (details)
  489. fix my settings to automatically remove unused imports (commit: 72be1e9) (details)
  490. Remove the dependancy on LWC-Spout / LWC-Economy because of some 'dumb' (commit: c816f84) (details)
  491. 4.0.3 - bug fixes all around #promote (commit: 3f3e5b9) (details)
  492. 4.0.4 #promote (commit: 0ab4fa0) (details)
  493. Prevent players from using /lwc fix on protections they cannot (commit: b31ca8a) (details)
  494. Metrics core update to conform with the now public metrics api (commit: b6d37ed) (details)
  495. Use live metrics again (commit: f5b8685) (details)
  496. Fix gravity-matched blocks such as wooden sign, rails, lever, etc. (commit: c31fbb4) (details)
  497. Change to metrics, R2 (commit: 09bcec1) (details)
  498. 4.0.5 (commit: b73a07f) (details)
  499. build 4.0.5, please (commit: 4f7c409) (details)
  500. Allow the group prefix for matching groups via Permissions be changed in (commit: 77ec986) (details)
  501. Don't allow freshly placed pressure plates to open a door that has the (commit: 4bdb870) (details)
  502. LWC-Econ: for multigroups use the highest amount of protections and the (commit: 1a9a63f) (details)
  503. Fix a bug in lwc-econ throwing a NPE (commit: fc2f06a) (details)
  504. Fix a parser error where a default value was "" but the parser was (commit: 8cee5f8) (details)
  505. [2] Fix a parser error where a default value was "" but the parser was (commit: c98b533) (details)
  506. Fix multiple bugs: the charge was not using the correct method to find (commit: d985d96) (details)
  507. /lwc admin purge would interfere with LWC-Econ discount type IN_USE and (commit: b9a7d58) (details)
  508. Metrics R3 (commit: 1f4ffbb) (details)
  509. 4.0.6. Also, bPermissions group support (commit: 420ea87) (details)
  510. 4.0.7, maintenace release to fix an index (commit: fdab004) (details)
  511. Fix a bug in loading the sqlite.jar LWC prefers (commit: 4949075) (details)
  512. (revert back to preferring Bukkit's mysql class loader) (commit: 6236f96) (details)
  513. Remove core.autoUpdate - it was  replaced with updater.updateMethod (commit: 9b8abd3) (details)
  514. Fix lwc admins always receiving protection notices (commit: 1915390) (details)
  515. Refresh the protection cache after /lwc admin deleteprotections is (commit: 1e5e59e) (details)
  516. add optional.exemptBlocks to allow you to exempt specific block IDs from (commit: a330081) (details)
  517. Do not get the latest version if the update method method is manual (commit: 74ba7da) (details)
  518. add wildcard node for protectable blocks, and also update metrics for (commit: 9966763) (details)
  519. wildcard for id:* (e.g to allow protecting of all IC2/RedPower items (commit: 2ab30f6) (details)
  520. 4.0.8: Fix an exploit that allows some very dangerous commands to be (commit: 2af1b3d) (details)
  521. 4.0.9: /lwc admin rebuild: a command to rebuild a wiped database, (commit: 7e437fa) (details)
  522. add the lwc.shownotices permission to always show protection notices (commit: 1b7ac9d) (details)
  523. Some skeleton code and file format documentation for the backup file (commit: aecac5e) (details)
  524. Backups can be created via /lwc admin backup create. No guarantee they (commit: 8dbae48) (details)
  525. LWC full backups are now creatable and savable (saves protections & the (commit: d5a3366) (details)
  526. create a new connection when using /lwc admin cleanup to read (commit: aeb9281) (details)
  527. revert the change to SetupSkel when my tired mind thought it saw (commit: 6b34911) (details)
  528. Use the new Bukkit event system, not compatible with 1.0.1, please use (commit: 86168e9) (details)
  529. Fix permission check when creating a protection (the permission check (commit: 02b0261) (details)
  530. Bring down the hammer of death upon features and let my wrath be known. (commit: c433cb6) (details)
  531. rolling changelog and add missing entries (commit: 85d002e) (details)
  532. grammarize (commit: c981b2d) (details)
  533. commit first, proofread later (commit: 0e9c691) (details)
  534. Separate i18n parsing into separate classes and also use basic menu (commit: 8c18013) (details)
  535. Expire the chest interacted with when using /cunlock (commit: e1dc202) (details)
  536. Change PlayerDropitemEvent to LOWEST priority (commit: a33c6c8) (details)
  537. Change PlayerDropitemEvent to HIGH priority (commit: 6b0f8e5) (details)
  538. Revert "Change PlayerDropitemEvent to HIGH priority" (commit: ae91b7a) (details)
  539. Change PlayerDropitemEvent to HIGH priority (commit: 6e5d196) (details)
  540. Remove Permissions 3 support, update metrics, add /lwc admin (commit: f98e2f0) (details)
  541. 4.1.0 (commit: d0680ae) (details)
  542. Update changelog, remove permissions 3 jar lib (commit: e637c50) (details)
  543. remove Bukkit #1000+ compatibility (commit: 0c1dd28) (details)
  544. correct maven folder structure (commit: 1f2d018) (details)
  545. drop support for showcase 0.7.4 (over 5 months old) and move (commit: b82aa9f) (details)
  546. 1.1.1 (commit: df4542e) (details)
  547. Vault economy support and link against CB 1.2 (commit: 03ecbba) (details)
  548. Commit first, test later (commit: 9306ba0) (details)
  549. Null-check block.getWorld() which appears to be possible to be null for (commit: d2cfc5d) (details)
  550. Implemented VaultPermissions integration (commit: a62670a) (details)
  551. Adds Fence_Gates config. Fixes #193 (commit: 766e10a) (details)
  552. Don't throw mile long exceptions when the updater fails to do something (commit: f773b70) (details)
  553. Commit and THEN proof-read, solid strategy (commit: 30a1ba9) (details)
  554. For VaultCurrency, keep checking for an economy providor in isActive() (commit: 47346a8) (details)
  555. spelling (commit: 8ff4feb) (details)
  556. use hasPermission not hasAdminPermission for lwc.shownotices (commit: b8a5b32) (details)
  557. default lwc.shownotices to false (commit: f5d904c) (details)
  558. shownotices -> op, require the permission AND core.showNotices config (commit: 05a4722) (details)
  559. Implement entityBreakDoor and add the config option allowEntityBreakDoor (commit: fe24d92) (details)
  560. remove child nodes from lwc.protect (commit: c1d7f8f) (details)
  561. Potentially large performance fixes all around- (commit: b115958) (details)
  562. INTEGER (hash code) not STRING, that is one reason why I should not have (commit: 5579642) (details)
  563. Fix a bug where when using /cprivate manually the null would not be (commit: 5e42a6a) (details)
  564. Even more performance issues fixed. I do not guarantee there are no bugs (commit: 0d39aa1) (details)
  565. Fix an NPE when clicking blocks under doors (locale parsing returns null (commit: a4a7df1) (details)
  566. removeModes () should be using the accessor method not the direct set (commit: 8910ec5) (details)
  567. Fix an NPE (commit: 2ed20ca) (details)
  568. fix setting messages to null to make them not be sent (commit: b2e57da) (details)
  569. definitely* fixed setting messages to null *: it worked locally (commit: 33203ea) (details)
  570. Fix protections showing LWC admins as owner (locked by 'you') (commit: 4122661) (details)
  571. Two experimental optimizations that proved a noticeable effect in (commit: 7d405e8) (details)
  572. commons split () doesnt use regex, oops :) (commit: 320c4c6) (details)
  573. Even more performance enhancements. This time: both the interact and (commit: a17ac63) (details)
  574. fix a minor caching issue (force blocks out of the null cache when (commit: 56275a6) (details)
  575. Fix a cache synchronization bug that can cause other protections to not (commit: a324755) (details)
  576. The rest of the cache synchronization issues should* now be fixed. (commit: 306df70) (details)
  577. Fix double chests removing the protection when one side is removed. (commit: 4f4f9ce) (details)
  578. Fix double doors (force a full match of blocks that match a protection (commit: ace4397) (details)
  579. Revert double doors to use .get(0) instead of .get(1) incase of weird (commit: afa54b3) (details)
  580. Remove the message queue and fix %currencyname% not showing up in /lwc (commit: e214a3b) (details)
  581. Many months late, but add /lwc info history. When used in conjunction (commit: ce7f087) (details)
  582. automate security (so we dont have to do hocus pocus) (commit: 694e28f) (details)
  583. Fix a cache inconsistency issue where placed blocks may not be shown as (commit: c91df11) (details)
  584. I guess I should be committing the other file that changed too right? (commit: 3a4c510) (details)
  585. Potential fix for an elusive dupe that utilizes magnet chests (commit: 7820302) (details)
  586. simplify my greedy checks, stack can never be null as its always been (commit: b18436a) (details)
  587. fix an npe when protection count > cacheSize (normally) (commit: 22b214d) (details)
  588. remove console message when using /cinfo (commit: 1e8d94a) (details)
  589. CreeperHeal support - do not remove protections if creeper heal is (commit: 83db5ef) (details)
  590. Remove the null cache. After a feature causes me to scratch my head more (commit: ffbe885) (details)
  591. Remove the dependency on apache commons, and also fix an oopsie that (commit: 36169c1) (details)
  592. everyone loves having the day LWC was built in the version string, (commit: e3330ae) (details)
  593. UTC exists (I was using AST before) (commit: c3c8dc0) (details)
  594. Rewrite Door logic to be 99% more awesome. It now properly does not open (commit: 2da13bb) (details)
  595. Update metrics and add Locale graph (commit: 8839693) (details)
  596. forgot the comment! (commit: 10b1fe3) (details)
  597. Database engine graph (commit: dee286c) (details)
  598. mediocre optimizations that could have larger effects in real-world (commit: 855491b) (details)
  599. fix double doors having interesting behaviour :-) (commit: 016f617) (details)
  600. /lwc info history was not properly removing itself from the player's (commit: 145247f) (details)
  601. 4.2.0! (commit: 2ea6886) (details)
  602. support unsupported permissions plugins when Vault is used by falling (commit: 11835b2) (details)
  603. support unsupported permissions plugins when Vault is used by falling (commit: edc5ee6) (details)
  604. add the groups lwc sees players as having in /lwc debug (commit: d73b2a7) (details)
  605. Fix some behaviour with fence gates when opening them (commit: e9c3b0a) (details)
  606. Restore Tekkit compatibility (commit: 993f1ea) (details)
  607. Normalize startup output (some was LWC:, others [LWC]) and also remove (commit: 9d65a4a) (details)
  608. Update CraftBukkit ref to R3 (commit: a852577) (details)
  609. for LWC admins, don't reset last accessed times unless they own the (commit: d6439a4) (details)
  610. Fixed item duplication/infinite item bug involving magnet chests. (commit: fda4d5f) (details)
  611. tabs -> spaces, add braces (commit: fcb5541) (details)
  612. i missed an indention level :< (commit: 660983a) (details)
  613. change default automatic updating to no automatic updating (commit: 442a185) (details)
  614. add mob arena support, to prevent drop transfer in mob arenas (commit: 17213af) (details)
  615. missing @Override annotation (commit: c45783a) (details)
  616. move all external plugin support modules to the pluginsupport package (commit: 0d7adea) (details)
  617. allow int block IDs to be used in limit definitions (commit: b480844) (details)
  618. prevent entities (i.e villages) from opening protections (i.e doors) -- (commit: 13e8307) (details)
  619. missed import (ehhh???) (commit: 77c7f56) (details)
  620. villagers not villages (commit: 49ce72c) (details)
  621. fix a possible NPE (commit: 98b26e0) (details)
  622. don't download configs anymore as they're already in the jar, instead (commit: bbb5458) (details)
  623. fix modules registering even if they only implement Module and don't (commit: 530a539) (details)
  624. applied correct format for this pull request tabs to spaces and no (commit: f9547ba) (details)
  625. oops (commit: aaf9455) (details)
  626. Fix an NPE (commit: 8db1a73) (details)
  627. another nullcheck (which shouldn't occur ?) (commit: 01b0b6f) (details)
  628. disregard that, let's find out what is null, as it shouldn't be null (commit: fbfcc47) (details)
  629. protection type can sometimes resolve to null, somehow? (commit: 41cce06) (details)
  630. Tiny mistake in comments (commit: 1220b73) (details)
  631. Play the door toggle sound effect on door toggle (commit: 62ed772) (details)
  632. fix a long overdue bug with saplings (commit: ea8c1fc) (details)
  633. Add the REGION permission type to interface with WorldGuard regions (commit: 503d522) (details)
  634. add language messages for bencvt's region permission additions (commit: fa09e6a) (details)
  635. mcpc support for blocking placement of transport pipes beside chests the (commit: b12892f) (details)
  636. unroll * import (commit: d521d0a) (details)
  637. Should fix cases where materials on blocks appear to be null (some (commit: a3b81d8) (details)
  638. metrics update (commit: 2fc0932) (details)
  639. remove the player chat event for now and update CB reference. It is not (commit: f3fe48a) (details)
  640. Fix issue where MCPC isnt detected if using CB++. And fix pipes not (commit: 3449f09) (details)
  641. return return return! (commit: e4ce683) (details)
  642. prepare for release 4.3.0, update changelog (commit: d63e977) (details)
  643. kindly request another build (commit: 9fa83df) (details)
  644. duplicates WG code, whoops (commit: 03e877a) (details)
  645. fix ic2 wrench breaking LWC protected machines, todo: investigate why (commit: e3143dc) (details)
  646. remove needless nanoTime() call (which can actually be quite expensive!) (commit: 91b49c7) (details)
  647. fix /lwc admin reload to reload cached configuration values, especially (commit: a429269) (details)
  648. allow /lwc limits <player> in console and give a better error when a (commit: 862f747) (details)
  649. send the output of /lwc limits to the right person :) (commit: 955e66f) (details)
  650. replace NMS in LWC-Spout, fixes compilation (commit: d8ed6e0) (details)
  651. hide an underlying issue between shared prepared statements that can (commit: 1215df9) (details)
  652. fix potential NPE (commit: 35d153e) (details)
  653. merge in changes by AlphA (albeit modified) which add config support for (commit: 9bef00e) (details)
  654. removed a method I wrote and then thought I didn't need, oops (commit: 2113955) (details)
  655. javadoc fix (commit: dd90132) (details)
  656. remove all references to the deprecated ContainerBlock (replaced with (commit: bc0e443) (details)
  657. In the StructureGrowEvent, do not check blocks which are not (commit: 41148ec) (details)
  658. add config option for allowing cross world drop transferring (commit: 4dffee8) (details)
  659. Magnet: Items that are polled are not considered "fresh" as items are (commit: 968ebb6) (details)
  660. optimize magnet to be highly efficient when dealing with a lot of (commit: de42453) (details)
  661. run /lwc admin cleanup in a separate thread -- if your server grinded to (commit: 17efa56) (details)
  662. Closes #393 for magnet chests, only pickup items that have lived for (commit: 43079c6) (details)
  663. closes #394 don't put items into furnaces when input slots are already (commit: 85aff8e) (details)
  664. #395 #396 Fallback to superperms if Vault does not return any groups for (commit: 403d3f9) (details)
  665. null check vault's shenanigans (commit: 2556a9c) (details)
  666. fix the AUTOCLOSE flag (commit: 367dda5) (details)
  667. #409 - patch by @Brianum to not allow magnet chests to deposit into the (commit: 452a041) (details)
  668. fix compatibility with bukkit 1.4.4 (commit: b3ee503) (details)
  669. update changelog, prepare release for 4.3.1 (commit: d6a16a2) (details)
  670. put the plethora of bug fixes under the optimization (commit: 5192775) (details)
  671. catch the exception thrown by Vault when using Super Perms. (commit: 9e4837c) (details)
  672. work around what appears to be world corruption in signs. very rare, (commit: 9d133ea) (details)
  673. log to the console when a possibly invalid block is found (commit: 8ad6fcf) (details)
  674. Add a db pool in a slightly elegant way without having to modify the (commit: ff6ef30) (details)
  675. when left clicking signs don't cancel the interact event. closes #433 (commit: e89aecd) (details)
  676. fix saving protection history when creating a protection (commit: 3eadb14) (details)
  677. Magnet: convert scanForInventoryBlocks to native code (use tile (commit: 274475f) (details)
  678. Don't use unnecessary getItemStack() calls by using native code. #441 (commit: 8ea1068) (details)
  679. naïve implemention of async magnets. if needed could be improved by (commit: e082d69) (details)
  680. addresses issues with connections staying open when a exception occurs (commit: 9c717fb) (details)
  681. fix issues with new LWC dbs not initializing properly (commit: 03eb6a1) (details)
  682. move downloader logic to before the database is connected to. (commit: d993012) (details)
  683. simplify some login that could be confusing (commit: 40a9146) (details)
  684. Remove automatic updating. Instead, a notice will be printed in the (commit: 4653db5) (details)
  685. uninitialise dat int (commit: 9656ee0) (details)
  686. remove extraneous startup output and move some of it to /lwc admin (commit: 30ec9d1) (details)
  687. remove /lwc admin update, update /lwc admin version (commit: a798cf4) (details)
  688. modify /lwc admin report cache size colour thresholds (commit: 85a0589) (details)
  689. Highly experimental entity protection & slightly improved magnets. NOTE (commit: 3413f60) (details)
  690. check if item is dead (commit: 879bc99) (details)
  691. improve errorneous database configurations. Errors that are no huge (commit: 0bb5161) (details)
  692. Make LWC compatible with CB build removing easy visibility to NMS / CB (commit: c26e641) (details)
  693. attempt to load sqlite.jar via two methods #457 (commit: e8b1b99) (details)
  694. failed logic -- check for crossWorld == false not true (commit: e4cf5c8) (details)
  695. allow entity protections to be configured in core.yml. storage_minecart, (commit: 8f82eac) (details)
  696. Metrics R6 (commit: f756a79) (details)
  697. Metrics change for java version (commit: 2d9c45a) (details)
  698. LWC-Econ: use class-loader-of instead of using Class-Path in the (commit: 5a50f3a) (details)
  699. improvements to magnet again and remove storage minecart magnets for now (commit: 1897f70) (details)
  700. fix matching blocks attached to wall signs. looks like minecraft did the (commit: e24d790) (details)
  701. CB can throw exceptions when depositing items. catch them (commit: d261c6c) (details)
  702. use Bukkit's getFIle() to get the location to LWC's jar instead of the (commit: c05e0a8) (details)
  703. safen up some calls (commit: 25cf7f4) (details)
  704. Flush when extremely full -- experimental (commit: d394231) (details)
  705. Add pool statistics to /lwc admin report and don't forcefully flush (commit: 547c22a) (details)
  706. Run database thread in a task on the main thread for now. Seems to fix (commit: a9be214) (details)
  707. add core.updateNotifier to enable/disable the update notifier (commit: 98119d2) (details)
  708. Donation chest support. does not require spout or NMS/OBC (commit: 734e368) (details)
  709. remove frivolous statements (commit: 2556f75) (details)
  710. Allow "sign" limit in limitsv2 to apply to _both_ wall signs and sign (commit: 75e835d) (details)
  711. Move the database thread to async task and impose a work limit (commit: 20780f9) (details)
  712. fix legacy limits not expecting to see entity protections (commit: 942199e) (details)
  713. didn't mean to commit some extra output messages (commit: 2fec063) (details)
  714. fix database migration (saveNow() used to create if it needed to, it no (commit: fc9abfb) (details)
  715. Disable magnets globally for now due to ongoing lag issues with it (commit: 410c2d3) (details)
  716. fix double doors opening protections you don't have access to (commit: 82754e5) (details)
  717. share 1 connection when flushing the db queue instead of opening a lot (commit: f0db2ce) (details)
  718. catch exception in rare cases when bukkit fails to get the location of a (commit: 5431cc5) (details)
  719. Revert "catch exception in rare cases when bukkit fails to get the (commit: 5fedfd3) (details)
  720. Revert "share 1 connection when flushing the db queue instead of opening (commit: f60472e) (details)
  721. Revert "fix double doors opening protections you don't have access to" (commit: 9a0a141) (details)
  722. Revert "Disable magnets globally for now due to ongoing lag issues with (commit: 6f51c30) (details)
  723. Revert "fix database migration (saveNow() used to create if it needed (commit: 0239ef4) (details)
  724. Revert "didn't mean to commit some extra output messages" (commit: fe9840e) (details)
  725. Revert "fix legacy limits not expecting to see entity protections" (commit: 29b30b0) (details)
  726. Revert "Move the database thread to async task and impose a work limit" (commit: c06d89b) (details)
  727. Revert "Allow "sign" limit in limitsv2 to apply to _both_ wall signs and (commit: e2cdc2f) (details)
  728. Revert "remove frivolous statements" (commit: 9c4ace6) (details)
  729. Revert "Donation chest support. does not require spout or NMS/OBC" (commit: 4a82c1d) (details)
  730. Revert "add core.updateNotifier to enable/disable the update notifier" (commit: 73a5928) (details)
  731. Revert "Run database thread in a task on the main thread for now. Seems (commit: 4f6f101) (details)
  732. Revert "Add pool statistics to /lwc admin report and don't forcefully (commit: 0d19c6d) (details)
  733. Revert "Flush when extremely full -- experimental" (commit: 6c71770) (details)
  734. Revert "safen up some calls" (commit: 441b064) (details)
  735. Revert "use Bukkit's getFIle() to get the location to LWC's jar instead (commit: e77ac19) (details)
  736. Revert "CB can throw exceptions when depositing items. catch them" (commit: 242c7bf) (details)
  737. Revert "fix matching blocks attached to wall signs. looks like minecraft (commit: 5427cbe) (details)
  738. Revert "improvements to magnet again and remove storage minecart magnets (commit: e7762ae) (details)
  739. Revert "LWC-Econ: use class-loader-of instead of using Class-Path in the (commit: 3078f4c) (details)
  740. Revert "Metrics change for java version" (commit: 53c6b39) (details)
  741. Revert "Metrics R6" (commit: 586686f) (details)
  742. Revert "allow entity protections to be configured in core.yml. (commit: 0c48fdb) (details)
  743. Revert "failed logic -- check for crossWorld == false not true" (commit: a19f2ea) (details)
  744. Revert "attempt to load sqlite.jar via two methods #457" (commit: da86e4d) (details)
  745. Revert "Make LWC compatible with CB build removing easy visibility to (commit: 85cc306) (details)
  746. Revert "improve errorneous database configurations. Errors that are no (commit: 1ea289a) (details)
  747. Revert "check if item is dead" (commit: 2578c80) (details)
  748. Revert "Highly experimental entity protection & slightly improved (commit: 118356f) (details)
  749. Revert "modify /lwc admin report cache size colour thresholds" (commit: f8b81f3) (details)
  750. Revert "remove /lwc admin update, update /lwc admin version" (commit: 6149ae9) (details)
  751. Revert "remove extraneous startup output and move some of it to /lwc (commit: daaac49) (details)
  752. Revert "uninitialise dat int" (commit: fccb361) (details)
  753. Revert "Remove automatic updating. Instead, a notice will be printed in (commit: 5ae8e52) (details)
  754. Revert "simplify some login that could be confusing" (commit: 1640694) (details)
  755. Revert "move downloader logic to before the database is connected to." (commit: de210da) (details)
  756. Revert "fix issues with new LWC dbs not initializing properly" (commit: bf0804a) (details)
  757. Revert "addresses issues with connections staying open when a exception (commit: d6f8f8e) (details)
  758. Revert "naïve implemention of async magnets. if needed could be improved (commit: c876f11) (details)
  759. Revert "Don't use unnecessary getItemStack() calls by using native code. (commit: 2cf4586) (details)
  760. Revert "Magnet: convert scanForInventoryBlocks to native code (use tile (commit: f1806cf) (details)
  761. Revert "fix saving protection history when creating a protection" (commit: 499e533) (details)
  762. Revert "when left clicking signs don't cancel the interact event. closes (commit: b46034b) (details)
  763. Revert "Add a db pool in a slightly elegant way without having to modify (commit: daa9893) (details)
  764. when left clicking signs don't cancel the interact event. closes #433 (commit: 9e201b4) (details)
  765. move downloader logic to before the database is connected to. (commit: 6771e28) (details)
  766. simplify some login that could be confusing (commit: c7cf589) (details)
  767. Remove automatic updating. Instead, a notice will be printed in the (commit: 270c08c) (details)
  768. uninitialise dat int (commit: 0c22f27) (details)
  769. remove extraneous startup output and move some of it to /lwc admin (commit: a25e4f3) (details)
  770. modify /lwc admin report cache size colour thresholds (commit: 6c85c0b) (details)
  771. remove /lwc admin update, update /lwc admin version (commit: 71d88b5) (details)
  772. CraftBukkit NMS/OBC update (commit: ecfe81d) (details)
  773. failed logic -- check for crossWorld == false not true (commit: 21ffd70) (details)
  774. LWC-Econ: use class-loader-of instead of using Class-Path in the (commit: 9eac40e) (details)
  775. fix matching blocks attached to wall signs. looks like minecraft did the (commit: 22cb713) (details)
  776. CB can throw exceptions when depositing items. catch them (commit: cc380a0) (details)
  777. use Bukkit's getFIle() to get the location to LWC's jar instead of the (commit: cc80a19) (details)
  778. add core.updateNotifier to enable/disable the update notifier (commit: 8058051) (details)
  779. Donation chest support. does not require spout or NMS/OBC (commit: 53afe36) (details)
  780. remove frivolous statements (commit: bb7899b) (details)
  781. Allow "sign" limit in limitsv2 to apply to _both_ wall signs and sign (commit: 3f002d6) (details)
  782. fix double doors opening protections you don't have access to (commit: c016e73) (details)
  783. catch exception in rare cases when bukkit fails to get the location of a (commit: eda377c) (details)
  784. Heroes support. Don't allow drop xfers when hero is in combat (commit: 008a1d6) (details)
  785. Not efficient at all! Revert "optimize magnet to be highly efficient (commit: 42c9445) (details)
  786. Keep the ticks check, though. (commit: 3b6b7b8) (details)
  787. clean up the magnet class a bit (commit: defc897) (details)
  788. Ignore the DB when all protections are cached when checking for (commit: 8f2a0f7) (details)
  789. remove undesired console output :) (commit: 8cbeba0) (details)
  790. properly remove cached protections when using fastRemoveProtections. (commit: 644b0da) (details)
  791. Add /cdonation to help menu /lwc (commit: 84ca951) (details)
  792. fix matching trap doors. Data values were changed. (commit: 77552e2) (details)
  793. Minor grammar fix (commit: 8519218) (details)
  794. Send a keepalive packet to the database server approximately every 5 (commit: 7d1402b) (details)
  795. Update src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/ (commit: 72dc874) (details)
  796. update CreeperHeal reference. (commit: 931473a) (details)
  797. test (commit: 20ab77d) (details)
  798. replace craftbukkit with bukkit (commit: 6974d7a) (details)
  799. Revert "test" (commit: d8a3d2c) (details)
  800. configurable database ping interval (commit: 29dd7b4) (details)
  801. move MobArena logic to the drop transfer handler so it does not block (commit: 17e09dd) (details)
  802. fix being able to swap items in donation chests that have the same id / (commit: e3323f5) (details)
  803. fix-fix MobArena cancelling item drops. (commit: 9d4a60e) (details)
  804. some bug fixes with donation chests. Most importantly, fix being able to (commit: f53c7a7) (details)
  805. fix potential NPE (I wouldn't think it would ever be null anymore but I (commit: eecd637) (details)
  806. Credits changes (/lwc credits). add in the donations for the last ~year (commit: 417cc22) (details)
  807. give %owner% to lock messages (commit: c191055) (details)
  808. Fix lwc mods resetting the last accessed time on chests they do not have (commit: 76f2756) (details)
  809. add readonly-modify and readonly-remove to protection configs. allows (commit: fde4c9a) (details)
  810. allow limits via permissions: lwc.protect.BLOCKID/NAME.# or by default (commit: c182a7b) (details)
  811. allow limits parsing to be enabled / disabled (commit: b0cfcc7) (details)
  812. whitespace (commit: 9a5fe3b) (details)
  813. safely ignore array index out of bounds generated by a bukkit call (commit: 88a7ab4) (details)
  814. fix blacklistedBlocks not matching certain combos. fixes Hoppers (id (commit: 6fa3614) (details)
  815. change version to 4.3.2 for second (and probably last) beta release. (commit: b38ad78) (details)
  816. fix blacklisted block bug with allowing blocks in certain arrangement (commit: 8d3e744) (details)
  817. bounds check inventory slot on inventory click event to escape the event (commit: 4c7eb8d) (details)
  818. caught AbstractMethodError for inventory event's (commit: c9a7c63) (details)
  819. move blacklist block handling from its own event handler to LWC's own (commit: 4336884) (details)
  820. fix blacklistedBlocks being broken by the last build ( and also the (commit: 54578ee) (details)
  821. cut out some unused code (commit: d5280e7) (details)
  822. native support for Double Trapped chests. (commit: a40f72b) (details)
  823. magic chest enums! (commit: 4dc96c6) (details)
  824. alias 'chest' in core.yml to both Chest and Trapped Chest. (commit: 3ea06a4) (details)
  825. add Hoppers to core.yml by default the first time this version/build is (commit: 604e318) (details)
  826. add Trapped Chests to core.yml by default the first time this (commit: 020a416) (details)
  827. reduce visibility (commit: 65d7b79) (details)
  828. while i'm simplifying things take it a _step further_ (commit: c28776e) (details)
  829. fix placing hoppers on donation chests you don't have admin access to (commit: e8914b1) (details)
  830. don't attempt to ping the database if we are not connected to it (commit: edd08b6) (details)
  831. Disable hoppers on protections by default. They can be enabled on (commit: 771cc89) (details)
  832. hopper prevention now uses both dest/source. this just adds destination (commit: baa4e4d) (details)
  833. Fix minor bugs with donation chests: allow left clicking (inserting) (commit: 3bd8ca3) (details)
  834. Replaced this ugly StackTrace message (Failed to connect to MySQL) with (commit: 5728875) (details)
  835. when using fastRemoveProtections account for protections that can match (commit: 28a0743) (details)
  836. Implement Bukkit's doubleClick() method for InventoryClickEvent. Still a (commit: e5e7ae1) (details)
  837. Throwabl, not Exception. (commit: f7784a2) (details)
  838. Fix Block name matching for protectable blocks in core.yml. This finally (commit: 6d2ef60) (details)
  839. fix misc formatting (commit: 71aec35) (details)
  840. Replace the enumset used to check if a block is an inventory with a (commit: 0f7e798) (details)
  841. Updated French language file (commit: 25c97b7) (details)
  842. Auto protect can create duplicate protections when blocks are (commit: 0c1a034) (details)
  843. Remove JS (commit: 3d1170c) (details)
  844. Metrics R7 (commit: 8d9c0a3) (details)
  845. Change version string (commit: cc36fd0) (details)
  846. Update (commit: c7111ba) (details)
  847. fullRemoveProtections should update the history table to make the (commit: b9ac4b8) (details)
  848. fullRemoveProtections should update the history table to make the (commit: efb6edb) (details)
  849. It looks like the sign blanking bug has been fixed (when cancelling (commit: 109a799) (details)
  850. Could swear I ctrl+f'd cremoveall before :-( (commit: e4cd156) (details)
  851. Implement chest double click (implemented in MC 1.5). This fixes issues (commit: d380b4e) (details)
  852. Allow hoppers to transfer items if the hopper AND inventory it's (commit: 26356c7) (details)
  853. Prepare for adaptive cache testing with a known-nulls cache. This (commit: e72b569) (details)
  854. Fix a somewhat long standing bug where you might see "grass" or (commit: b476444) (details)
  855. New adaptive cache increasing which can be requested by high-intensity (commit: d018552) (details)
  856. protection.removeCache() should remove adjacent blocks that aren't (commit: bb622ed) (details)
  857. Add findProtection(location) which can be used to avoid precious (commit: aa2c8dd) (details)
  858. Potentially use one less findProtection call (commit: ddca6ac) (details)
  859. simplify expression to xor (simpler to understand) (commit: 6037431) (details)
  860. Some specific optimizations targeted at hoppers but should help all (commit: 52be000) (details)
  861. Revert some changes done by commit 52be0009: precaching all blocks in (commit: 78b43f5) (details)
  862. Add a method counter which right now is just used for the cache in /lwc (commit: 0265839) (details)
  863. formatting (commit: cac8742) (details)
  864. Restore /lwc admin view (commit: e4579ef) (details)
  865. The null cache doesn't need to be weak (the value is always strong ....) (commit: 5b01b5f) (details)
  866. Hopper events only ever have 1 inventory to select from so instead of (commit: b92e97b) (details)
  867. The messy hopper protection stuff can be shifted back to the (commit: 5229817) (details)
  868. More optimizations regarding hoppers. Mainly, only if hoppers aren't (commit: 47afa84) (details)
  869. Fix NPE in Updater (commit: 7d74b25) (details)
  870. Add second entity explode event that removes protections from blocks (commit: 03d11ff) (details)
  871. Properly update cache when a chest is removed from a double chest (commit: 5b518ec) (details)
  872. Fix NPE in LWCBlockListener (commit: 27c81a0) (details)
  873. #742 Updated Danish translation from cannafix (commit: 63d674c) (details)
  874. Donation chests: Compare enchanted book contents. This fixes being able (commit: c38016d) (details)
  875. Auto closing doors: now support trap doors (commit: df3ab12) (details)
  876. Database connection errors: print out the cause error (more descriptive) (commit: a150d35) (details)
  877. Properly handle protected trap doors placed on the upper part of a (commit: c8e7486) (details)
  878. Validate protections when a block is placed (commit: b577d6d) (details)
  879. Switch to maven from ant \o/ (commit: 57cd759) (details)
  880. Update readme (commit: 7f4bba9) (details)
  881. Fix LWC-Economy - was not loading (commit: c201e67) (details)
  882. Move LWC's load time back to startup (commit: eb13844) (details)
  883. Check that block.getState does not throw NPE. Apparently BlockSkull can (commit: d6532d6) (details)
  884. #811 Initial UUID work. This is NOT backwards compatible with MC 1.6 (commit: 67ab525) (details)
  885. Remove log message, and save when a protection is converted after being (commit: d1d1c50) (details)
  886. Don't convert protections when they are loaded for now (only when (commit: 4518763) (details)
  887. #811 Do not convert protections to UUIDs at the moment until the new (commit: 2ed212e) (details)
  888. #811 Register protections using a player's name instead of their UUID -- (commit: 880acaf) (details)
  889. Fix a cache invalidation bug as reported by andrewkm. Thanks! (commit: 9137675) (details)
  890. Fix issue with LWC downloading Linux native libraries on FreeBSD (and (commit: 395232f) (details)
  891. *libsqlitejdbc (commit: b883895) (details)
  892. Initial update for Minecraft 1.8 to restore compilation. (commit: 6ce37d6) (details)
  893. Support new doors added in MC 1.8. (commit: b5c15db) (details)
  894. Add the new 1.8 doors to the config by default (commit: 6151fae) (details)
  895. Add travis file (commit: aaa9a30) (details)
  896. Add support for new MC 1.8 fence gates. (commit: 634058e) (details)
  897. Add support for MC 1.8 banners (both standing & wall). (commit: 2f3d535) (details)
  898. Add support for MC 1.8 Iron Trap Doors. This includes support for right (commit: 805ec72) (details)
  899. Make iron trapdoors protectable by default. (commit: 0a3ec63) (details)
  900. Updater: Don't cause NPEs when using BSD (which atm required PureJava (commit: 02ced0a) (details)
  901. Private protections: Allow access via the player's name as well as their (commit: 88552d8) (details)
  902. /cmodify @player was not working with later builds because their UUID (commit: 57b4f98) (details)
  903. Remove unused var (commit: d62cf1a) (details)
  904. Restore compatibility with MC 1.6.4 & 1.7.10 (likely other versions as (commit: 5bba25e) (details)
  905. Add travis webhook (commit: 68c96db) (details)
  906. Protections should be created using a player's UUID. (commit: 11fb163) (details)
  907. Adapt protection matching to accept BlockState objects. (commit: 2895120) (details)
  908. Don't let beds replace protections. (commit: b761279) (details)
  909. Fix removing flags (commit: c77a734) (details)
  910. First Upload (commit: 4bb1656) (details)
  911. Create (commit: b530d4e) (details)
  912. Moving Stuff.... (commit: 52a18f5) (details)
  913. Update (commit: 59775ac) (details)
  914. Update (commit: dde922e) (details)
  915. Fixing WG locking with entities (commit: 747cb84) (details)
  916. Update (commit: 800cbd3) (details)
  917. Updating to newest Version (commit: 261d2bc) (details)
  918. Updated (commit: b9473a4) (details)
  919. Updating for 1.8.4 (commit: da08baa) (details)
  920. Update (commit: 58dd465) (details)
  921. Stuff (commit: a726f7b) (details)
  922. Several bugfixes + features: - Armor stands can now be autoprotected (commit: cb515dd) (details)
  923. - Removed specialized depencies (now vault is required) - Remove (commit: 5788495) (details)
  924. - remove double armor stand check - remove metrics - cleanup (commit: 9908bfc) (details)
  925. - Don't update the last accessed of a protection when an admin opens it. (commit: 7e086fd) (details)
  926. some changes (commit: ed01e39) (details)
  927. remove updater, remove own library loading, some bugfixes (commit: 78df38d) (details)
  928. cleanup (commit: 30068f6) (details)
  929. optimize cleanup and some minor fixes (commit: 9dedfda) (details)
  930. - fix: update protection timespamp when accessing as non-owner - change: (commit: 827d555) (details)
  931. fix persist: cancel pending actions when turning it off fix free module: (commit: 92c8c32) (details)
  932. cleanup: remove some bullshit (commit: 6f59412) (details)
  933. update readme (commit: 163697b) (details)
  934. fixed cleanup, timeout for mojang lookups (commit: 9afd3da) (details)
  935. fix UUIDRegistry (commit: c95847a) (details)
  936. Update to latest WorldGuard (commit: 63cd2bf) (details)
  937. Optimize Hoppers (commit: e484c1f) (details)
  938. Clear protection cache after cleanup (commit: 1633e3d) (details)
  939. protection owners and access list members can access any protection type (commit: ec8f3f0) (details)
  940. Improve LWCPlayer cache (commit: 5e55ec6) (details)
  941. Respect world when finding players in some region (commit: 427213d) (details)
  942. mavenize, remove towny support (commit: 1a51a5a) (details)
  943. formating (commit: ea394f9) (details)
  944. cache entity lookups, some cleanup (commit: 7d0b978) (details)
  945. Greatly optimize cache + More stats in the report (commit: 157f47c) (details)
  946. Remove DatabaseThread, it causes more harm than good (commit: 863f645) (details)
  947. Update last_accessed only all 5 seconds (commit: aa47339) (details)
  948. Cleanup cleanup (commit: c462f2c) (details)
  949. Update readme (commit: 4270941) (details)
  950. Formating (commit: c04c42f) (details)
  951. Remove MCPC support (commit: 5a07227) (details)
  952. Update to make it ready for 1.13 (commit: 0fa6e7c) (details)
  953. Catch some more block changes (commit: efb40aa) (details)
  954. No longer look for trapdoors + remove forgotten ignored deprecation (commit: a4db9c4) (details)
  955. Move resources to the correct location (commit: 59f4a7e) (details)
  956. copy block mappings to new database when switching databases (commit: 4f94db3) (details)
  957. use bukkits ItemStack.isSimilar instead of own implementation (commit: 869e998) (details)
  958. Cleanup imports (commit: 706f309) (details)
  959. Formating changes.. (commit: 94113ca) (details)
  960. Fix opening of protected iron trapdoors (commit: e516034) (details)
  961. Protect blocks against entities (enderman,anvil,..) (commit: f2e8174) (details)
  962. 5.0.13 Release (commit: 5cc8018) (details)
  963. 5.0.14-SNAPSHOT (commit: a77dd04) (details)
  964. Fix creating entity protections with /cprivate (/lock) command (commit: 863f0fc) (details)
  965. Cleanup player name to uuid converting (commit: 8d41dfb) (details)
  966. Remove backup function. it did not even work (async world access). (commit: a74ec65) (details)
  967. Remove some unused methods and fix module (it was for beta 1.8) (commit: 430e704) (details)
  968. cleanup imports (commit: 36f7d8c) (details)
  969. New command to transfer all protections from one player to another one (commit: 3d8b0c9) (details)
  970. Update paper repository url (commit: 4ff6ec2) (details)
  971. utf8 for lang strings (commit: dc70e03) (details)
  972. Protect protected entities against explosion damage (commit: 1d37e61) (details)
  973. remove some unneccessary object cloning (commit: 956e415) (details)
  974. Remove unused import (commit: a8c335b) (details)
  975. remove pex dependency as it causes build errors (commit: 34d7148) (details)
  976. Update to 1.13 (still buggy, don't update yet) (commit: 60b4c5f) (details)
  977. Update readme (1.13) (commit: 85641cb) (details)
  978. Improve double chest detection (commit: 9b5d8e1) (details)
  979. Update from 1.13-pre7 to 1.13 (commit: ce04184) (details)
  980. Update to WorldGuard 7 (commit: f811f0e) (details)
  981. Ignore deprecation warning in uuid converter (commit: c949ab8) (details)
  982. Convert protections 1.12 -> 1.13 (commit: cad5cd6) (details)
  983. Remap protections resolving to no material (commit: b787a22) (details)
  984. Fix WG regionmember access for entities (commit: 963794b) (details)
  985. remove outdated WG special case (commit: 8fc2f7a) (details)
  986. Allow protection members to remove items from ItemFrames (commit: 9fa2015) (details)
  987. improve entity protection (commit: b0a5e4d) (details)
  988. improve entity protection (commit: 28193e5) (details)
  989. fix several bugs with entity protections (commit: b42a2ad) (details)
  990. rename variable (commit: 2574285) (details)
  991. fix default config node for entities (commit: bda95f3) (details)
  992. Remove unused import (commit: 83b6d9e) (details)
  993. Allow upgrading from very old versions (commit: eadb624) (details)
  994. Remove dead pex repository (commit: 4c5f435) (details)
  995. specify distribution repository in pom.xml (commit: e7dad40) (details)
  996. Update readme: add jenkins link (commit: 61a1197) (details)
  997. compile against spigot (commit: a8a57af) (details)
  998. Add converter for ModernLWC (commit: ca7734b) (details)
  999. If its a block, its not entity (commit: 2332de3) (details)
  1000. Improve protection upgrading (commit: b94dbbc) (details)
  1001. fix NPE because protections were incorrectly loaded (commit: 8c74852) (details)
  1002. There is only a single entity block id (commit: 58c04a5) (details)
  1003. Add some null-checks (commit: 9a74faa) (details)
  1004. Update to Spigot 1.13.1 (commit: 6b9b8df) (details)
  1005. Keep at least 5% free memory on cleanup to avoid OOM (commit: ba10d69) (details)
  1006. Simplify wait for memory sleeping (commit: c275f49) (details)
  1007. Format pom + fix we/wg dep (commit: d2516a2) (details)
  1008. Build against latest spigot/we/wg (commit: 79a484a) (details)
  1009. Avoid sending doubled messages for protections (commit: 97d3cdc) (details)
  1010. Adapt to latest WorldGuard changes + Compile against Spigot 1.13.2 (commit: 811601c) (details)
  1011. Fix compile against latest spigot (commit: bdca05f) (details)
  1012. WE/WG and its dependencies.. (commit: d800fde) (details)
  1013. Fix issues with invalid double doors (commit: aacae0f) (details)
  1014. New protection type: Showcase (commit: efe0ce6) (details)
  1015. Allow modify protections using cprivate/cpublic/... (commit: f1e322c) (details)
  1016. Allow players with access permissions to modify contents of (commit: ff396f0) (details)
  1017. Fix permissions (commit: 8855674) (details)
  1018. Allow autoregister of donation/showcase protections (commit: c07e1ca) (details)
  1019. Fix creating some database indexes (commit: d002ad5) (details)
  1020. Add trapped_chest to default config (commit: 5b76d67) (details)
  1021. Fix creating tables in sqlite (commit: 5712277) (details)
  1022. Add license information (commit: b82e212) (details)
  1023. Optimize table format and improve startup time (commit: e738c8e) (details)
  1024. Remove unused column in database schema (commit: 1476008) (details)
Commit 2e58458ea8864b1bf2110b2b5a4cc4a6d6285e61 by hidendra
modified ant build to not do unit tests -- not necessary right now. also
closes #66 -- all LWC dependencies are now located in the lib/ folder
(commit: 2e58458)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was addedlib/PermissionsBukkit.jar
The file was addedlib/BOSEconomy.jar
The file was addedlib/Lists.jar
The file was addedlib/junit.jar
The file was addedlib/mcbans.jar
The file was removedlib/native/Mac/i386/libsqlitejdbc.jnilib
The file was removedlib/native/Windows/amd64/sqlitejdbc.dll
The file was removedlib/native/Linux/i386/
The file was removedlib/native/Mac/x86_64/libsqlitejdbc.jnilib
The file was modified.gitignore
The file was addedlib/iConomy.jar
The file was removedlib/native/Windows/x86/sqlitejdbc.dll
The file was addedlib/Permissions.jar
The file was addedlib/WorldEdit.jar
The file was addedlib/WorldGuard.jar
The file was addedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
The file was removedlib/native/Linux/amd64/
The file was removedlib/
Commit 015d008d4a9bf1e8f7af5e9553b540c7b2c3f0d4 by hidendra
emptied out and for now put basic build instructions (much
easier now! clone & ant)
(commit: 015d008)
The file was
Commit 33b9b14b93d0a28109a297b1adfc4dfa7c7ef8e2 by hidendra
Oops, <code> is a lie
(commit: 33b9b14)
The file was
Commit a1c34c2f5b27d9d20d14cabf99dccd336bb52c63 by hidendra
All admin commands have thus far been converted to use the new events
(commit: a1c34c2)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit a8fc599aaf8409473adbbb7f63fbf36605715428 by hidendra
All use of deprecated events on LWC's end should now be fixed !!
(commit: a8fc599)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/menu/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit a59ce44a3f9d2193a99d7b49726f3bcd8c6514aa by hidendra
/lwc admin version will now use VERSION (BUILD), in preperation for #65
(commit: a59ce44)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit 348facd8ae25e11cda7f6d94882e6a469e3444b3 by hidendra
Reformat build.xml (mainly replacement of tabs with spaces.)
(commit: 348facd)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit 9e2e83abbc86534541b7867542ec9a233b384301 by hidendra
fixes #54 - do not allow access to chests when LWC has database issues
(or other problems.)
(commit: 9e2e83a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
Commit dcac5d386afc83228e7515006101212563405d2f by hidendra
and print out problem stacks when bad errors occur :-)
(commit: dcac5d3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 2396f941beac4370a5e03df065fa09d8c070a7d8 by hidendra
closes #51 -- pistons can no longer destroy protected objects (doors,
signs, etc.)
(commit: 2396f94)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 0f004822b8976c5e57775ac8337ec53fa9956046 by hidendra
Change default table prefix to 'lwc_'
(commit: 0f00482)
The file was modifiedskel/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 09e662549c3ac11ab63d25ce202f6dcabbe12689 by hidendra
some minor formatting fixes in core.yml
(commit: 09e6625)
The file was modifiedskel/core.yml
Commit b45632c751e1a8e5b81209e63142a7d8e4ea690e by hidendra
fixes #68 -- core LWC modules must take precedence over modules from
other plugins.
(commit: b45632c)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedskel/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 4d605db6563f4f68e57fe9971eeee33c51be73e6 by hidendra
Fixes issue where one would always receive "limit reached"
(commit: 4d605db)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 0500f162c42f8d15b928253909fae78a041006c7 by hidendra
Fixes #75 -- obtain a player's groups the correct way via
(commit: 0500f16)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit c79712f1481ff7e6d7bce9fcd3d404335bb06063 by hidendra
Fixes #70 -- also, when clicking on say, a block under a Sign, it will
now say that it's a Sign, not the block you clicked (e.g Stone). Done
for consistency and also so it's easier to know that's the block that's
not actually protected (just indirectly !!)
(commit: c79712f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 2d7d0469fc57038cf752ea0f2367b80f95e66efc by hidendra
It would be preferable to take your eyes away from this commit. On a
nicer note, detecting wall signs was fixed. It detected too many blocks
(commit: 2d7d046)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/converters/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/menu/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/converters/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit bebee65e89bad58bb0466b2b1978c027a5b2fb58 by hidendra
Closes #61 -- Kainzo: This one is long overdue !! Protection discounts
now give the exact amount for the discount price. e.g, if you set a
discount to charge 0 money, and set amount to 5, players can obtain 5 of
these before never being able to get 5 discounted protections for 0
coins again (unless you make it higher than 5 or change the surcharge.)
(commit: bebee65)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 6138726389db7ca7895a00ac7b060642d33ab753 by hidendra
Updated -- should have done that already !! Also made
purchased protection refunds use the player that setup the transaction,
not the current protections. Why: Before: Hidendra /cprivate's chest.
/cadmin forceowner Notch is done to the chest and it is removed. Notch
then gets the refund, not Hidendra. After: The same, except Hidendra
gets the refund, instead of Notch.
(commit: 6138726)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was
Commit cb3182a02d5a66e213d47af03f829a5410cd1fb0 by hidendra
forgot linebreak between header and lists
(commit: cb3182a)
The file was
Commit b6bdf12fbcc7575a037e9eb15e21a00b538dc58f by hidendra
Native SQLite binaries were not being downloaded.. >.>
(commit: b6bdf12)
The file was
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 123eba56577f5d0ff3a3d79ee0745d0a03f9af09 by hidendra
Just kidding, this one's the real RC ....
(commit: 123eba5)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 3e2343d76b1a4c63324cf3edd9a59e8ad0e67e0a by hidendra
Fixes issue with interfering with PermissionsBukkit somehow... and made
LWC-Economy load after the world is loaded
(commit: 3e2343d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
Commit de6223e152822b909f34efa340d4f4006721123f by hidendra
Fix LWC-Economy -- LWC now loads at STARTUP. Also changed wording in the
default iconomy.yml
(commit: de6223e)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedskel/iconomy.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
Commit fe75db7fce0f64ce37a774ce2d6220ada896a537 by hidendra
Convert history when converting from SQLite -> MySQL. History was not
being correctly modified when a protection was registered by placing it
down (resulted in not being able to get a refund for it.) Next commit
will be 3.40.
(commit: fe75db7)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 5ba435871410393209dc599e77f7a49636bcf786 by hidendra
Push version to 3.40
(commit: 5ba4358)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedPackage.json
Commit 2eb90fc6fdba4e9846d05c97cd1eeda97579b4ed by hidendra
Fix PermissionsBukkit (again), /permissions did not work, LWC was using
softdepend and it made PermBukkit break, I guess.
(commit: 2eb90fc)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 37a76fe3775eb4b33ecf3556f566084fc0af2420 by hidendra
Init ModuleLoader early
(commit: 37a76fe)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit bf3dcf824241c87f3dc88e4f7e828e2005fa001a by hidendra
Fix a stackoverflow error
(commit: bf3dcf8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 4ae0f030503b6691627dc0551e35b5ca19d3e713 by hidendra
Push version to 3.41
(commit: 4ae0f03)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit a2b89dbc2c8061b0bdedb3eef36f20520beb432c by hidendra
Fix LWC-Economy bootstrapping
(commit: a2b89db)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
Commit f36b399796962be8231bed478444d62c826ceb5a by hidendra
Push LWC-Economy to version 1.21. LWC is unchanged.
(commit: f36b399)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 27b92f28735ef336c97ccae4522b4ae968efd940 by hidendra
Fix a freezing issue some servers may experience on startup.
(commit: 27b92f2)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 6bcc2f602474d335e795f66789ab047b97573974 by hidendra
Disabled modes were not being properly disabled, despite the user being
told the mode was disabled when they tried it.
(commit: 6bcc2f6)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
Commit c6961fa99d0859f70cccb7a44c962db144bba265 by hidendra
Protections + history will now not be immediately flushed to the
database as quickly as before -- at the moment, mostly just History
(even when it is created.) The update thread is in a seperate thread. In
the future, this will play a much larger role.
(commit: c6961fa)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 8a171eafceb1a8cb5af17d4d3be210cc0d837660 by hidendra
That is prepareStatement, not prepareCall, mr. database
(commit: 8a171ea)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit c142dfedccb44d5d248691e08735f13f53beb4e1 by hidendra
MonsterTKE: fixes #73: add EXEMPTION flag which exempts protections from
being expired by ADMIN PURGE, and ADMIN EXPIRE. This flag can only be
set by LWC ADMINS: /cexempt on OR /lwc flag exempt on
(commit: c142dfe)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit a3870b1e50e30a1f8d680b1d42b00797f3273692 by hidendra
Allow history logging to be disabled in core.yml (core.disableHistory)
(commit: a3870b1)
The file was modifiedskel/core.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 2c9cb5b947a026e7537b02eb54041a23eeb0349a by hidendra
Comment up core.yml
(commit: 2c9cb5b)
The file was modifiedskel/core.yml
Commit 5e1c8438ac577e6a85dd52d0e90188d8ab7183d1 by hidendra
small sanity check
(commit: 5e1c843)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 72c48bad112b18da974dfdb508ae82ec9baebc31 by hidendra
pre-3.42. Fix a consistency error for history cache <-> database. And
for Jenkins-built builds, /lwc admin version will use (bBUILD) instead
of (BUILD). Manual builds will still show up as (MANUAL)
(commit: 72c48ba)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit a78cf092a16d8f12b1cb138d9404c3d7421dda60 by hidendra
untrack Mainly just testing fingerprints.
(commit: a78cf09)
The file was
Commit 9c2ec8124256dd4f0572e2b6fdbc19b92749fed8 by hidendra
Update Package.json, let's try uploading it again
(commit: 9c2ec81)
The file was modifiedPackage.json
Commit 8e1c10a5bb328a786994026ba618c466bf9a0335 by hidendra
formatting errors ...
(commit: 8e1c10a)
The file was modifiedPackage.json
Commit 87814757b4a8b67ed5ffedfcef760dac8b38e711 by hidendra
wrong checksum, I've been had...
(commit: 8781475)
The file was modifiedPackage.json
Commit b7fdaf0b0570762de4cc08d363f25980dfe2bb7b by hidendra
sqlite.jar in lib/ folder is not required for anything in particular.
(commit: b7fdaf0)
The file was removedlib/sqlite.jar
Commit 2d8cedfa69508a8741f9d7a885c72ed0d6c82bf3 by hidendra
Move WorldGuard and Lists modules to core/ (afterall, they ARE bundled
with LWC by default ...)
(commit: 2d8cedf)
The file was removedmodules/lists/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/lists/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/lists/
The file was removedmodules/worldguard/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
Commit 550565f8c3d2a196065734f5be233acd4914704a by hidendra
(commit: 550565f)
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit b8351899f2738d04a146354ac3ff51ee4bf68c02 by hidendra
SQLite did not recognize streaming made (Integer.MIN_VALUE)
(commit: b835189)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 50c1d9436ff548cd0d3041c9a5ce4a9a994426d1 by hidendra
Add discount type to LWC-Economy, to support how discounts worked
before. The default (current) way is discount.type: EXACT, while the old
behaviour which would give the discount while the player was UNDER the
discount.amount is now discount.type: TOTAL
(commit: 50c1d94)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedskel/iconomy.yml
Commit 76b06a86d0033fd4646360646c4f88eea5ba8640 by hidendra
Update iconomy.yml to not include outdated info
(commit: 76b06a8)
The file was modifiedskel/iconomy.yml
Commit aac468903b6c2696d830a042e6304d0f0976c126 by hidendra
Native PermissionsEx support
(commit: aac4689)
The file was addedlib/PermissionsEx.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedskel/iconomy.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
Commit bad75e3e587abcda4521734fa4834ad8bb75b769 by hidendra
Update build.xml with PermissionsEx.jar
(commit: bad75e3)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit c3394ad57f5695ba255ba5c41ca3c05bae6791b1 by hidendra
Go around a Bukkit bug for pistons which would cause a casting exception
when a block would be moved on top of a chest
(commit: c3394ad)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 4dd084566afafbe949768a17ff0cbda07302a3d1 by hidendra
Put the version back to 3.42 (whoops (?))
(commit: 4dd0845)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 21688e42ecbb8abfc0fb7bb471e063ce3ee5b1eb by hidendra
Allow refunds to be disabled in LWC-Economy
(commit: 21688e4)
The file was modifiedskel/iconomy.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 9edccba6376b1d53d63f928bcba70855193e2e51 by hidendra
Allow /lwc admin purgebanned to take the -remove argument, which removes
every block + contents as well (e.g chests + contents, etc.)
(commit: 9edccba)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit ab437c0fecf0302cba4dfff2b97ee6ae51962209 by hidendra
Updated Polish locale, courtesy of Geoning!
(commit: ab437c0)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit 1bbc5c3ded442a6f2633aa9a8954574fbe849693 by hidendra
Closes #83 -- add Essentials Econ support.
(commit: 1bbc5c3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was addedlib/Essentials.jar
Commit 73bc131b984d9ee22840c4f936f151e1fcd9e702 by hidendra
Closes #85 -- fixes /permissions not working on PermissionsBukkit 1.2
(but 1.1 was fine.) Technical: LWC was enabling a plugin when it
resolved it as a Permissions API, which must have made PermissionsBukkit
not a happy camper :-). LWC no longer enables the plugin, which is not
necessary, anyway.
(commit: 73bc131)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 37104497204d12551efa275c01e75b72721a8368 by hidendra
New versions: LWC: 3.43  LWC-Economy: 1.30
(commit: 3710449)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 6e1ab01070c8276e4a982c17dfd660d76ed98d12 by hidendra
Test promoting via changelog tag #promote
(commit: 6e1ab01)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit cafa2493075b658129f0a08fc4224def99218fa3 by hidendra
Test auto-promote tag one last time #promote
(commit: cafa249)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit e64343d8ddfa74777934f7e33a7102bec021af87 by hidendra
Forgot to turn on the notifier.... #promote
(commit: e64343d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
Commit 48da505ef5785a5418dd96edf9f645a031a609c5 by hidendra
Does all of #88 - not fully tested yet, so it will not be auto closed
just yet. By default, permission groups (via SuperPerms) uses, and can be overridden in core.yml with groupPrefix:
'your.prefix.'  Also, ensure you don't have a supported Permissions
plugin installed so that this will activate correctly (it will not
override others, so as to not break the ones that don't support
SuperPerms by themselves.)
(commit: 48da505)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
Commit 856afe69599de1afe9a1f4ab3bbbe12848f914b6 by hidendra
Fixes #89
(commit: 856afe6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
Commit 290bae3892168865c8b5778fe7c2f6d7d8e9ffec by hidendra
Initial work on #87 - fully untested !! Adds central bank functionality,
enforcing money to not come from thin air. When a protection is
purchased, the money goes into the configured bank account, and when a
protection is removed, the money will be withdrawn from said bank
account (and denied removal if they don't have enough.) Supports
BOSEconomy, iConomy [?]
(commit: 290bae3)
The file was modifiedskel/iconomy.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
Commit f61e1ebf7142b582a7be2d76dcc5ceb2c7261dfb by hidendra
Add a bit more to central banking so protections could not be removed if
the server bank cannot afford it. Also, /cremove wasn't broading
LWCProtectionDestroyEvent! (#87)
(commit: f61e1eb)
The file was modifiedskel/iconomy.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
Commit 1b7033174e9176dbdbe083423c72b33b4cdf7942 by hidendra
mostly final changes for #87. Central banking now works as expected,
have only tested on iConomy 5.01 for now (should also work as expected
on BOSEconomy.) [cc: imaxorz]
(commit: 1b70331)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
Commit 9bba55db2a4a439b5244dd92a45b8c9fd4ce0f8b by hidendra
closes #87 - central banking for LWC-Economy is looking excellent to me
(commit: 9bba55d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
Commit d12c4a050bc9e2f6fd0c6d2cf4a3ef4ac01aea14 by hidendra
Reconnect to the MySQL database if connection is lost from a timeout
(commit: d12c4a0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 438d0ea483429d1ea4b9f024ae6453b001d723de by hidendra
Make double wooden doors also automatically open on both sides much like
double iron doors, assuming both are protected [cc: Tyrope]
(commit: 438d0ea)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit d1c985013ef0d9a1e422847461268f5c7fcfb661 by hidendra
Using /cinfo (or most other LWC commands) on a double wooden door would
open or close the one beside it (while the door hit was reverted) and
mis-match the doors. Doing the same thing again would fix it, though.
(commit: d1c9850)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit e5e36f194120c6ea5574be32831864bb6bfdeeaa by hidendra
Give a default value of TRUE to lwc.protect perm node
(commit: e5e36f1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit b570751fa4465042e288756efcd66ea1e9476826 by hidendra
Support multiple groups on Perms 3+, with fallback support to 2.1.x
(commit: b570751)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
Commit 29324acb4b9d23f5a268aef5f7c25572a250509a by hidendra
database.adapter had to be all lowercase (MySQL would not work, had to
be mysql) - now adapter: MySQL will work.
(commit: 29324ac)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit d5ea9fabb260ee20786314747c518317287213f2 by hidendra
nospam mode now also hides notes. SEND_LOCALE event was also not being
sent through the new events.
(commit: d5ea9fa)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 36971bb705941155e0a13eea136faaa09026c6f7 by hidendra
in regards to #88 - removes reliance on Permission plugin-specific
methods to check for permissions and instead defaults to Superperms.
Legacy Permissions 2/3 support is for the most part dropped in this
build and can be supported with SuperpermsBridge.
(commit: 36971bb)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
Commit 2564bfb73d29675c733af3400a1dc4ebb8b50fd4 by hidendra
Prepare protections table for #87 - the build associated with this
commit should be considered broken and not working.
(commit: 2564bfb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 30e1c1b945f036988d3cd9dd5cc03a66be6af47e by hidendra
Protection rights are now stored via JSON in the protections table.
Automatic conversion of the old rights table will  be a build or two
ahead, not this one (#81). ChestProtect/ChastityChest plugin conversions
are now also fully removed.
(commit: 30e1c1b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/converters/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/converters/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
Commit c8ba2d7e07584c4e6518c329ced04c141f88a83e by hidendra
Old rights -> new rights conversion. Does not drop the rights table just
yet. Will be tested more performance-wise once word is received from
(commit: c8ba2d7)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit e09b85eb00717d3437346c833c8cc977a298fafe by hidendra
Use streaming query for old rights -> new rights if it's available (not
on SQLite, only MySQL.) (#81)
(commit: e09b85e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 774755795e0788a4ad7b4fa6e597187f1cf43d6a by hidendra
That's right, streaming results won't work in this case!
(commit: 7747557)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit e8b394a13967dbcd9d99ab93ab5c5033f1c8ce4d by hidendra
Display 4.0.0-alpha2 in the version
(commit: e8b394a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 75c7cabf2dad04ec8fa0f2926b8f5ca33ee9733e by hidendra
(commit: 75c7cab)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 48f841a200983f6a1f9a2aa4cbb7a53b324205cf by hidendra
Reconnect to the MySQL database if connection is lost from a timeout
(commit: 48f841a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit a0f3194fc498207e9864d975f964c3929dfb0970 by hidendra
Push version to 3.44  #promote
(commit: a0f3194)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 8b582e567e13271b97ba70c23c7d82c5e65a5a73 by hidendra
(forgot VERSION file)
(commit: 8b582e5)
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit b9cf3bcd1cef4f5780c9abda3d22499a6d271c30 by hidendra
Initial implementation for being able to schedule jobs or commands - for
example, being able to automatically run cleanup every week (or
something.) It's also extensible by other plugins. LWC had something
extremely similar to this a long time ago, when a web UI was in the
works - it was able to remotely delete chests, open/close doors,
dispense dispensers, and so on (it would insert jobs into the database,
and LWC would notice that, and then execute them.) It may not seem so
useful at first glance, but if combined with outside tasks, it can
potentially do a lot.
(commit: b9cf3bc)
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/impl/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 575a9f6d7aa137240036d68cf11389b626956452 by hidendra
Allow resource bundles to add keys that are not defined in the default
(commit: 575a9f6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 6d55a7726076c21c7ea381941323f82920abe38e by hidendra
Allow resource bundles to add keys that are not defined in the default
(commit: 6d55a77)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit e697108b1534abf428220f394a43e4e1203e15c0 by hidendra
nospam mode now also hides notes. SEND_LOCALE event was also not being
sent through the new events.
(commit: e697108)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 6a8187596fba0f29589f6771225622bca7d2e23d by hidendra
Make double wooden doors also automatically open on both sides much like
double iron doors, assuming both are protected [cc: Tyrope]
(commit: 6a81875)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit 3d10e299264c7930b50a68e37de548161e7fc75d by hidendra
Using /cinfo (or most other LWC commands) on a double wooden door would
open or close the one beside it (while the door hit was reverted) and
mis-match the doors. Doing the same thing again would fix it, though.
(commit: 3d10e29)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit eab08ff1567b1aefd095a3ec3ff2b8fd74b7e24b by hidendra
3.45, cherry picked commits from devel branch.  #promote
(commit: eab08ff)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit 4cfe20a207ab705d13908115ee8e6b0770bbfa5c by hidendra
Spout support via 100% standalone LWC-Spout.jar. At the moment, it just
allows you to unlock passworded chests via a GUI, but was just made.
It'll be expanded upon, of course!
(commit: 4cfe20a)
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was addedlib/SpoutAPI.jar
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 1fae71d94954d155e782a82e03e21d97db40fea7 by hidendra
Open the chest after entering the correct password.
(commit: 1fae71d)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
Commit 73d35b5504b81d0a3ef181827a31e49fed892c4e by hidendra
I disregarded the fact that you can protect blocks other than chests :D
(commit: 73d35b5)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 602055e78b324acaaeabe0649a2bbfdac2ba8aa6 by hidendra
Non-Custom spout windows can't be drawn on, so we'll make our own. /lwc
spout opens a blank window at the moment ... Version info is also in the
bottom left of any LWC Spout windows for the time being.
(commit: 602055e)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
Commit 6987b631c6ccc367835f0f7c6a044a35c6d4fada by hidendra
remove test junk
(commit: 6987b63)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
Commit ec8db048b9279f200a7320e44880659999661ff3 by hidendra
pushing small changes before sleeping. Just a header on /lwc spout
(commit: ec8db04)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 9f7265aed14f12b5ce48e4075d0b20cb8e0ca3d6 by hidendra
Redstone flag was not being propogated via new events
(commit: 9f7265a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit e323f075743b4a3b4c4e6b3eaa3296202ab2c139 by hidendra
Redstone flag was not being propogated via new events
(commit: e323f07)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 214f53d246bceaefc3febe217caf0c58168b0623 by hidendra
3.46  #promote
(commit: 214f53d)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 8f3f6b0249c81e75956b9bfe61ac7a57f5569f65 by hidendra
Add iConomy6 support
(commit: 8f3f6b0)
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedlib/iConomy.jar
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was addedlib/iConomy5.jar
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedlib/iConomy6.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 6c9660d1d4582f6a822fc90c2363fbb572121beb by hidendra
Add iConomy6 support
(commit: 6c9660d)
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedlib/iConomy.jar
The file was addedlib/iConomy6.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedlib/iConomy5.jar
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
Commit c93a9047e4faf3c8fed43a55590ab0959827f40a by hidendra
3.47 #promote
(commit: c93a904)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 40bb348ee3fa434a78c52941c491924e1b407e72 by hidendra
Fix merge conflict #promote
(commit: 40bb348)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
Commit 0f0336fcf0448225049183ffdfeeb48c1b99959d by hidendra
Redid how /lwc admin report looks. Much prettier and easier to read. 
/lwc admin debug has also been removed, since the new /cadmin report
does what it did as well.
(commit: 0f0336f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 5dace8456b8c47f82aca2ff56842e9b79145b391 by hidendra
Change cache hit/read counter to use long. spunkiie's server would
probably max out the integer cap :) (2.147 billion)
(commit: 5dace84)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit 740487c104217a172351607e3e269709233e1244 by hidendra
Add again so I'm not keeping track of changes in my head
all of the time.
(commit: 740487c)
The file was
Commit 9d62fb1f900db5d7c682a685d7c020a1f0b3423b by hidendra
Basic job scheduling commands. e.g: /lwc schedule create test2 cleanup,
/lwc schedule run test2. Next commit should allow something like: /lwc
schedule create weekly cleanup, /lwc schedule autoRun weekly 1 week.
Something like that, anyway!
(commit: 9d62fb1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/schedule/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 16466b821d13403766dc8f11cfe695594debc6a7 by hidendra
4.0.0-alpha3. Scheduler is complete and needs some minor changes and
localized into the localization files. A bunch of new commands attached
to it - has the current commands ..
(commit: 16466b8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/schedule/
The file was
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 348c3e535a1c0702003379e039a8c2022f39d918 by hidendra
Added the expiration job handler. To add arguments: /lwc schedule create
remove expire | /lwc schedule arguments remove -remove 2 weeks | /lwc
schedule autorun remove 1 week  - it removes protection + blocks of
protections that haven't been accessed in at least 2 weeks, every week.
[cc: MonsterTKE]
(commit: 348c3e5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/impl/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/schedule/
Commit 1928f48bc226fdfbb8a28539516d8310e47e969d by hidendra
Update changelog
(commit: 1928f48)
The file was
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/impl/
Commit 40bd1be7af0bcbc7cc5b03833a11db029b331111 by untergrundbiber
- fixing umlauts
(commit: 40bd1be)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit c1af71dbf3e85cba514b7cda53ffa20618f7cda3 by hidendra
FULL removal of Memory Database. Every single usage of it has been
removed - gone. Still may be UNSTABLE and volatile; it has not be tested
extensively just yet !! [#53] The current implementation will be
smoothed out later on.
(commit: c1af71d)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedskel/doors.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
Commit baa9804c4c7178137e3f9ae0ed35de3317d4c696 by hidendra
Update changelog.
(commit: baa9804)
The file was
Commit c1b65d1a8db21d69bf1e0323fa8357e835dfb0d3 by hidendra
Fix a possible dupe exploit that when magnet was used alongside the
Showcase plugin would duplicate items.
(commit: c1b65d1)
The file was addedlib/Showcase.jar
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
Commit 8434a5355113fb50a8615b8a2b0a4ba18e7a0a76 by hidendra
misc changes
(commit: 8434a53)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
Commit 6b1ac9d3d978e4baf2835c2b76aba4f3a28c7114 by hidendra
Fix merge conflict (accidentally committed.) Double console output also
fixed on the latest CraftBukkit
(commit: 6b1ac9d)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit dd5361b2ac557ff72fd5b8d2e56e58015c3001dd by hidendra
Closes #98 - out of sync double doors can be fixed with /lwc fix or /lwc
(commit: dd5361b)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was
Commit 17696f276709db1c2f355458c24be081cdad3044 by hidendra
The openAndClose feature of double doors has been given new life and
works fully as expected now. Double wooden doors now function more
gracefully, as well. #98
(commit: 17696f2)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was
Commit 82ff2b43e5af38e7b383d16246a9ca9721f42ab0 by hidendra
Version comparator for semver compliancy. Parses versions as small as
3.47, but can also fully parse 4.0.0-alpha3 (b220). For example,
4.0.0-alpha3 (b221) would be greater than 4.0.0-alpha3 (b220), if
compared via this class. As would betas of the same version be greater
than alphas.
(commit: 82ff2b4)
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit f5fb196c0331aabbcc969a6f3536d64d118397c1 by hidendra
Don't continue to look for release levels if one is already found
(commit: f5fb196)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit a3d4571453f6390e93727f02c69e020547a398c7 by hidendra
Define possible update schemes and provide convenience methods for
(commit: a3d4571)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 3a3e396f1f6242b74e4745376c8c28f7181a13c0 by hidendra
Change LWCInfo.FULL_VERSION to instead use the Version class.
(commit: 3a3e396)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 8cf151095d5b72776294a3d070e400d387c9b9c1 by hidendra
3.48. You can now interchange 3.48 and 4.0.0-alphaX without NOT being
able to easily revert back. lwc.protect perm node now also default to
true #promote
(commit: 8cf1510)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 90ebad90898676c36b212a31c031325527cf740d by hidendra
Old, deprecated LWC events have been fully removed. All other
deprecation events have also either been fixed or hidden from sight.
(commit: 90ebad9)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/lists/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit f63f8ed5631bce74f45651809f9f81ae0966ea5b by hidendra
Clicking on a password protection would actually ADD you to the access
list ..
(commit: f63f8ed)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 14ea6bbf8c76fadbe6e500e9aa695c2a818b6af0 by hidendra
Towny integration. Protections cannot be made outside of Towns, e.g the
wild. Set core.townyBorders to true. closes #99
(commit: 14ea6bb)
The file was addedlib/Towny.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was
The file was modifiedskel/core.yml
Commit 64bafbd76a98b92ecc3e8ac8e07696477dbf279f by hidendra
Fix piston exploit that allowed wooden doors and other minor
protectables to be destroyed via: PISTON -> BLOCK -> PROTECTED DOOR -
closes #77
(commit: 64bafbd)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was
Commit ae5c269f8d0a426760970ba93d8686a1fff543b1 by hidendra
Prevent sticky pistons from pulling away protections
(commit: ae5c269)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit f1300fcc46a71e85dbdf6a02b8debd151ae8bd9a by hidendra
Shiny new updater + downloader (old one was scrapped.) At the moment, it
is by default set to update to ANY NEW BUILDS (BLEEDING EDGE) but is not
automatic by default. /lwc admin version will tell you if there's a new
build of the alpha out; /lwc admin update can auto update.
(commit: f1300fc)
The file was removedskel/doors.yml
The file was addedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedconfig/limits.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedconfig/magnet.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedconfig/doors.yml
The file was removedskel/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedskel/magnet.yml
The file was addedconfig/worldguard.yml
The file was addedconfig/iconomy.yml
The file was removedskel/limits.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedskel/worldguard.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedskel/iconomy.yml
Commit 1b4941c99a0b7573f8a4a5a6f2877fca66448e5d by hidendra
Fix a typo, but this commit is mainly to make a build happen
(commit: 1b4941c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 90316da3e3ee80e6c80e32cf4946bd4cbe120270 by hidendra
4.0.0-alpha4 - All builds past this are now running on the new update
system; alphas can be updated to the latest alpha very easily now
without manual work. For automatic updating, set  core.updateMethod to
AUTOMATIC (note the caps), or you can manually update via /lwc admin
(commit: 90316da)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 34ba2d21e4650e76084fbbe6fc898b6b163756ed by hidendra
..changelog should be changed, too!
(commit: 34ba2d2)
The file was
Commit 57622ea677506742bc3700935ef1cf809d604bf3 by hidendra
Update changelog again with a feature added on a few days ago (ability
to expire protections with /lwc schedule)
(commit: 57622ea)
The file was
Commit 5bdc1f561877330e4c0674422f7e4b168ec3416e by hidendra
Fix minor bug when converting old rights
(commit: 5bdc1f5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit a205b68b22687eec4d196d8d252335e10e1644b6 by hidendra
Fix double console output
(commit: a205b68)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 6b0f9b54592aa6acbc943f38cc5ef3c5a0edcfa1 by hidendra
3.49  #promote
(commit: 6b0f9b5)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 187859ba9b1ee1446b4f710a138a7c71ec224a01 by hidendra
Backwards compatibility with permissions 2/3 (without superpermsbridge)
for now
(commit: 187859b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
Commit 2a7eca76fd89bd300d2fdab6ae6bb7a55094b08c by hidendra
Backwards compatibility with permissions 2/3 (without superpermsbridge)
for now (again)
(commit: 2a7eca7)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit d6dd8387b612ff24c8d807f3d5adcf7ea215c6d5 by hidendra
3.50. Remove the permission metadata from defined commands so the
endless onslaught of "LWC throwing Dave error !" stops #promote
(commit: d6dd838)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit bd5ec6351db8373ce7d41348d884f17bc9a26ef8 by hidendra
Gracefully ignore iConomy4
(commit: bd5ec63)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 729864b9437ecd4bc49bfdd3fa04a0a050858908 by hidendra
Gracefully ignore iConomy4
(commit: 729864b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 33751b1df09187fdab429b43ffce84f9461b3924 by hidendra
Protection rights have been moved to the 'data' column in protections,
instead of its own. Any rights made to protections after converting to
4.0.0 (but not your 3.xx rights) will be lost upon updating. Also,
permission metadata has been removed for commands (same as 43ace80fbf)
(commit: 33751b1)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 8cf8dbd880d2e0ca68133303f9bb40bdd8b43b9d by hidendra
Renamer renamed a little bit *too* much
(commit: 8cf8dbd)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 26631ccefc90407a3aa0f7ea23d1c5f38e09b1ab by hidendra
The command /lwc admin purgeregion <RegionName> [WorldName] has been
added to the WorldGuard module. If you are using it from the console,
you must also specify the world that the region is in. If the region is
in a different world than the player you use the command from, you must
again also provide the world name.
(commit: 26631cc)
The file was
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
Commit 807d0fb639cfce1a00ec37637d88b7f3591963fc by hidendra
Go around a bukkit bug with pistons
(commit: 807d0fb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 408276793875160b710f4949b41c2fe1b8763a56 by
Proper Fix Issue #88, adds full SuperPerms support
(commit: 4082767)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was addedlib/SuperpermsBridge.jar
Commit 95798101b91dfec2a1e690795722e8f186338456 by hidendra
Flags are now in data column and now support data as well. No utility to
set data yet, however. Also fixed a bug where some messages were not
sent to the player after they logged out and back in.
(commit: 9579810)
The file was
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 1a15bbce05acfa2e611372f5142859ff2ab4e537 by hidendra
Default core.locale to en
(commit: 1a15bbc)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 2d527cdf0fe5b3b8cd37e011feb6cde598821a8e by hidendra
Avoid a possible arrayoutofboundsexception
(commit: 2d527cd)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit a468a9c946b2b98f6d8f2309d0ff60fc560579a6 by hidendra
Fix Cleanup
(commit: a468a9c)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit e893b7c551b4bba9df8a5bd3fe81ade1f91350bb by hidendra
Fix /lwc admin cleanup, for real
(commit: e893b7c)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit a22cc681d48f1383a332e5fc11e07c14936428d7 by hidendra
Fix override bundles
(commit: a22cc68)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 9123e8c4ee18601cb35689fb4fbdb1c42995dfc5 by hidendra
update thread was not synchronizing, and /lwc admin purge was borked.
Thanks Joy
(commit: 9123e8c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit f8008fa08a7d81303cf2f7f359d8a32311ad08a9 by hidendra
/lwc admin reload should also reload the loaded locale. And so it shall.
(commit: f8008fa)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 99429e19a5ac5d001d08a658cc8296dedc8d4cf4 by hidendra
/lwc admin dump locale! It dumps the current loaded locale into
plugins/LWC/locale/ Along with /lwc admin reload, it'll
be a ton easier to create custom locale messages now :)
(commit: 99429e1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 5cb4429dddbdfaff43320fc758347bc932397768 by hidendra
Allow LWC.instance to be set again
(commit: 5cb4429)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 318b41aa5b4faa6a78da0fc50e884bc981633ae2 by hidendra
Fix resource loading - it "should" fix reloading after a new LWC.jar is
thrown in plugins/
(commit: 318b41a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 45bcd27d46ca182ebd92d70443c39dfb51909044 by hidendra
revert those last changes
(commit: 45bcd27)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 5d3de7ad8f4e2af2d8dd5366fefa771fcaf4d95c by hidendra
Try something so crazy it might just work
(commit: 5d3de7a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 8e88550a74a20d1588d10f83153ca3d101bb06cf by hidendra
LWC *SHOULD* reload okay now after a new LWC.jar has been downloaded
into there
(commit: 8e88550)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 7cf698fc8ed22410305dccb64b69d723f6e3c4b2 by hidendra
We are now 4.0.0-alpha5 - all builds from this point on can be loaded
with /reload without breaking LWC
(commit: 7cf698f)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was
Commit c593a986fe14fb0b66a14f12fbc6f9781f271974 by hidendra
if core.locale was set to a locale that didn't actually exist,
complaints would be had. No more, I say
(commit: c593a98)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 195bff9bb73d5e858768b6354fa6b2f7496143a9 by hidendra
default lwc.protect to false again [superperms]
(commit: 195bff9)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit e3249a263dd33c0bc3c412c233e68f1983774a3e by hidendra
default lwc.protect to false again [superperms]
(commit: e3249a2)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 37f77bff7e52282dd7349b8b066704658d9fc929 by hidendra
3.51 - default lwc.protect to false again (superperms) #promote
(commit: 37f77bf)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit 2aa2811fa50b94366d04beca2d51f27a6fd3e4a7 by hidendra
Use Set<> for flags/access rights and also don't let null objects in
(commit: 2aa2811)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 2bf370fda410fdbc1a0499532583132e054792a0 by hidendra
Should fix Permissions 2/3 errors
(commit: 2bf370f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit a73ee5f18296cb90c1456caf03d2e47e0a0a5ee7 by hidendra
Really does fix Permissions 2/3 errors.
(commit: a73ee5f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 9647301aaa78a25173c35c61d9ae2aa258bde020 by hidendra
Some null checks
(commit: 9647301)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 612989084ebf5301392953c7fb08c3267f2ee18a by hidendra
3.52 #promote
(commit: 6129890)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 66bc1a1f502d05c3f07d5076c150d48d64785620 by hidendra
Show the parser who's boss - i'll give you some input to match
(commit: 66bc1a1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 1961bb73b153f1377de5fdc06bb9bb2aa95ad87c by hidendra
Add the AUTOCLOSE flag which will make doors automatically close after 3
seconds (configurable in plugins/LWC/doors.yml). /cautoclose on|off,
/lwc flag autoclose on|off. Flags are also settable again (oops)
(commit: 1961bb7)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 3a9561cf6315b8c829dcb382eb820300a3b835a4 by hidendra
and the changelog should take note, too!
(commit: 3a9561c)
The file was
Commit c46b3f9697226f38d0fb7f5931b6f5392e9071f8 by hidendra
lwc.flag.autoclose should be defined, too ...
(commit: c46b3f9)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 581b0ae757615e950a2dcf8f69632cbc4e0de924 by hidendra
fix plugin.yml
(commit: 581b0ae)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit c68921ab679b61859f17b573433686ecb2464328 by hidendra
Permissions 2/3 getGroups () support with our fallback hacks
(commit: c68921a)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 1d11c7ca3d0e8015a2ccded2c920439673a93f9f by hidendra
misc code from last night. Nothing special, just an empty /lwc setup
(commit: 1d11c7c)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit c06d7eb30a6f95186af6f1f4f1c7122a261f73b5 by hidendra
in regards to #88 - removes reliance on Permission plugin-specific
methods to check for permissions and instead defaults to Superperms.
Legacy Permissions 2/3 support is for the most part dropped in this
build and can be supported with SuperpermsBridge.

(commit: c06d7eb)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 0fca3ae955a1a24406ce1142d016df605bd63c3c by hidendra
Permissions 2/3 getGroups () support with our fallback hacks

(commit: 0fca3ae)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
Commit a19fd6f0babe4b1cd3d39d3f30e530b1defadf71 by hidendra
I didn't ask for that method, mr. mergetool
(commit: a19fd6f)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 6eb60ebb41d09cce01599e5fd3f7796e9edc6329 by hidendra
Default lwc.protect to true
(commit: 6eb60eb)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit fb4756c4b88900258814546c5ad126b042d8ffa8 by hidendra
3.53 #promote
(commit: fb4756c)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit fb971e63a8043a622d6e529649c5e2aa5ad0f39a by hidendra
Default lwc.protect to true
(commit: fb971e6)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 4d5f2654864507ef0e2ab39889bb4a25301ba378 by hidendra
and lwc.admin to false
(commit: 4d5f265)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 47a501e87c5ae487c211135e882212d69d30a201 by hidendra
Do not show locale messages defined as 'null'
(commit: 47a501e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 0c46aa28e0dfd079c3bedbd59a2812658f5ad1ef by hidendra
Add t:TownName and town:TownName for Towny integration for /cprivate and
/cmodify. Allows residents of the town named to access that protection.
(commit: 0c46aa2)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
Commit 9eb014e245c4cea443f2094e547f0ad1a1c8d2bb by hidendra
/lwc admin expire always showed "Expired 0 protections", even if it
removed some >_>
(commit: 9eb014e)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit f4a243ce42296e024fbcfc7b4d57b99052234e11 by hidendra
Closes #105 - add lwc.autoregister perm node to allow a player/group to
auto protect all LWC protections to private. not as configurable as it
should be at the moment, however :)
(commit: f4a243c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 863d34ed32ab6cd3c454ead3789d19c538f4f341 by hidendra
(commit: 863d34e)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 9769887dd103e5e1faa0614f7856d2f1d4fabd28 by hidendra
Add andrewkm under donations header in credits. And a few others under
(commit: 9769887)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
Commit 653ecf04a1f575fa9165af0db8091d8fc1d3c408 by hidendra
Oops, duplicate
(commit: 653ecf0)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
Commit 784abf49259e760c52000d1211c8b2a0488e5365 by hidendra
Store the known Protection object for History objects early on to save
queries and possible issues later on
(commit: 784abf4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 0852310e056f4b66a1ce570f2ff2c5193ce5af8d by hidendra
switch back to delayed insert for the initial history obj on a
(commit: 0852310)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 3ab7de282a65d258148cb6ee5f5e6f7f771fd423 by hidendra
Automatically fix chest block faces from pre-1.7 maps. Also, /lwc fix
will set the chest's face to face towards you, incase it's not facing
the way you want it to :)
(commit: 3ab7de2)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
Commit 003c55d2103a780c985bb30c93c6749d844f6b8f by hidendra
(commit: 003c55d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit be3734d25d3777dae048621c3538a97c1c088c51 by hidendra
Equivilent methods for fixing chest face to the dev branch!
(commit: be3734d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 261d0f4c2e73328d9306d9268d10f0cc584564e8 by hidendra
Equivalent of 94c5b458 for dev branch, but had to retrofit what I
already had instead.
(commit: 261d0f4)
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit e3e39a633826dc33c9b811c5458387aa39ddb50f by hidendra
The magnet module was not queueing items properly
(commit: e3e39a6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 47513b3293dad71486f61d2b870dec47a48bd53f by hidendra
Apply blacklist checks before entities are queued for the magnet flag
(commit: 47513b3)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit ebf142c32bca367551e9cff6be06486d655020b1 by hidendra
Disable lwc.autoprotect for now
(commit: ebf142c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 029b50af8b175239aaba66fc8cfe6962f6dd750f by hidendra
Limits will now instead use the group with the highest limit.
(commit: 029b50a)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 5f01c34946e6e22d723496f930f48f624f0f57be by hidendra
Update changelog
(commit: 5f01c34)
The file was
Commit 8e3fc015d165a0d581a123da98f30a129c9583d0 by hidendra
Destroyer of a protection was not being added to the history on
/cremove. Instead hooked into onPostRemoval which should've been done
(commit: 8e3fc01)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
Commit 757d225390a8875f9b3a07ff8f95fa821022c72e by hidendra
LWC-Economy + No Econ plugin = Sad Times, but who would try that,
(commit: 757d225)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 1f160d9f88ea95724d0d9430f07b7714700e02da by hidendra
(commit: 1f160d9)
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 2a488b75e525593cbbff773a43ea4cf57d0ebb3b by hidendra
(and remove from destroymodule)
(commit: 2a488b7)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
Commit 0328e82e4c657ee34c4920ffe53971a7a277102d by hidendra
Add /lwc history. Allows the viewing of all history items for a player
(or everyone.) Dynamic arguments allow you to use the player name or
page name anywhere:   /lwc history, /lwc history Hidendra 2, /lwc
history 2 Hidendra, /lwc history 2, and /lwc history Hidendra   are all
valid and will work! Later on, will work hand-in-hand with /lwc details
(commit: 0328e82)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 2cbe6b553f95a047b69e0d5a1ed6bfd8db783ed8 by hidendra
Create /lwc details (it does nothing, however)
(commit: 2cbe6b5)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 45127416f18c46e4da8ed531191c229584969e20 by hidendra
Add /lwc details which allows you to view some more info known about a
history item
(commit: 4512741)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was
Commit 009eca5b8d6465d00300242770d70e2df74384af by hidendra
The player who destroyed a protection was always being shown as the
owner of the protection - reverted to how it's done before and fixed
/cremove not modifying the history items
(commit: 009eca5)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
Commit 7d20dc1d4304cd8d7290940e054ab9506219c740 by hidendra
if a non-SuperPerms perms plugin is present, ignore SuperPerms (I'm
looking at you, Permissions 2/3 :3)
(commit: 7d20dc1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit e4fb181bf80cb17cf605d82f94e0209b20e4019f by hidendra
4.0.0-alpha6. LWC is now licensed under the 2-clause BSD license. All
versions before this point are still under the GPL.
(commit: e4fb181)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedLICENSE
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/lists/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedCOPYING
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/schedule/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/impl/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/impl/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/menu/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
Commit 8f91ca9fe71a65fa2be6b96365290a3b9c26d358 by hidendra
build.xmp shouldn't have been commented as well
(commit: 8f91ca9)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit bb488b3e7b61e71c7bf1e6e2068f4dcfafa26e76 by hidendra
Remove Package.json
(commit: bb488b3)
The file was removedPackage.json
Commit 862ef3e6117ba8f13aa3bdcc0e7d3a6beb510649 by hidendra
Avoid possible NPE
(commit: 862ef3e)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit 5ca60e70c1e58326e351f93cd20d606596df157d by hidendra
Avoid possible NPE
(commit: 5ca60e7)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit 0c69ab4a426a32e8e8495c6223fe77dbfca4d5c2 by hidendra
Minor addition, for science
(commit: 0c69ab4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit d95e46e99f9979630500e244dacc2ba779f44524 by hidendra
Acknowledge discounts in /lwc details
(commit: d95e46e)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
Commit 869a433990627f4fb03965e022d5e6e2fd4658e6 by hidendra
Do not depend on the stored world name for protections and one less
(commit: 869a433)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 2828a77c896358297971902f01c9ec5cc3a35388 by hidendra
Remove the science
(commit: 2828a77)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit e3dd59178ccea3065586c299d038150a54caece4 by hidendra
Send an error when something that shouldn't happen happens
(commit: e3dd591)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 4ee4aca81370d7fa91426b2831a336c793eb4410 by hidendra
Uh oh is not necessary.
(commit: 4ee4aca)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 2b4b895bbb0d116d50d65677cc9d22a94b8c79f3 by hidendra
devel's equivalent of deae6999
(commit: 2b4b895)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 4e701e8df32ca6172e2ce60fac4dbcae7156be72 by hidendra
Automatically update the block id and world name in the database if they
happen to change for some reason
(commit: 4e701e8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit cc8890f789e3098e84fd8a83f09589263dc0957b by hidendra
Developer Mode - to enable on a player, /lwc dev enable PlayerName. You
then must confirm it with /lwc confirm before it will actually take
effect. Not entirely useful yet, just lets players with Dev mode enabled
modify what LWC permissions they have (none, player, mod, admin)
(commit: cc8890f)
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/devmode/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 7c9e38d0de5a211788be84dfc9e08e67c79a9e13 by hidendra
Forgot MOD considerations. Minor typo fixes
(commit: 7c9e38d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/devmode/
Commit 9bc70813d16b120edaab8d53b8db764937bff29d by hidendra
Send timing info about PLAYER_INTERACT and onCommand to devmode enabled
(commit: 9bc7081)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit abed2d0b177dddb1be7f95934a4f6bb5f6bede13 by hidendra
Make the message sent by /lwc dev enable not break lines in an
inconvenient place
(commit: abed2d0)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/devmode/
Commit e007b36eea9691fc8c39a2a41263ae4f082b7320 by hidendra
derp, i've been getting the latest build the slow way
(commit: e007b36)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 33b8bed0bf36d580fbc9ac3d96bbf07ae1ab82a0 by hidendra
ability to define an id for Economy discounts to allow EXACT to give
_exactly_ X protections for THAT specific discount Id. The default id is
shared between all discounts.
(commit: 33b8bed)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 9c9dd82af4a90154f270e27bfadd8e1ab94cad80 by hidendra
Ensure ACCESS_EVENT is only used if required
(commit: 9c9dd82)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
Commit 4e8aba6673988a3de356638b7369942da8cc2bc9 by hidendra
Show entity count in report, and also remove unused memdb
(commit: 4e8aba6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 0d9caf60fb5ff403982718424c1b6a0a91ed1789 by hidendra
Reduce the amount of queries done on the database by quite a bit,
especially when there are a lot of players online.
(commit: 0d9caf6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 8b97a7265d190a3b06e273e8e2a95c57510ffad9 by hidendra
Support old & new Showcase API (sigh!)
(commit: 8b97a72)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was addedlib/Showcase0.7.7.jar
Commit a77e055544edbb93cc9f276d4fd6f8c11bd8616e by hidendra
Don't send the cache size if it's being cleared
(commit: a77e055)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit ef09aed38f229041f93ba32e5f33755d33191421 by hidendra
Don't use raw database access when checking explosions - use
(commit: ef09aed)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit f9940aa7a0b0fed79d62a475141ff3f3af3ab262 by hidendra
Economy usage fees. set usageFee to a number (e.g usageFee: 2.50) and
players will be charged that each time they OPEN a protected container
(chest, furnace, etc.) It can be used the same as charge: under groups
and players to override the default.
(commit: f9940aa)
The file was modifiedconfig/iconomy.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 0937db82dff7f741ffc123a73a2b488b932f7e39 by hidendra
Allow /lwc fix to reorient dispensers and furnaces
(commit: 0937db8)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
Commit c49721422dbc15ddaa356a60967792f355c9521d by hidendra
Remove /lwc admin view
(commit: c497214)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 44305c7ece46b3a23d659af6b2e96ad89280f44c by hidendra
remove /lwc admin view (0254bed)
(commit: 44305c7)
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 08c1f70f4559689fd3014de484d630ab681f80a5 by hidendra
Remove the no longer needed water exploit checks
(commit: 08c1f70)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 0de8afdcf373b84cccbc3de2c4f462b4b2012040 by hidendra
Closes #112 - Add the aliases /lock and /unlock. /lock is equivalent to
/cprivate and /unlock is the same as /cremove
(commit: 0de8afd)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 846bd356ad6bfccb33e31d17b8eea1e97688ee3b by hidendra
Allow the /lwc admin forceowner command to take a protection ID
parameter. e.g: /lwc admin forceowner Hidendra 4
(commit: 846bd35)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit b00b7d49bce4c3c21cf878b29f181d867744f479 by hidendra
Abstracted /cmodify XXX and /cprivate XXX to
(commit: b00b7d4)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit f948cc7e900fc100aec1e8fa39279daac5f171e0 by hidendra
Allow /cmodify to take an id:## argument. The id can be anywhere, for
example: /lwc modify Hidendra id:5  would work, as well as  /lwc modify
g:Yo id:5 Hidendra, and so on!
(commit: f948cc7)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
Commit 89f3a3c4c0528bdd5277480c31aaf120cdcd5867 by hidendra
More modular build.xml to allow seperate Jenkins projects for LWC,
LWC-Spout, and LWC-Economy. They still share the same workspace. Also,
faster compilation!
(commit: 89f3a3c)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit 6d9970abc52a07bada4f8f9afba1acce66cb64e7 by root
Update ant build file to only build jars when newer files are detected
(commit: 6d9970a)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit 6f5f1320df464c3a1f473303c8fa3cf653f14ba9 by root
make a small change to LWC-Economy to make sure it recompiles
(commit: 6f5f132)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
Commit 5fdbe56e1582fee5106ae30dbd8b240353ac4762 by hidendra
Undo my minor edit
(commit: 5fdbe56)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
Commit aadb8e38d682e718a6dc07a7650ed50fc9d13ab4 by hidendra
Testing jenkins changes
(commit: aadb8e3)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
Commit 076cc003d4e993590a8a0a2944c35d46c76e1e3d by hidendra
and again :)
(commit: 076cc00)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
Commit bb3a3b3c5768d4c95ad2cdac571a7e7b50c7298b by hidendra
nothing useful here
(commit: bb3a3b3)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 07254f2c8d206be4a7670c7b5cd4829bd43b4852 by hidendra
(commit: 07254f2)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 0ff3e9abe9b258c5d3fb1c39075ab72ec12eb0d6 by hidendra
Creating protections created an empty right
(commit: 0ff3e9a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
Commit 71d2cb92d51ef5af4cbc429cc5f7207bd316e8e7 by hidendra
Closes #109 - add the IN_USE discount type to allow discounts to only
take effect when they have less than X DISCOUNTED protections in use
(NOT TOTAL!) Also, minor changes to how the protection update queue is
(commit: 71d2cb9)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 1be17f8a4e442c4a1bfc435e756cca757bdc2851 by hidendra
Use 1 less query when removing a protection
(commit: 1be17f8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit ed7ce3dea97596e55bc2faca8ad765f0cc1fbd84 by hidendra
Append the LWC build info to /version LWC.
(commit: ed7ce3d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit 3a194b4e0b7afa3c419938bfd4b8813ec0b59f95 by hidendra
double b
(commit: 3a194b4)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit 022ebe6951fe0cd4305cd547882c84e6dfba76e7 by hidendra
force LWC to build
(commit: 022ebe6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 2e6e5fa334c001886a5db5fff839713825b63253 by hidendra
env test
(commit: 2e6e5fa)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit e986edddc57466a7e3b2f188621062dd6d92040a by hidendra
Change build number matcher to match adjusted changes
(commit: e986edd)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit aca019c566f1c86c01c9b8c7fbab4491527b1c91 by hidendra
SOME DATA !! Closes #81
(commit: aca019c)
The file was
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit 9ddda1278662106d9e034524dae6050bc919ee1b by hidendra
Broke the version comparator when updating
(commit: 9ddda12)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 839f07d5f0f5e04f3974cc5fc3b182b943221d39 by hidendra
Workaround a small bug with build numbers found in git sha1s for now
(commit: 839f07d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit f469693aef7c2f12fdde6ebd59dab3f8dae62659 by hidendra
the bug 656 workaround has been removed and instead has been replaced
with a feature that automatically attempts to only rely on the database
when the most common form of the chunk bug is found (when blocks show up
as AIR to LWC, which is under normal conditions, impossible)
(commit: f469693)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 54076b0a557c20e564b8f2e04fbc0c1bb213561a by hidendra
Append the changelog and remove some obsolete code
(commit: 54076b0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was
Commit 1278dab2a56308e698358e3cd3d075cd76873ec4 by hidendra
Economy usage fees were being charged even if you couldn't access the
protection (Oops.)
(commit: 1278dab)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit cc2d9e8d3611e387ef426ccd34d5e3cf6f5cf592 by hidendra
default LWC admin/mod perms to false (without explicitly defaulting to
false, Bukkit makes it default to OP instead)
(commit: cc2d9e8)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit a060495ea48948e271064339b0bbdce9e0724a32 by hidendra
default LWC admin/mod perms to false (without explicitly defaulting to
false, Bukkit makes it default to OP instead)
(commit: a060495)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit dd3ef42dcf6eafb6efff1800b175d98601df97c0 by hidendra
append the credits (add Eric and Twizz to donations)
(commit: dd3ef42)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
Commit 487b5e17786c61252dd8a5e19117a719737b2974 by
Fixed SuperPerms permission regression
(commit: 487b5e1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 36a07ca572626f5b6191ecddf45b2a80491f4c50 by
Permissions 2/3 should have highest precedence
(commit: 36a07ca)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 08a8019257bc38bb65cfa842b6d9ab7435d2eab1 by hidendra
Fix for creation date not showing up for History objects. Also, hide the
protection if we know it was destroyed (SQLite likes to reuse primary
keys, so collisions occur.) Also #2, make dev mode PLAYER_INTERACT
notices a little more descriptive
(commit: 08a8019)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/devmode/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit a5b4463c94f6f180dcc5f6921635b7a1eaa51996 by hidendra
Show the block action to dev mode enabled players
(commit: a5b4463)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 731961f8cc53177101b9536e51044b2f91128f84 by hidendra
(commit: 731961f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 5f9ab56219637450eebc0b56665c68175e84a533 by hidendra
Fix /lwc admin report on 3.53
(commit: 5f9ab56)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
Commit 4196a12ee9cd90d8765dab1356ee4e052fb92e55 by hidendra
More detailed debug info for dev mode enabled players
(commit: 4196a12)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 35471b3b03039c95dbfaa82db93b847e9ee8ed69 by hidendra
Improve indexing. Added: history.protectionId, history.player,
protections.[x, y, z, world], protections.owner. Removed:
protections.[owner, x, y, z] (??)
(commit: 35471b3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 9cd4baacca7aaeb1a77bc987b1b8d4b2e4ad0fcc by hidendra
Fix a bug where Wall Signs would not be recognized as a protection if
the protection was in the database, but not the cache.
(commit: 9cd4baa)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit f98c6af764f57e61b4660a0288cfcace86630f8b by hidendra
Seperate the database connect / load messages to differentiate them
(commit: f98c6af)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit ccf21e1583a30fcf9de82d264401558548eaa710 by hidendra
Fix door recognition. note to self: make block finding simpler!
(commit: ccf21e1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 314f3997861a40f92c680ed4b31cc67bcacfe2df by hidendra
Startup time has been dramatically increased for those with a very large
amount of protections.
(commit: 314f399)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was
Commit d18c4b26579b7506bdbef01760364667b8780f5d by hidendra
The previous commit was fine for 1 million protections. Not 13 million.
Some more underlying issues have been discovered (e.g how indexes were
being created) and have been resolved.
(commit: d18c4b2)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit a7c57c85da8934f325b9f28ab49dcad969ea0d40 by hidendra
Bunch of misc lingering issues (my apologies in advance if you're
merging this and it affected any changes you made)
(commit: a7c57c8)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/menu/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 746631b9e1e9819f7e12e82074009a6aa82e582e by hidendra
Whitespace fixes and other misc things (again, apologies if it affected
any changes!)
(commit: 746631b)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/lists/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/schedule/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/impl/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit 9b0e203068d8ce2a06daf8685d9b495659e8c4d0 by hidendra
Block some other typos of /cunlock: .cunlock and lcunlock. And also send
a friendly message!
(commit: 9b0e203)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 5865fe58af3c7c6c0516d46285149cfeddddd8f6 by hidendra
Remove copyright headers from lang files
(commit: 5865fe5)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit b6062dff10f60af24705f5e8bce498416377e6dc by hidendra
Merge pull request #123 from phrstbrn/master Fixed SuperPerms permission
(commit: b6062df)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was addedlib/SuperpermsBridge.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 98d139f0e8f0ecd9de7928fc18ce7d80b3601fdb by hidendra
Begin storing x/y/z coordinates for history objects. Fix a bug with
indexing (oops). SPUNKIIE: first startup using this build will take
around 10-15 minutes for you, after that it will be fine again :) - it
fixes old problems and now only performs indexing 1 time
(commit: 98d139f)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 4653e0b30a96df4550a61b40bc4e54fea2ac9f34 by hidendra
Set the history's x/y/z when creating it
(commit: 4653e0b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit c845975f0c423e92428ac109d3a98a981d03784f by hidendra
Show the history's known location in /lwc details.
(commit: c845975)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
Commit 9e386466e8cfbf11b83056716de5f271bfa367db by hidendra
Log the time protections are destroyed
(commit: 9e38646)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
Commit 8ec6158cb3cd2ab54ad46de6f8526996b93059a9 by hidendra
Removed on date/time. Also make the /lwc details screen look a wee bit
prettier and more readable!
(commit: 8ec6158)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
Commit 506e7417b83f1d37a0cff3e7ec39513583bd325a by hidendra
Closes #131 - support changes made to Towny by Towny Advanced (makes
TownyUniverse.getWorld() static)
(commit: 506e741)
The file was addedlib/Towny_Advanced.jar
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
Commit 7887f5f02c5346b73982759a85a5eff619bdac0c by eric
Made mapProtectionLimit a public method again
(commit: 7887f5f)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 6d42389f254954a244832f24b82e8c20d1b33bce by hidendra
Fix x/y/z not being added to the history table
(commit: 6d42389)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 16955b3d2ac88224b2faeda4b4f7cf609809c843 by hidendra
devel's equivalent of 624e46bd
(commit: 16955b3)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit de1474d7cff7ec03cefa7d3684d48c0905b4ade7 by hidendra
Fix being requested for the password to a protection after a few seconds
(commit: de1474d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedlib/SpoutAPI.jar
Commit 61b0f016488c341f987867924be595db71a7f407 by hidendra
Make lwc.encrypt use StringUtils.encrypt (they were identical!) Side
effect: testing if commit messages are carried down onto LWC/ project
(commit: 61b0f01)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 466e2741329f75b17df1bddc38061d3afa056945 by hidendra
And another - it picked up the old master commits?
(commit: 466e274)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 2b5cb814aef0cf09817234d10f9a587ab9563be0 by hidendra
Remove my space. It's working! (I should've kept it this way before,
perhaps I thought it would break something otherwise)
(commit: 2b5cb81)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 60ab41e3a54f34dd46830fd365e8d23ad01f1e72 by hidendra
For LWC-Spout, use asterisks in place of real chars in the password and
also give the text field focus automatically
(commit: 60ab41e)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit a909cc4dcb0eba4b1c06957fe5336f66a4e9497e by hidendra
Added /cremoveall, which will remove ALL OF YOUR PROTECTIONS. This
prompts you to use /lwc confirm before it actually goes through. Also
fixed a couple of bugs: /lwc admin report was recently broken, and the
internal database version was not being updated. [cc: Asphodan]
(commit: a909cc4)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/devmode/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/confirm/
Commit 33b1f4296d22d82f105959503f0bbeee3276a996 by hidendra
Allow `lwc.limit.#` permission nodes to explicitly set the player's
limit on ANY block (even if they are in the custom limit group).
`lwc.limit.BLOCKID.#` can be used to limit a specific block (e.g
(commit: 33b1f42)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 3904c4b93845b4c49c1903991a72d8dc008ab199 by hidendra
new OO-style Protection finder. Works the same as before (the old
_validateBlock) but is significantly easier to use and understand. see:
(commit: 3904c4b)
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit 4e9abcdf188eab94ed4cd3e5f1807ef362cba85f by hidendra
Closes #133: Protect the wall protected Buttons & Levers are attached
(commit: 4e9abcd)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit bc34bf0d2265abad6908fd6c2323ff3c1e92af96 by hidendra
Simplify the switches for the wall matcher into ifs
(commit: bc34bf0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit 2b7af471c4bdc47ad99e92b400fa0d375ed2b4f2 by hidendra
Closes #113: Fixes the umlauts in the german locale.
(commit: 2b7af47)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit 7b98a9aa56fdce8d8be331ddc723dd41ec88e433 by hidendra
Italian translation courtesy of portaro.
(commit: 7b98a9a)
The file was addedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
Commit 5b749c65f3195c69741af5bb6303c6ab80fb37a0 by hidendra
Remove found protections from the cache when using purgebanned, etc.
(commit: 5b749c6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit eed3525dedc5d8e17795b310633e1e2843f82751 by hidendra
The ProtectionTypes class is no longer in use and is now replaced with
the Protection.Type enum - any plugins that called registerProtection()
directly will not work with this build onwards unless it is fixed.
(commit: eed3525)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/lists/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 76fb14e530d3e108e2a46b1a2c2002dccf3b809a by hidendra
misc cleanup - no noticeable changes (unless you break the database.)
Removes ProtectionTypes, Changes to creation and makes
Database.connect() a bit neater.
(commit: 76fb14e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 2b7054a692eafaf0de3b40b33632f9ffde77702c by hidendra
Remove DriverStub (no longer needed)
(commit: 2b7054a)
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 31a56ec3c4424cd3b8a3cae6e12fc09c88f0e772 by hidendra
More un-noticeable stuff: renamed CacheSet to ProtectionCache and it now
stores a set of hard references to cached protections. At some point the
other caches will only use WeakReferences, not hard. This will allow
more versatile caches so we can use the cache more often while
guaranteeing we can keep caches up to date (e.g when the hard reference
disappears, the weak references will as well)
(commit: 31a56ec)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit 81ab9e90718aebb1d4cd3b3e97f087a6e9c8a793 by hidendra
Created WeakLRUCache
(commit: 81ab9e9)
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit d4cd007c0a4fdc10a0dd054e46008fa579b18380 by hidendra
Some ResultSets were not being properly closed (just a couple of queries
for Protection History)
(commit: d4cd007)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 217001b4fdd94884d0d587bcf62e7621d3823ea1 by hidendra
Made WeakLRUCache properly use ReferenceQueue to remove GC'd entries,
and make it implement Map, as it should be
(commit: 217001b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit a16aea40724ef04aed60ed2fd7e2019c2947d614 by hidendra
Move some methods and/or classes around. (Performance has become
(commit: a16aea4)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/schedule/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit ad52d524f9e85173c1c3218631e5e0c61dd03bea by hidendra
Oops - error
(commit: ad52d52)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit b8fd3f1577c738154f03369c51f0f6f80cca851f by hidendra
Change Physical database: to Queries: in /lwc admin report
(commit: b8fd3f1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit d74361dafd11d6877d4b0bf1f26d198d7c4ef1ab by hidendra
Re-enable lwc.autoprotect perm node for SuperPerms - it is not usable on
legacy permissions plugins such as Permissions 2.x/3.x
(commit: d74361d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 75fd354ab59a5c08e559c2d7e52aec9b3909b6ab by hidendra
Fix a NullPointerException in WeakLRUCache
(commit: 75fd354)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit c1d45571806c69687d400b726be9b0cf2ede8311 by hidendra
Restore (and instead, deprecate) compatibility with plugins that create
protections via LWC 3.53 methods. (Almost identical, anywho.)
(commit: c1d4557)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 51148520a641fd4cbe276deb4dcba73672e88b46 by hidendra
Last commit was a lie - any other plugins that created a LWC protection
directly also probably used the class ProtectionTypes.
(commit: 5114852)
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 453c495da511f73f0087b2d9be076ce4f92f6860 by hidendra
Fix an exception being thrown for protectable blocks being placed that
have autoProtect disabled
(commit: 453c495)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit e3f1af045a6859cdb3991ed199a6af4649d414e6 by hidendra
"exploit": Don't allow drop transfer to be used to transfer items across
worlds. This is problematic if one world is survival oriented and
another world allows creative mode for everyone with free spawning
rights (you can guess what happens next.)
(commit: e3f1af0)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
Commit f5323082526dec6b1f16d7991c1c9a9182d6ec19 by hidendra
Fix load order of various members to not break downloading of config
files/etc when first starting LWC.
(commit: f532308)
The file was removedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was addedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 5df3a84e6787690844d982c6656965466d614417 by hidendra
Explicitly remove protections from the weak caches instead of relying on
waiting for the weak refs to be garbage collected
(commit: 5df3a84)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit ca58f74356e73b3926f395e99ca310ebcf36915f by hidendra
Preliminary support for DONATION chests - yeah. Allows you to *donate*
items, but only people with access (ala /cprivate) can move items and/or
remove items. Will require LWC-Spout & Spout. P.S: Not functional yet :P
(commit: ca58f74)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit c526fc2017670c901e88667149a61278eeb3409f by hidendra
Donation chest support - requires LWC-Spout. Anyone can open the chest
and add items to it, but only those with admin rights can modify the
chest, take out items, etc (e.g /cmodify @Hidendra will allow Hidendra
to modify the chest - /cmodify Hidendra IS NOT enough at the moment.)
(commit: c526fc2)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 9e23509b7ec97bdeb89fdc6fcdb4c9d1f90b5208 by hidendra
Automatic config updater. What it does is automatically adds new config
values to the LWC conf files that are missing and also deletes invalid
nodes (AKA Magic). It doesn't touch dynamic nodes such as
protection.blocks, limits, etc. This also means LWC.jar is a tiny bit
bigger because all the config files are in the local jar. #91
(commit: 9e23509)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit 8873f727b448dd6029f7b8d469bfb13e168c5c45 by hidendra
Forgot java docs for a method!
(commit: 8873f72)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
Commit ad8c20c3ca4d42ea62dfa7b1807b1c5ccc7dbfbe by eric
Added WG region blacklist and canBuild check
(commit: ad8c20c)
The file was modifiedskel/worldguard.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
Commit bc7d8e71913a304a18c6ab1adbbaeb77fdc9b297 by hidendra
Startup errors saying a path could not be found should now be resolved -
occurred when the path to the Minecraft folder contained spaces.
(commit: bc7d8e7)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
Commit 9fd42687ce3a03df40e9170017a3c47072c549b3 by hidendra
Fix exception when using /lwc schedule create
(commit: 9fd4268)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 8d95bb772133689549af094cadeed4a0c6cbc9ee by hidendra
Added WG region blacklist and canBuild check via Pull Request #142 from
(commit: 8d95bb7)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
The file was modifiedconfig/worldguard.yml
Commit 008958c9993cd1935dbe5d5c5b8525e1996b05bf by hidendra
Fix out of range error when using /lwc schedule autorun
(commit: 008958c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit e3b04d6c947207030fae2a4bfc7379698fcee139 by hidendra
Only register optional modules if plugins are actually active (lists,
worldguard, towny)
(commit: e3b04d6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit bf1713d85930805b3d46b555245798052fc95fa2 by hidendra
action: was renamed to name: in doors.yml by the refactorer at some
(commit: bf1713d)
The file was modifiedconfig/doors.yml
Commit 77db5ece935f05ef2be4fbbd26570c0126619052 by hidendra
Moved the database converter to its own handy class
(commit: 77db5ec)
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
Commit 47cf90fddcc28774b137761783e78f0bf4bac799 by hidendra
The comment for a method made absolutely no sense at all...
(commit: 47cf90f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
Commit f73d78b26e284341482c505b0b871c94f8a96e65 by hidendra
Remove ambiguity from the database migration method
(commit: f73d78b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
Commit aff1ea09b39370ff0f5be7e6455bfe271c1f6efd by hidendra
On the fly live database conversion which can switch between SQLite and
MySQL without a plugin reload or server restart. NOT FULLY TESTED YET,
HEY.-- /lwc setup database NEWTYPE (mysql or sqlite), mysql data however
would need to already be configured in core.yml for now
(commit: aff1ea0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
Commit 489dc3fa7ac7062b4d299ed7b6dba77489e7ae53 by hidendra
Closes #139 -- on the fly db conversion is indeed working as it should
(commit: 489dc3f)
The file was
Commit f4c0866d3b8db888696dca9f613e63c5c4262a3d by hidendra
Closes #119 -- allow charges to be added under protections.blocks in
core.yml to be used by LWC-Economy
(commit: f4c0866)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 662cada7fdc33793f0a0e6746ad8bca92e147c11 by hidendra
Give /cinfo a fresh look. Now also shows who can access the protection
and lets you know /lwc owners exists if you have more than 9 users on
the chest (before now, /lwc owners was documented nowhere, aha!)
(commit: 662cada)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 2eb404587fb0d35b25108d62674424b1eb47d4af by hidendra
Modify colour scheme for ACL list in /cinfo
(commit: 2eb4045)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit d10bff23116dc727b75fceab72fbed58de26aef1 by hidendra
Convenience commands to query the database much more easily. Example:
rename protections using World1 to World2, /lwc admin updateprotections
set world = 'World2' where world = 'World1';   .... All new commands:
/lwc admin updateprotections, /lwc admin deleteprotections, /lwc admin
All commands cannot take no arguments; e.g /lwc admin deleteprotections
alone will not accidentally delete your whole database. If you wanted to
delete your whole database, you would do /lwc admin deleteprotections
1=1, or to delete all protections in a world: /lwc admin
deleteprotections world='TheWorld'
(commit: d10bff2)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 12e96e055d1c782b044122c6d4eb943e7d81f21f by hidendra
Update the changelog
(commit: 12e96e0)
The file was
Commit 6856efb7a33fdd029a1c20fd767199e365d7cd81 by hidendra
Add missing event cancellation checks so we don't waste cpu on something
we don't need to - #146
(commit: 6856efb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 9d2d53f7a4d6d193b0752b882289c36e67509245 by hidendra
Closes #143 -- Rewrote the WorldGuard integration feature -- it works as
expected now-- whitelist, blacklist, et al.
(commit: 9d2d53f)
The file was modifiedconfig/worldguard.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
Commit f4b18f50a6a359f1333c722c6ec595f9ba723118 by hidendra
Fix my engrish
(commit: f4b18f5)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
Commit bb3d7d6aae1859fdf82600b2342582af76fd51e5 by hidendra
1. Add removeProtectionsByPlayer to PhysDB; 2. Only show ACL list in
/cinfo to those who can admin the protection; 3. Add a friendly warning
message when a LWC-related action is attempted but another plugin has
cancelled the interact event before LWC could process it.
(commit: bb3d7d6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 2a1748ade31d61aa862419be09505fa19f71c87a by hidendra
Test git hook for the new build server (oh, and remove an unused line)
(commit: 2a1748a)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
Commit b1758958e6d738deaf69f5a67dbea57862894bbe by hidendra
Minor experimentation with some automatic rearrangement (just on LWC and
LWCPlugin classes)
(commit: b175895)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 0070f494189cec587f97947cf0f232f68cb2dc2d by hidendra
CI Building should definitely work now
(commit: 0070f49)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit b4e9ebc17315087b74cb31b73d3bed49ce27fcae by hidendra
Closes #141 -- Adds optional.onlyProtectIfOwnerIsOnline to core.yml
(when you update it'll show up automatically in your config). If you
tick it to true, protections will only be useful (and prevent entry)
when the owner of it is online!
(commit: b4e9ebc)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 13c862320d63bf83d0b0fa4a121d9a75dc12870b by hidendra
Fix potential NPE when saving protections
(commit: 13c8623)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit a2c2ae870f709d3ceaf7f7fac94bcd00eb9eabf1 by hidendra
Protection.update() is no longer needed as LWC's protection cache is
more strict about cached protection objects
(commit: a2c2ae8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit c2d5c056fc0aa6617a8a3fd2df9894be54bf1981 by hidendra
Remove unneeded cache write when saving a protection. Misc clarification
and separation of some logic
(commit: c2d5c05)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 7804288840e58a8967e96a358d8f1dff6e3b3ff2 by hidendra
Fun little info message when starting up. Will be changed to only shown
the first time using LWC later on (most likely when we're ready to begin
(commit: 7804288)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 3a7e143e07dc65f296ec5e2771403ebfb21e2459 by hidendra
Add a warning after protecting something that redstone is currently
allowed on it if the block can be affected by redstone (doors,
trapdoors, etc etc) and that they can disable redstone with /credstone
(commit: 3a7e143)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/easynotify/
Commit fe802e33563bab576cc5a3dd5d2071bf8b00a541 by hidendra
#141 -- Add optional.onlyProtectWhenOwnerIsOffline. Also renames
optional.onlyProtectIfOwnerIsOnline to
(commit: fe802e3)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was
Commit d35992e2b5210a7f54e7b655acfa584bf4738b9d by hidendra
Fix /cunlock
(commit: d35992e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 61d4e504fadc5626658b18e970e5c8adb7104ed4 by hidendra
Added worldguard.allowProtectionsOutsideRegions to the WorldGuard
portion of LWC to decide if you want to allow protections outside of
WorldGuard regions.
(commit: 61d4e50)
The file was modifiedconfig/worldguard.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
The file was
Commit 2eaa38e4e453bf84c49d0371c459c06f027dfdce by hidendra
Mismatched default values for worldguard.allowProtectionsOutsideRegions
(commit: 2eaa38e)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
Commit 8a5ee08b942c53280296bbf7a12b7453fc8cc0ff by hidendra
Format the larger numbers in /lwc admin report (handy for a special
someone with >20 million protections, possibly..)
(commit: 8a5ee08)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit b29c42bc818df8a8ccb23b49b4dbd75fbd468a90 by hidendra
Showcase exploit fix pulled into LWC3. This marks the release of LWC
3.54. #promote
(commit: b29c42b)
The file was addedlib/Showcase.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was addedlib/Showcase0.7.7.jar
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit 88d357a6ced191be16ebb7a88cb996cf68537b78 by hidendra
Minor change to LWC-Spout to force a rebuild
(commit: 88d357a)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
Commit 27fe764581dfe8859436623205ff878630b335cd by hidendra
Add RustyDagger (donation) and krinsdeath to credits. Started the
changelog that will be shown publicly at release, not yet finished.
(commit: 27fe764)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was
Commit 6368b196101bfc6bd9b67cc445cf758a2f5826d6 by hidendra
Refactor some PhysDB methods to remove old naming from LWC 1.00. This
should not affect any other plugins but if it does they are doing
something they probably should not be doing :) (or doing it wrong)
(commit: 6368b19)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 63be96cb3d4f0d452f2b56abd70c10c07557d1ac by hidendra
Rename UpdateThread -> DatabaseThread and rewrite it. Again, there
shouldn't be any plugins interfacing with this directly so it should not
break anything.
(commit: 63be96c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 6ecb9650340e9292691d6159d4ba174d131b2ff6 by hidendra
3.55 - minor defect in 3.54 preventing /cunlock from being used #promote
(commit: 6ecb965)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit c33583491d2a98e1d412b5b15b96463d812791d0 by hidendra
1. Don't display redstone warning when denyRedstone is true for
/cprivate; 2. Allow Fence Gates to be automatically closed by
/cautoclose & doors.yml
(commit: c335834)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/easynotify/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
Commit 379bf0f70b0f080296c11c49e4e924a7f88f7b4f by hidendra
Resolve compilation error from upgrade in CraftBukkit dependancy. Remove
unused classes.
(commit: 379bf0f)
The file was removedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/impl/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/impl/
The file was removedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/
The file was removedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
Commit 43d039c67bec0b43e634e738484eab24eb2900b4 by hidendra
Update changelog
(commit: 43d039c)
The file was
Commit 28b98cf067f3577ccc5ba0f1477e714749129ab1 by hidendra
Replace the help screen when using just /lwc flag with a list of all of
the flags.
(commit: 28b98cf)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit db031a9d65fc6e4e23a7d3a4dc34b6e5e35d5f8e by hidendra
Closes #161: Add the ALLOWEXPLOSIONS flag, which allows a protection to
be exploded and/or protection removed by an explosion. The protection is
GUARANTEED to be removed by an explosion; however the block may not be
removed if another protected block is nearby. Aliases:
/callowexplosions, /ctnt
(commit: db031a9)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit b6ebf3318405287281f84719d99cf1099cd71ead by hidendra
Closes #162: Enforce the protection's stored block id
(commit: b6ebf33)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 3ffb72eeb8c198cc305981354b740680685712c5 by hidendra
Remove tests; unused and causing errors
(commit: 3ffb72e)
The file was removedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was removedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedsrc/test/main/java/com/griefcraft/
Commit 4d9fa2e354fe2b9f2a0a2e0fd8d5e27efb26ab37 by hidendra
push devel to top of build list
(commit: 4d9fa2e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 4d2a2f378619b128c646ff4a7e303a7337d66195 by hidendra
Closes #161: ignoreExplosions was still trying to use the old variant
under core which is gone.
(commit: 4d2a2f3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 1dafb3412175bcbb7a7424f9d4baa1a2a407006f by hidendra
Major refactoring of what was known as 'AccessRight'. It is now named
'Permission'. Rights and type are now an enum. This MAY break some
plugins that used these but it cannot be helped.
(commit: 1dafb34)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/lists/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit e3a9c576ade8a5e4623129aeb1953c8878e0fc59 by hidendra
Closes #168: fixes a bug where doors would appear to disappear if you
interacted with the block under it and also lowered entity destruction
event priority
(commit: e3a9c57)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 93d9644fbef71b4c2ce2a2f54a34f69aee3baff4 by hidendra
Lowered entity destruction event priority for real this time (forgot to
(commit: 93d9644)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit cc1c3479558f90dcd93587ce6214c697105ad09d by hidendra
%lighgray% should be %lightgray%
(commit: cc1c347)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 58028b9e367157ee0a90c07cad1a5f44480a7712 by hidendra
Closes #136: Protection item keys! These allow you to make your private
protection beckon to a specific item, or "key." This sees its best uses
with Spout custom items, however normal items can still be used. Using
it: /cmodify item:ID or /cprivate item:ID.
(commit: 58028b9)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit ad7b8d3fe356029cbf93a819e7855bc6b3b603df by hidendra
(commit: ad7b8d3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 6cd6b40088fcb2c3e65291c982ced718c2bf783d by hidendra
When matching protections, remove 'corrupted' protections that shouldn't
be there from the database. This results from an ID mismatch and/or a
block changing type (e.g worldedited to some other block)
(commit: 6cd6b40)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 6cb4e81c0be135625dccdf6fec965eb5eece103a by hidendra
rank up andrewkm
(commit: 6cb4e81)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
Commit b297224fa910977aaa12fa131de7f5e759da18fb by hidendra
Compact the translations section in /lwc credits, makes it easier to
read as well
(commit: b297224)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
Commit 0169a2013a24b162a92a8a52ef41796e5bead7f5 by hidendra
Clarification in changelog
(commit: 0169a20)
The file was
Commit b5a20901aaa220a8c8ee97bf42270cc9ec56150a by hidendra
Closes #171: burning furnaces were being seen as corrupted protections
(commit: b5a2090)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 876725f83736f7b47858bccee31d702d2f82757e by hidendra
Begin the translation phase -- a lot of additions (~80) to and some strings have also been removed -- not been
reflected in the other files yet however. Virtually every message now
resides in the language file again
(commit: 876725f)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/easynotify/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/menu/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/schedule/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/devmode/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
Commit a96ade5c7d94c0b7266d4c5960636a013b1835de by hidendra
3.56 -- don't load WG/Lists modules unless they plugins are loaded
(commit: a96ade5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 13443bd8063ff5c00f1c3239c422eac56392bab5 by hidendra
put devel back on the top of the build queue
(commit: 13443bd)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 4c877cf24ba2888e74db335ecd825815e350c409 by hidendra
Minor internal workings, doesn't do much right now but in preparation
for other commits
(commit: 4c877cf)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 954e8d6af6aaef9878e73a14edcea30fe93af521 by hidendra
3.57 -- ran Jenkins through Building 101  #promote
(commit: 954e8d6)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit f16ef3ab060f3c025ec9e4dae0f923ec32ebc831 by hidendra
To Jenkins: please kindly switch over to the devel branch. With love,
(commit: f16ef3a)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit efcc431e8faed8963bb42f8a8ddf5f995158aec4 by hidendra
Experimental metrics. Basic non-identifiable data available to anyone: | Opt-out:
(commit: efcc431)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 8895c97144675c0e4f546dcbc7e6eb876eede693 by hidendra
Add ping to metrics so time-based stats are accurate (e.g 'last hour')
(commit: 8895c97)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit f87ad9c80222d5dce6c5083c6d3a63083447e531 by hidendra
Only add a plugin to Ping if it isn't already tracked (won't happen
often but it may somehow)
(commit: f87ad9c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 398566da0feddefc6e73bf4bd97d2cf5558c726f by hidendra
Add player counts -- will be pretty graphs at some point when viable
data is available (and the cron script will be pushed to git then)
(commit: 398566d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 17e2143e9f7201c3f52512c69078cad74bf65ee7 by hidendra
Minor renaming of code that didn't get renamed when AccessRight was
(commit: 17e2143)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 5dbd84e6108a8eebbaa221f796e35456d4fa74bf by hidendra
add Protection.removeAllPermissions()
(commit: 5dbd84e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit e1b3d488d85a86381a3f4ce6c28a04c789bcaf51 by hidendra
3.58: Fix the flags error (>do not< download the jenkins build of this)
(commit: e1b3d48)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit cb59342f71fbee54d7109c627f7d55a4d6ffeaca by hidendra
rebuild lwc-econ
(commit: cb59342)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
Commit cdfffe2d4340e1f590b513fc19dae458ced8eb50 by hidendra
misc renaming for remnants of the AccessRight -> Permission change
(commit: cdfffe2)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/lists/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 5034782653e65008bca51dbd4c26f64bdb1554e6 by hidendra
Closes #163: Add Hungarian translation courtesy of dretax
(commit: 5034782)
The file was addedsrc/lang/
Commit 56bc0afc6e54c6a66a574bf0c4998e152c1eb77b by hidendra
Closes #163: Add Hungarian translation courtesy of dretax
(commit: 56bc0af)
The file was addedsrc/lang/
Commit a989723fbdedfe3f5150afd08ffcf023f7d5678b by hidendra
Explicitly build for java 1.6 to avoid potential issues in the future
(commit: a989723)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit 8e72315e74ca20c7a9a583ead9377c94a0e37fed by hidendra
Experimental door & wooden plate feature. It AUTOMATICALLY PROTECTS
pressure plates that are in front of a wooden/iron door and prevents
players that cannot access the door from opening it. If you experience
any lag because of this new build please notify me directly (#157)
(commit: 8e72315)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit 304dd9c59e008743ac0268db8678fe14c9a78e32 by hidendra
Fix imports
(commit: 304dd9c)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/menu/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/easynotify/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
Commit ea39672bf81de5154b0414a8e831ea3cc249d600 by hidendra
Cool feature 002: You can now disable all redstone on a door (/credstone
on), place a pressure plate in front, and then this pressure plate will
open the door ONLY WHEN you use it. No redstone torches/levers/assertive
chats will work on the door after activating the flag, either! (unless
you're within 1 block of it) (#157)
(commit: ea39672)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit c817937450d804b5d7288c2324cceb5d3e458697 by hidendra
4.0.0-beta1: all major changes should now be completed. From here on:
bug fixes, consistency fixes, completion of minor features that still
haven't been done, and testing. At this point those who opted to help
translate LWC into X language will be contacted.
(commit: c817937)
The file was
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit eb5d6f31c2f351f85e3d419eea6f12354708a27a by hidendra
Add constructors to Permission and remove protectionId from Permission
-- no longer has any use in LWC4
(commit: eb5d6f3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit f1c8018d314d5f0a824dc02e446c40132c32561c by hidendra
amend /lwc credits -- catch up on donations, and also VADemon,
armed_troop, DeadFred
(commit: f1c8018)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
Commit 495d3c36f2e9b7ae7df9870b8a76fe144e99f40a by hidendra
Let loadProtection(ID) utilize the protection cache
(commit: 495d3c3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit 9b6f2f2a4b2d2696790c5b8f14dcd75e140a45e1 by hidendra
modify folder structure the updater will use for stable builds
(commit: 9b6f2f2)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 2ad5f1319d5f11433c3b755be89e55e200a895a3 by hidendra
Expose the updater config options (core.yml -> updater.branch and
updater.method) and begin operating on STABLE as the default option. The
new update site for STABLE is: and each new version is
now separated into their own folder.
(commit: 2ad5f13)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 32f62d81b269fbfb3826b14f6185f096ee592e88 by hidendra
Update the language files with untranslated strings
(commit: 32f62d8)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit 63cbd255b412a1844950f800510ceacadfe71740 by hidendra
Forgot german!
(commit: 63cbd25)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit 9c5f81bcd1a47d4e9cce103a8a41242a98e94194 by hidendra
German locale update
(commit: 9c5f81b)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit 84f1d24cd66bd84c6b8eb6df8710d960369ee006 by hidendra
Update polish locale with the first two things that were done
(commit: 84f1d24)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit 588932216b3d2599e80c7a66c125325c26395185 by hidendra
fix /lwc setup database  to not show %type%
(commit: 5889322)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
Commit fae0a4e2de2cfb887db5c2ee3d3f1f9045bbbe92 by hidendra
Test jenkins again (post-migration now!)
(commit: fae0a4e)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
Commit 52706892ff59d2e624d4bfe916d5112256d2d92b by hidendra
German umlauts
(commit: 5270689)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit 8d43fec195f671fd68743d12ed695ed21007ad1e by hidendra
update german locale with some extra block names -jobsti
(commit: 8d43fec)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit e08aebee23f9812878bdacfc047ba2f04fd6ae42 by hidendra
Update the german locale, courtesy PinguinAman
(commit: e08aebe)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit 7a294d8840ea9a75738417307ba1d52d4c7ee32c by hidendra
At long last, the protection's type can now easily be changed. /cmodify
private = Change the protection to private, /cmodify password 1234 = Set
the protection to password and make the pass 1234. It can also be used
to CHANGE the password!
(commit: 7a294d8)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was
Commit e2e98cfcf7053ef77b1989e5bc745614529b70b6 by hidendra
Disable the lwc.autprotect perm node and minor grammar error fix. The
autoprotect permission node will be replaced with a more robust config
feature in the future because of clunkiness with perm plugins that allow
(commit: e2e98cf)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit 7898dfcc0df47a13c87485ea5281479ddabc0fd2 by hidendra
Disable lwc.autoprotect, take 2
(commit: 7898dfc)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 0672e3bdcc6c8c67be63f5544dfbdd947e5a8af5 by hidendra
Update Italian (portaro), Dutch (MadZero) and some of Polish (Geoning)
(commit: 0672e3b)
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit ce8299dafa37ff4065b5b0e3108183be3110aae2 by hidendra
Sample config for new limits v2 -- only config is implemented, not
functionality yet. The old limits.yml will still be usable but won't be
auto downloaded after the new one is implemented to be
backwards-compatible for a while. It will be dead simple to set limits -
see config/limitsv2.yml for some examples
(commit: ce8299d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedconfig/limitsv2.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 2daccaf2c985f21dfe3d89fc23f5c5cfea28e21a by hidendra
Limits v2 -- extremely simple and much more easier to use over the
legacy Limits. If a limit is not defined for a specific block, it will
instead use the total amount of protections the player has.
(commit: 2daccaf)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit a01b20e4e1914b2a8eca4cfdeb943d076323e4d5 by hidendra
If no player limit was present and a group one was, the default would
have overridden it.
(commit: a01b20e)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 78743dbf23ed1202c2e7c21c23fd7f8bcd0dcd0c by hidendra
Add a method for limits that gets all of the limits that can affect the
player. Conveniently it has the highest limit available to them for each
type. This'll be used for /climits for better listing of what a player
can protect soon! (huzzah)
(commit: 78743db)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 0b7f7d2c645550e4800c506efce19c87190dc76c by hidendra
Move /climits over to limits v2 and some bug fixes in logic
(commit: 0b7f7d2)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit af445229cbc9e5c95deb60fbc561ca816df827ba by hidendra
reprivatize normalizeName
(commit: af44522)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 539c88017c297e9ab69e422a9f67d8e2a51078ec by hidendra
Stop auto downloading limits.yml (old one) so as to not add more
confusion when the server doesn't have it. And remove some extra output
that was used for testing.
(commit: 539c880)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
Commit b0b3b5a1ec901d3506308d17f811bc243985947d by hidendra
Increase explosion event priority higher to HIGH in order to defeat
(commit: b0b3b5a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit f74bab635ee4e47e6eb9c940a2b6dac9351c720e by hidendra
protection config: 'quiet' mode which hides all creation messages &
notices. useful for those that allow protection of blocks such as stone,
wood, etc.
(commit: f74bab6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
Commit 479bddb1a91ca83323ff0a0c4d7714e158163fe2 by hidendra
Fix group limits and some rearranging of stuff to prepare for a command
to set limits
(commit: 479bddb)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 2a3236c8a6846ffe819d2a554d973b1a3a4867ee by hidendra
add a reload event -- /lwc admin reload will now reload the limitsv2
file as well!
(commit: 2a3236c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 8fae4694f3b8347cab4928251e9728d35586f5e5 by hidendra
Closes #128: Command to set limits! Some examples: DEFAULT 5 chests,
unlimited everything else: /lwc setup limits default chest 5 default
unlimited, PLAYER Hidendra: /lwc setup limits hidendra default unlimited
chest 5 46 0,  and to just set the default: /lwc setup limits hidendra
(commit: 8fae469)
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 9ca2d79aa9f1722553015a906489441a9a348cc4 by hidendra
adjust the startup message to be more appropriate
(commit: 9ca2d79)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit ba14874c815ae4c703c325a6e0befe637236694a by hidendra
Add the amount of protections the player has to /climits (and for
chests, only count how many chests they have, etc) and colourize the
output -- green if they're good and red if they've exceeded that limit.
(commit: ba14874)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit d18684cbf313af38f346558d1ccbad4732e0414e by hidendra
Fix /lwc setup database when going from mysql -> sqlite
(commit: d18684c)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was removedsrc/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 2015d49969cead0a65d08dcebef3b6e6aed604e7 by hidendra
more reliable conversion of old rights (LWC3) -> new rights
(commit: 2015d49)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit f222c1e0c664373ab97965c1fdfbc452dae1d88b by hidendra
update the changelog
(commit: f222c1e)
The file was
Commit 51bbdd5d246506816e8000252979f12e77fc6999 by hidendra
4.0.0 - Merry Christmas everyone
(commit: 51bbdd5)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit ddbb91c055341ebbc61b90d160febc8315e60301 by hidendra
Rebuild LWC
(commit: ddbb91c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was
Commit f6a54f09e01cc299c68c28d7e898a8acedeb6f3d by hidendra
Fix a dumb Spout bug (in RB and dev builds) that allows protections (e.g
CHESTS) to be removed, and also fix a bug in converting rights from LWC3
-> 4 format when bad rights are in the table
(commit: f6a54f0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 277d6c266c248f4fedea62eff26d134b4171c243 by hidendra
Closes #187: Fix the german locale's file encoding (latin-1 -> utf-8)
(commit: 277d6c2)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/lang/
Commit 4d5725aed33ff6e337c172f04d16bd92cfcce8d2 by hidendra
4.0.1 - bug fix release :)
(commit: 4d5725a)
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit 8dca1f650c6a97a3f72e27c7971d83e0bff2592a by hidendra
kindly request jenkins to build 4.0.1
(commit: 8dca1f6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 36671df86efcdc5695b3617ca09fe649d5b3f253 by hidendra
Identified areas that caused 1-2 more queries than normal for protected
and unprotected doors (separate causes for either)
(commit: 36671df)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 64099c0f019951494494ab2912e93ffcda458497 by hidendra
fix a bug where protections could override a chest protection in two
specific directions
(commit: 64099c0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit ba9bdfad1b47623df1cc57bf0266d20a328f086c by hidendra
update the credits: donations -> MonsterTKE and imaxorz
(commit: ba9bdfa)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
Commit 60e77193852adadbd13fcd8d7316cd0ec65b141a by hidendra
Fix an issue with access conversions from 3 -> 4, LWC would assume the
player has NO rights, not PLAYER access
(commit: 60e7719)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 789fcfcc5e63036d6cd9e275b801e992ba5c6c7b by hidendra
4.0.2 - mainly a bugfix/optimization release. Fixes the bug where old
/cmodify'd players could not access protections. Merry christmas!
(commit: 789fcfc)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit 46ae1e30d088ee5295c104bab6546df50f8f6c51 by hidendra
make quiet protection config also hide removal message (via removing the
block) and redstone note when registered a door/trap door/etc
(commit: 46ae1e3)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/easynotify/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
Commit 5d21be5f0738c098b25fec84c1c0d3d32afa36bd by hidendra
forgot a !, go me!
(commit: 5d21be5)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/easynotify/
Commit f027053916ea9ab7bc71b1591c5a01a9e172ecf0 by hidendra
Fix plugins/LWC/locale/
(commit: f027053)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 873fc70c996d00b21026fbadc1fae547c93a754e by hidendra
fix removal of double step protections when a step is placed and
(commit: 873fc70)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit d1e49b888de6d826da96b2734a19acc65bdc66f2 by hidendra
fix automatic upgrade from sqlite->mysql
(commit: d1e49b8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
Commit 093fb1347ba4a61315d47b3a7333d75cd2d54126 by hidendra
Closes #197: located and restored /lwc admin purgeregion ..
(commit: 093fb13)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
Commit 00d57c52c4e773dd172e0d321bb2b5839c72ebb7 by hidendra
Fail with a more descriptive failure when LWC cannot connect to the
database at startup
(commit: 00d57c5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 0e0b6ef465b31d29638c15be5c8c5434dfce0c95 by hidendra
Fix an NPE in limitsv2 that is normally only found when using /climits
(commit: 0e0b6ef)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 0aeba949290c89b93c20da9998c4eefcad7d5ccf by hidendra
Two great things! When removing one side of a protected double chest, it
won't REMOVE the protection now. It will move the protection to the side
of the chest that isn't destroyed if needed. Second great thing, located
an area of more wasted queries (when clicking certain blocks)
(commit: 0aeba94)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit ba74570aa18c9aabf974fccb5533bce39b0de8cc by hidendra
Oops, missed one debug statement :)
(commit: ba74570)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit e4827c529b9148e94a17e802d7ce92da8156cafb by hidendra
organize the library directory
(commit: e4827c5)
The file was removedlib/BOSEconomy.jar
The file was removedlib/iConomy6.jar
The file was removedlib/mcbans.jar
The file was removedlib/Permissions.jar
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was removedlib/PermissionsEx.jar
The file was removedlib/WorldGuard.jar
The file was removedlib/Towny_Advanced.jar
The file was removedlib/SuperpermsBridge.jar
The file was removedlib/iConomy5.jar
The file was removedlib/Lists.jar
The file was removedlib/Showcase0.7.7.jar
The file was removedlib/WorldEdit.jar
The file was removedlib/Showcase.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was removedlib/PermissionsBukkit.jar
The file was removedlib/junit.jar
The file was removedlib/Essentials.jar
The file was removedlib/Towny.jar
The file was removedlib/SpoutAPI.jar
Commit 869a5dca652cc987bc02c60d3ffd8c2b571c160b by hidendra
fix gitignore
(commit: 869a5dc)
The file was addedlib/plugins/WorldEdit.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/SuperpermsBridge.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/Lists.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/Permissions.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/Towny_Advanced.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/PermissionsEx.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/iConomy5.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/mcbans.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/iConomy6.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/Showcase.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/PermissionsBukkit.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/Showcase0.7.7.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/Essentials.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/SpoutAPI.jar
The file was modified.gitignore
The file was addedlib/plugins/BOSEconomy.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/Towny.jar
The file was addedlib/plugins/WorldGuard.jar
Commit e110528345522cd92d01c7ff1663a3b0c80c7e9e by hidendra
soft defend iConomy to fix a bug when using the serverBankAccount
feature of LWC-Economy
(commit: e110528)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 4d10dcd8bf2f6d329e0a6a9cdec7b2c354f9435c by hidendra
soft depend permissions and permissionsbukkit
(commit: 4d10dcd)
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 171c4eb24c9a6fbdabf8190196d3fa78071d8c65 by hidendra
support custom protections via the data value ( 'id:data' , e.g '181:8'
(commit: 171c4eb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 5d1d4b4f215daf0f53c0f30ac74ad6ea2afab23a by hidendra
Group limits (in limitsv2.yml) are now case INsensitive - huzzah!
(commit: 5d1d4b4)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit b5d7b2480cb09a59f6ac20c5677213f32290088a by hidendra
only perform rights migration once even if the rights table fails to
(commit: b5d7b24)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit e0c48e47a58412c33b656e2d32d022b9b960bbc3 by hidendra
move the log message for rights migration so it only shows up when it
actually needs to be done
(commit: e0c48e4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 4573d09eaab8a5af327388e830918f733fd05bf6 by hidendra
How come I never noticed sqlite libraries were using plugins/LWC/lib/lib
? I'm the best, that's the answer....
(commit: 4573d09)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit e5c6954ac57baa15d7e304daece0b8edb8387320 by hidendra
Default values for history object enums (type / status)
(commit: e5c6954)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 405b42aa2f3b91ac0b0f857efe48f71d2d5bee4a by hidendra
worldguard.allowProtectionsOutsideRegions was working in reverse (true
meant it was blocked, false meant it was allowed) :-)
(commit: 405b42a)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
Commit 58edf5b124863c096c8684ea72d7ca264bb44b22 by hidendra
Fix an exploit detailed by Sir Spunkiie. the fixes applied to
ProtectionFinder: 1. ensure blocks matched are kept in the same order;
2. when tryLoadProtection() is used, if a protection is matched THAT
protection is cached. Default the function to NOT cache and only cache
when the protection finder uses it
(commit: 58edf5b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 72be1e9ba04ad08fcf2f54e9e26b5be55d0462d3 by hidendra
fix my settings to automatically remove unused imports
(commit: 72be1e9)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit c816f84523ddc95b836fca0225d7f3d38f000ad7 by hidendra
Remove the dependancy on LWC-Spout / LWC-Economy because of some 'dumb'
bugs with how Bukkit dependancies work. Also, these two plugins load
POSTWORLD now to doubly make sure everything still plays nice together.
(commit: c816f84)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 3f3e5b9c92fc41cf0856b8416b82727269d43b05 by hidendra
4.0.3 - bug fixes all around #promote
(commit: 3f3e5b9)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 0ab4fa03f8640f6a491cce4fa85c3a66b814cb69 by hidendra
4.0.4 #promote
(commit: 0ab4fa0)
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit b31ca8a4f12ad2c08be85169df0ef4f8cd26c274 by hidendra
Prevent players from using /lwc fix on protections they cannot
(commit: b31ca8a)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
Commit b6d37ed3b909deea60230e1e916e4d25d6fca0e6 by hidendra
Metrics core update to conform with the now public metrics api
(commit: b6d37ed)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit f5b86856dc10a8d4bb9c9135953154970c3eb557 by hidendra
Use live metrics again
(commit: f5b8685)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit c31fbb4824d5bcbb1779083e0fe2261f0efd62ca by hidendra
Fix gravity-matched blocks such as wooden sign, rails, lever, etc.
(commit: c31fbb4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit 09bcec1ebd26fcf811893bb6083478c4b0b2b714 by hidendra
Change to metrics, R2
(commit: 09bcec1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit b73a07fe85c4e7586f7af337f53477e3395228c7 by hidendra
(commit: b73a07f)
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit 4f7c409160cf6483069ff4c19c1e690c4e58180d by hidendra
build 4.0.5, please
(commit: 4f7c409)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
Commit 77ec986a903f0295589492208e61cdab93490734 by hidendra
Allow the group prefix for matching groups via Permissions be changed in
core.yml (and also change the default to group. instead of
(commit: 77ec986)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
Commit 4bdb87059d777f01f08eea9f39e602af882679fa by hidendra
Don't allow freshly placed pressure plates to open a door that has the
redstone flag
(commit: 4bdb870)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
Commit 1a9a63fe1c361459297caf25c626d81740604948 by hidendra
LWC-Econ: for multigroups use the highest amount of protections and the
lowest price available
(commit: 1a9a63f)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit fc2f06a7dcf9afb98c26dd55e69208d6e011f7d7 by hidendra
Fix a bug in lwc-econ throwing a NPE
(commit: fc2f06a)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 8cee5f8376716a6e56202ec4ce42ba6c07043a1a by hidendra
Fix a parser error where a default value was "" but the parser was
expecting null (or a real value)
(commit: 8cee5f8)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit c98b53320680d132401d15ff5fdeb4a69a71aeda by hidendra
[2] Fix a parser error where a default value was "" but the parser was
expecting null (or a real value)
(commit: c98b533)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit d985d960488253d6fa15afdb08378b55f1fbddc5 by hidendra
Fix multiple bugs: the charge was not using the correct method to find
the lowest amount to use (multigroups) and there was a minor error in
how sorting was done by lowest number (x < -1 is always false :), so it
became x < -1 OR x == -1)
(commit: d985d96)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit b9a7d58fee8f08aa86b85d6bae8f02c2fed62b0f by hidendra
/lwc admin purge would interfere with LWC-Econ discount type IN_USE and
not allow people to get discounted.
(commit: b9a7d58)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 1f4ffbbbfc4a712cd9e621216b00b337bb0a4815 by hidendra
Metrics R3
(commit: 1f4ffbb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 420ea87eb189860c113d771f533249e61310ed58 by hidendra
4.0.6. Also, bPermissions group support
(commit: 420ea87)
The file was addedlib/plugins/bpermissions.jar
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit fdab00436796af6db149a758ac9dee31b55dced8 by hidendra
4.0.7, maintenace release to fix an index
(commit: fdab004)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 49490752ca1e960fa6b8de3344f576e5a1610661 by hidendra
Fix a bug in loading the sqlite.jar LWC prefers
(commit: 4949075)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 6236f96dc100d9e2fd8e1bdc34fbab063580a587 by hidendra
(revert back to preferring Bukkit's mysql class loader)
(commit: 6236f96)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 9b8abd396e06fa3e5a8917981b616ee7649077a9 by hidendra
Remove core.autoUpdate - it was  replaced with updater.updateMethod
years ago (also update CB reference)
(commit: 9b8abd3)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
Commit 1915390b63a8df34784ba90c4b6da73d6d1c156f by hidendra
Fix lwc admins always receiving protection notices
(commit: 1915390)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 1e5e59e6eed91ab4396a995d799d40b8c319dae7 by hidendra
Refresh the protection cache after /lwc admin deleteprotections is
(commit: 1e5e59e)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit a33008129db2427219b1e2295a3e35d7c67db969 by hidendra
add optional.exemptBlocks to allow you to exempt specific block IDs from
/lwc admin purge, /lwc admin expire, etc.
(commit: a330081)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 74ba7dafd2db6beebed8e27b20616a70ae0de976 by hidendra
Do not get the latest version if the update method method is manual
(commit: 74ba7da)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 99667639f533c3376d7e713b0fe1fd6b53559b8f by hidendra
add wildcard node for protectable blocks, and also update metrics for
supporting mineshafter
(commit: 9966763)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 2ab30f672f6e54d372a395f738d7f7dc964971ca by hidendra
wildcard for id:* (e.g to allow protecting of all IC2/RedPower items
with two lines)
(commit: 2ab30f6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 2af1b3d97926000525b53aafd088410d8f2b3266 by hidendra
4.0.8: Fix an exploit that allows some very dangerous commands to be
executed on the server #promote
(commit: 2af1b3d)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/schedule/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
Commit 7e437fa272e23dcff17012a9370f4a05f8085d2e by hidendra
4.0.9: /lwc admin rebuild: a command to rebuild a wiped database,
barring some missing data such as ACLs which is less important and
unrecoverable without backups. See
(commit: 7e437fa)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 1b7ac9d64258b008cfc04a91b833bb6e7b55ba5b by hidendra
add the lwc.shownotices permission to always show protection notices
(commit: 1b7ac9d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit aecac5ec01988beaca80c97bf57bf0da249bcd7e by hidendra
Some skeleton code and file format documentation for the backup file
format. Also, default lwc.shownotices to OP
(commit: aecac5e)
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addeddocs/backups/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 8dbae480c3746aa0159dc022d0f49fa69bbd63d5 by hidendra
Backups can be created via /lwc admin backup create. No guarantee they
are legitimate until a restoration tool is done. And fix lwc.shownotices
perm node again
(commit: 8dbae48)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifieddocs/backups/
The file was addedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
Commit d5a3366fd8f994dc14c16d957c5a7e57d657e990 by hidendra
LWC full backups are now creatable and savable (saves protections & the
block+contents). NOT COMPATIBLE WITH DOUBLE CHESTS (yet). Restore via
/lwc admin backup restore NAME. Still some bugs, so unless your database
is empty you'll get duplicates :p
(commit: d5a3366)
The file was modifieddocs/backups/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
Commit aeb9281d7f4c06f2a6ff5f7804f0d27cdff6f39c by hidendra
create a new connection when using /lwc admin cleanup to read
protections from the database
(commit: aeb9281)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 6b34911d276861a41021ba2c8a4db52f06ee7432 by hidendra
revert the change to SetupSkel when my tired mind thought it saw
BaseSetupModule :D
(commit: 6b34911)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
Commit 86168e95c144bc27f1672cb2631000f05ae33dea by hidendra
Use the new Bukkit event system, not compatible with 1.0.1, please use
LWC builds <= 931
(commit: 86168e9)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 02b02610bd48b1ee8afcb2733d80b8294d2f81cc by hidendra
Fix permission check when creating a protection (the permission check
after /cprivate but before creating the protection)
(commit: 02b0261)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
Commit c433cb6d1a887beacd816bd54158afad62068194 by hidendra
Bring down the hammer of death upon features and let my wrath be known.
The following has been REMOVED: /lwc schedule; /lwc menu; /lwc dev; /lwc
admin config; Lists support; EasyNotify; job support; Kick Traps; Ban
Traps; and lastly, the deprecated ProtectionTypes class has been fully
(commit: c433cb6)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/impl/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/easynotify/
The file was removedlib/plugins/SpoutAPI.jar
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/devmode/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedlib/plugins/mcbans.jar
The file was removedlib/plugins/Lists.jar
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedlib/plugins/SpoutPluginAPI.jar
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/menu/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/schedule/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/jobs/impl/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/lists/
Commit 85d002e7f4a283509c0b68e2397df629d7827655 by hidendra
rolling changelog and add missing entries
(commit: 85d002e)
The file was
Commit c981b2dc4f6daca752e28f6160ce51c2956778ef by hidendra
(commit: c981b2d)
The file was
Commit 0e9c69112ba5aa3bc45aed6b4e0f8e432dea5244 by hidendra
commit first, proofread later
(commit: 0e9c691)
The file was
Commit 8c1801379c4873674eed98ba8e8bc839054644b6 by hidendra
Separate i18n parsing into separate classes and also use basic menu
style (not advanced)
(commit: 8c18013)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
Commit e1dc202dace8ea7829ff012b653be897fee3a2b7 by hidendra
Expire the chest interacted with when using /cunlock
(commit: e1dc202)
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
Commit a33c6c85893b107e53e748f849639133a364c19e by hidendra
Change PlayerDropitemEvent to LOWEST priority
(commit: a33c6c8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 6b0f8e5154bb0234de3b6432f557d011b927ce26 by hidendra
Change PlayerDropitemEvent to HIGH priority
(commit: 6b0f8e5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit ae91b7a5188794144133f6209dba4c6e943290b5 by hidendra
Revert "Change PlayerDropitemEvent to HIGH priority"
This reverts commit 2777ba867efc863426c7cb94b5f2651dc074bf24.
(commit: ae91b7a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 6e5d196c3fb713dcf75c8ea2694fd8c88b1cc6de by hidendra
Change PlayerDropitemEvent to HIGH priority
(commit: 6e5d196)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit f98e2f0d1a9a28e333e5a91e5c0b2e7f66a99a4c by hidendra
Remove Permissions 3 support, update metrics, add /lwc admin
protectregion NAME to protect all protectable LWC blocks in the region
to 'LWCWorldGuard', the owner can be changed via /lwc admin
updateprotections set owner = 'NewOwner' where owner ='LWCWorldGuard'
(sorry for being so long spunk!)
(commit: f98e2f0)
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
Commit d0680ae366fee59410a68ae642879e83745cb57b by hidendra
(commit: d0680ae)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit e637c50e7742cfe2c1b562376afb774080b0f561 by hidendra
Update changelog, remove permissions 3 jar lib
(commit: e637c50)
The file was removedlib/plugins/Permissions.jar
The file was
Commit 0c1dd283d1dfb274c648bdf466b31ee40ba889ca by hidendra
remove Bukkit #1000+ compatibility
(commit: 0c1dd28)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
Commit 1f2d018395e5d06cd5ddc84c2e7fa1fbe7a9d365 by hidendra
correct maven folder structure
(commit: 1f2d018)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/lang/
The file was removedsrc/lang/
The file was removedsrc/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/lang/
The file was removedsrc/lang/
The file was removedsrc/lang/
The file was removedsrc/lang/
The file was removedsrc/lang/
The file was removedsrc/resources/plugin.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/lang/
The file was removedsrc/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/lang/
Commit b82aa9fe2ca3397de719cb336052e38b6cc25ab3 by hidendra
drop support for showcase 0.7.4 (over 5 months old) and move
modules/core/ classes to src/ to prepare
(commit: b82aa9f)
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedlib/plugins/Showcase.jar
The file was removedlib/plugins/SuperpermsBridge.jar
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/confirm/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/confirm/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedmodules/core/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit df4542e074403aa9911b7d2c3f222d4639e78116 by hidendra
(commit: df4542e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit 03ecbbaa12d306403f4e83512bb1d2a3e4218b19 by hidendra
Vault economy support and link against CB 1.2
(commit: 03ecbba)
The file was addedlib/plugins/Vault.jar
The file was modifiedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 9306ba04c38bd21db1cdcc28d8e574078cccbba4 by hidendra
Commit first, test later
(commit: 9306ba0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
Commit d2cfc5d0138b7c9b10bb735251d683075b637a1c by hidendra
Null-check block.getWorld() which appears to be possible to be null for
some reason
(commit: d2cfc5d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit a62670aef588020305ea33e57d4e09a33705941c by
Implemented VaultPermissions integration
(commit: a62670a)
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 766e10a6f0052c29d708854e7be523f4203713ef by pyrodogg
Adds Fence_Gates config. Fixes #193
(commit: 766e10a)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
Commit f773b70f02b1e9a7bd0d7a082fbc21914fc5c69f by hidendra
Don't throw mile long exceptions when the updater fails to do something
(commit: f773b70)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 30a1ba9a55dcac4126da1e919f17444645ebd79f by hidendra
Commit and THEN proof-read, solid strategy
(commit: 30a1ba9)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 47346a86602e1b97de5f41f96d57576eb244af5c by hidendra
For VaultCurrency, keep checking for an economy providor in isActive()
if it is null incase it was set after Vault/LWC was enabled.
(commit: 47346a8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
Commit 8ff4febcdf97af7fd247132c856d91eda2d5378d by hidendra
(commit: 8ff4feb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
Commit b8a5b32da833bddf2288ec53c33f7c18abce6394 by hidendra
use hasPermission not hasAdminPermission for lwc.shownotices
(commit: b8a5b32)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit f5d904c69f21ef888a67ac5faf906ad506a3e646 by hidendra
default lwc.shownotices to false
(commit: f5d904c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 05a4722523fe1fdf46750a97816c04b926a12e36 by hidendra
shownotices -> op, require the permission AND core.showNotices config
(commit: 05a4722)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
Commit fe24d92bb208ddfca8dbb28ad73e063e324d80b0 by hidendra
Implement entityBreakDoor and add the config option allowEntityBreakDoor
(this will automatically show up in your protections section next time
you start the server)
(commit: fe24d92)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
Commit c1d7f8fb51f908f49fb7faa0693b04eb4d065fb4 by hidendra
remove child nodes from lwc.protect
(commit: c1d7f8f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
Commit b115958258365dbbbd2ac2c47156d79c2e13f9ef by hidendra
Potentially large performance fixes all around-
1. Blocks that are KNOWN and GUARANTEED to return a null protection are
now stored in a cache.
  This will decrease the number of database queries overall. This cache
is 10 times larger
  than cacheSize because it uses a flat integer and uses very very
little memory for the
  amount of benefit it can potentially get over time.
2. Protection finders have been optimized. Now, instead of trying every
finder, only the relevent
  finders will be used. For example, if the player clicked on a double
chest, LWC will only use
  the double chest finder, not the others (which would be used in turn
if no protection existed
  on the double chest.)
  None of the protection finders now should query the database. It
should more strictly either
  return TRUE if there is a match in blocks (but not a protection, which
may not exist), and
  FALSE if there is no match at all.
These changes will more be noticeable in the long run. Database calls
seem expensive but by adding another cache and removing places where
queries were previously done (unnecessarily), should help.
(commit: b115958)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit 5579642c0023a8a493c682622ea42832ffe21dfa by hidendra
INTEGER (hash code) not STRING, that is one reason why I should not have
changed it to Integer after writing it firstly as String
(commit: 5579642)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit 5e42a6af8a4f396af97a3ec9c26c3b8f85df1798 by hidendra
Fix a bug where when using /cprivate manually the null would not be
removed from the cache:
There was already checks to remove the nulled block but to get the
Protection object after creating a protection, loadProtection(world, x,
y, z) is used. This respects the null cache, so it always returned null
when using /cprivate, which is obviously bad. We instead remove the key
from the cache before using loadProtection () when creating a new
protection so that this cannot happen.
(commit: 5e42a6a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 0d39aa1ba3208fec2057446a7597016a5e6f8173 by hidendra
Even more performance issues fixed. I do not guarantee there are no bugs
in this build ;). Status of what else needs to be done will be assessed
later on. What has changed:
1. If EVERY protection is inside of the cache, it is safe to assume that
any block NOT in the cache, IS NOT in the database.
  We leverage this fact heavily in this build to give a significant
boost to performance. 2. Caches. Cache ALL the computations. Numerous
caches have been added in various places where specific points of bad
  was located at. These caches generally only store computationally
expensive calls; overall this is also significant after the
  caches are nice and toasty. 3. Modules - before, LWC's own module
system would broadcast events to every registered module. This added a
overhead of about
  1k nanoseconds per module, if they didn't override the method. This
has been changed to detect at runtime what methods
  they have overrided and then ONLY send events to modules that have
them overridden. We could have modules register what
  events they use but this would break backwards compatibility with
plugins that hook into LWC. This uses reflection but
  is all done on startup so the overhead is minimal. The gains is fairly
large and worthwhile.
There is still a potential to shave off even more precious cpu cycles
but this will be assessed further once initial results are in.
For scope, here is some example values for events: timing is in
Event  |Before | After| Redstone |  22k  |  3k  | Interact | 100k  |
46k  |
(commit: 0d39aa1)
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
Commit a4a7df185bbd10508ccd5cb65bd221b41fb23dda by hidendra
Fix an NPE when clicking blocks under doors (locale parsing returns null
(commit: a4a7df1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 8910ec55106f2f6fc4799c4657b87c7c8a404f42 by hidendra
removeModes () should be using the accessor method not the direct set
and also fix mismatch between known actions and actual actions that are
really there (was causing an NPE)
(commit: 8910ec5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 2ed20caef2d44fe739f62c2871cd18bcb27694df by hidendra
Fix an NPE
(commit: 2ed20ca)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit b2e57daee3b38d52bca1fe465862cd2838c70fe6 by hidendra
fix setting messages to null to make them not be sent
(commit: b2e57da)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 33203eabb350eb39f0c53babe544b28225897dcc by hidendra
definitely* fixed setting messages to null *: it worked locally
(commit: 33203ea)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 4122661349474777a76f8759d5079136b2595a2b by hidendra
Fix protections showing LWC admins as owner (locked by 'you')
(commit: 4122661)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 7d405e86bc29e17eb4d0ebded5cf9c6036ba443c by hidendra
Two experimental optimizations that proved a noticeable effect in
1. Apache commons has been used in place of replaceAll () and split ()
  where they are heavily used and abused. Both of these methods are
  very slow so this will suggest to me if they should be replaced.
  In one place a custom char-array based method is used to replace
  single char values instead of strings, which proves extremely
  fast. A custom solution will probably be written to replace
  commons so that it does not need to be included.
2. Message queueing - messages to be sent to players are noe queued
  in a sync task as an experiment. This will most likely not prove
  to make anything positive in reality but it is simply a test
  that I would not know what would happen otherwise.
(commit: 7d405e8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedlib/commons-lang3-3.1.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 320c4c64e35e2dc90c04a78345951c57b424175f by hidendra
commons split () doesnt use regex, oops :)
(commit: 320c4c6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit a17ac639476c439edddb4637a35cf1ed4302dd4a by hidendra
Even more performance enhancements. This time: both the interact and
redstone events have been cut 50% each:-
1. Heavy caching has been introduced on KNOWN blocks such as
  the block under a door or the second side of a double chest.
  This heavy caching is mainly for the redstone event however
  it has also very positively effected interactions.
2. CPU enhancements here and there - convert some lists to a
  map where constant time access is better than looping over
  it. This is mainly done in player Actions, which are constantly
  compared against, thus a map is very preferable.
3. instanceof seemed to kill performance when comparing against
  a ContainerBlock. This has been fixed. As well, event dispatching
  has been changed from instanceof to checking the enum, which
  should have been done before.
And other misc changes that I forget. No bugs expected this time around,
I tested it pretty thoroughly because caching was changed so it impacted
a lot of core methods.
After: PlayerInteractEvent Time: 389942868 Count: 43680 Avg: 8927
BlockRedstoneEvent Time: 493837325 Count: 412871 Avg: 1196
- Interact was approximately 20-25k
- Redstone was consistently at 2.8-3k
If all goes well, this represents a over 94% performance increase over
the stable version of LWC when comparing just the interact event. The
redstone event thus far has now also seen a 94% performance increase.
(commit: a17ac63)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
Commit 56275a65a5a64a239828e015c294f79bdc1d7be0 by hidendra
fix a minor caching issue (force blocks out of the null cache when
placing blocks)
(commit: 56275a6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit a324755f42582db1d63625a77b3ad96bd4a833d8 by hidendra
Fix a cache synchronization bug that can cause other protections to not
show up on one half of double chests when creating a protection
(commit: a324755)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 306df70c9ef2dc87f8fb3cd7cb0cef3632f578dc by hidendra
The rest of the cache synchronization issues should* now be fixed.
The problem lied in protected blocks that DON'T contain the protection
being assumed to have a null protection. This caused a disconnect
between what blocks should be protected and which really are. So we
force the cache to be updated instead of only when it is first looked
up. No large performance impact.
(commit: 306df70)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 4f4f9cec13779000d5a75978e6f9eb2c03d0fdb3 by hidendra
Fix double chests removing the protection when one side is removed.
Normally, it should transfer the protection to the other chest or just
overall prevent removal when the unprotected side is removed.
(commit: 4f4f9ce)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit ace4397c48b4906e8625c6d0a5a9473155dadc46 by hidendra
Fix double doors (force a full match of blocks that match a protection
before caching the protection finder)
(commit: ace4397)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit afa54b39f8e728d44981913c9881993aa69987ee by hidendra
Revert double doors to use .get(0) instead of .get(1) incase of weird
side effects
(commit: afa54b3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit e214a3b229705eb299265bfc6c0abe3078c30811 by hidendra
Remove the message queue and fix %currencyname% not showing up in /lwc
(commit: e214a3b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit ce7f0870b2d4609154e31615b119230c7662bf38 by hidendra
Many months late, but add /lwc info history. When used in conjunction
with /cpersist, it makes a very nice history checker! Cycles through all
known history for a block's lifetime.
(commit: ce7f087)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
Commit 694e28f50b35b8dd954b6f0c396e250429ad08c0 by hidendra
automate security (so we dont have to do hocus pocus)
(commit: 694e28f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
Commit c91df113dc4b3eae43c0d14e53ceb5630b430465 by hidendra
Fix a cache inconsistency issue where placed blocks may not be shown as
the correct protection
(commit: c91df11)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 3a4c51081525d80885dd7633b170c854e7d6a478 by hidendra
I guess I should be committing the other file that changed too right?
(commit: 3a4c510)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 7820302e4eb9a9a82479d6d0d3b624c51eabd8af by hidendra
Potential fix for an elusive dupe that utilizes magnet chests
(commit: 7820302)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit b18436a8ba7ff0edb6a0445c9c84c85c72755858 by hidendra
simplify my greedy checks, stack can never be null as its always been
used before
(commit: b18436a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 22b214d81c47b6228f1223c750fc31fb9422c393 by hidendra
fix an npe when protection count > cacheSize (normally)
(commit: 22b214d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 1e8d94abc17ee3eddb84c576b179c4e7903fb9c5 by hidendra
remove console message when using /cinfo
(commit: 1e8d94a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
Commit 83db5efb2dbe3059de393c09e14172f622963cad by hidendra
CreeperHeal support - do not remove protections if creeper heal is
active / enabled :)
(commit: 83db5ef)
The file was addedlib/plugins/CreeperHeal.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit ffbe885e16335ad8979c3646bd3a16a7275610a2 by hidendra
Remove the null cache. After a feature causes me to scratch my head more
than five times, something is obviously wrong! Fixes some caching issues
with cacheSize < protection count
(commit: ffbe885)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 36169c1692f45e663cb03ba3dfd01efa313d7849 by hidendra
Remove the dependency on apache commons, and also fix an oopsie that
scumbag ant didn't fail the build for
(commit: 36169c1)
The file was removedlib/commons-lang3-3.1.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit e3330ae6425283dc89c4c38bfcd4c944df02ab46 by hidendra
everyone loves having the day LWC was built in the version string,
right? right??
(commit: e3330ae)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit c3c8dc0cd9320bf541fe4afcebdf9fea486e5a0e by hidendra
UTC exists (I was using AST before)
(commit: c3c8dc0)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit 2da13bbb99c3931c79a1a0406f553adde49c81bc by hidendra
Rewrite Door logic to be 99% more awesome. It now properly does not open
doors when auto closing them if it's closed! As well:
- Double doors will no longer open when the block
below the door is clicked. This was mentioned
before and I figured I would make it explicitly
not possible because this caused confusion.
Because it is a rewrite I personally feel the logic is extremely simple
now and no longer complex. It also works very nicely and worked without
having to crawl through bugs like I had to when I first wrote it.
It just 'worked'
(commit: 2da13bb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit 88396932849f614301fc5ac9b0f381477e43d49f by hidendra
Update metrics and add Locale graph
(commit: 8839693)
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 10b1fe3e24bfd2bbcd02019ed948a79a59fa36ca by hidendra
forgot the comment!
(commit: 10b1fe3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
Commit dee286c412fab38d205d9af4898c9fc3783e2a97 by hidendra
Database engine graph
(commit: dee286c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 855491b12a20daefc9ae4a17dd683f55d7ff762a by hidendra
mediocre optimizations that could have larger effects in real-world
(commit: 855491b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 016f61711e50da86d2ce261cc568edf949d2bd28 by hidendra
fix double doors having interesting behaviour :-)
(commit: 016f617)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit 145247fc60da6b227a08fc0d171c2d769b4e5654 by hidendra
/lwc info history was not properly removing itself from the player's
actions if no results were found
(commit: 145247f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
Commit 2ea68867d5f2a5704cef170de832dc805dfbbf5a by hidendra
(commit: 2ea6886)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was
Commit 11835b2943bb60f1ae126ba193b6a9181d44d83d by hidendra
support unsupported permissions plugins when Vault is used by falling
back to superperms style groups (
(commit: 11835b2)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
Commit edc5ee6453574be5cfe67fadd8e0c1436e65ade3 by hidendra
support unsupported permissions plugins when Vault is used by falling
back to superperms style groups (
(commit: edc5ee6)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was
Commit d73b2a72e83a5458f4022a14dc54290f397f1d5b by hidendra
add the groups lwc sees players as having in /lwc debug
(commit: d73b2a7)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
Commit e9c3b0ae1381a1e1eaf7a6abc7231232b10bab36 by hidendra
Fix some behaviour with fence gates when opening them
(commit: e9c3b0a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit 993f1eac5ee83901541fefdfc83d5fae39b298c5 by hidendra
Restore Tekkit compatibility
(commit: 993f1ea)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 9d65a4a7f4c660435ed4a0d0b8c7af248193b2c7 by hidendra
Normalize startup output (some was LWC:, others [LWC]) and also remove
some unnecessary messages
(commit: 9d65a4a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit a8525779a7627ce0f2fe372c927f9890a0bcb829 by hidendra
Update CraftBukkit ref to R3
(commit: a852577)
The file was modifiedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
Commit d6439a4103f8cc59d39bbac1b895dbf5f206c7f7 by hidendra
for LWC admins, don't reset last accessed times unless they own the
protection or have access via /cmodify
(commit: d6439a4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit fda4d5fab2ca344c6922d4d26341fe5a8b68adb3 by glitchkey
Fixed item duplication/infinite item bug involving magnet chests.
(commit: fda4d5f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit fcb55414d0f6b5413ab5c0c6f00f2618bd031d9d by hidendra
tabs -> spaces, add braces
(commit: fcb5541)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 660983ac567c61509d2dd623d43abacbc1ed1eb8 by hidendra
i missed an indention level :<
(commit: 660983a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 442a185dd54daca9a8550eeab5faa0f3bb8b2c22 by hidendra
change default automatic updating to no automatic updating
(commit: 442a185)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
Commit 17213af81122c4fe8d7552ae0d0de40928d938ba by hidendra
add mob arena support, to prevent drop transfer in mob arenas
(commit: 17213af)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedlib/plugins/MobArena-v0.94.4.52.jar
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
Commit c45783ac7f7c848fd4ef185eabac2a0ea8c19c41 by hidendra
missing @Override annotation
(commit: c45783a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
Commit 0d7adeac3dcc32c9e1afb23d6d1bf2dd81b5182c by hidendra
move all external plugin support modules to the pluginsupport package
(commit: 0d7adea)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
Commit b480844202896847883b9e8788aeabbcf11a94e9 by hidendra
allow int block IDs to be used in limit definitions
(commit: b480844)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 13e8307807ece49e03bbbbef3bde027365392ad8 by hidendra
prevent entities (i.e villages) from opening protections (i.e doors) --
(commit: 13e8307)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 77c7f56953616b0cf4692744b3633dda518438c4 by hidendra
missed import (ehhh???)
(commit: 77c7f56)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 49ce72c2aa27ab9b2246e674c96ee9c28974becf by hidendra
villagers not villages
(commit: 49ce72c)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
Commit 98b26e054277995be2dbc416bb84596f031820b4 by basicsensei
fix a possible NPE
(commit: 98b26e0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit bbb5458f8f94fa818f6e99067796513360a2fd20 by hidendra
don't download configs anymore as they're already in the jar, instead
extract them from it
(commit: bbb5458)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 530a539a546dd67ed6148903952c89adfd00be02 by basicsensei
fix modules registering even if they only implement Module and don't
extend JavaModule previously, it would only work if MyModule extends
JavaModule but not if MyModule implements Module this now allows the
latter too
(commit: 530a539)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
Commit f9547ba79caab73aa36567049af10b970c93acbf by basicsensei
applied correct format for this pull request tabs to spaces and no
spaces for 'if' also removed crappy commented code
(commit: f9547ba)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
Commit aaf9455ab08cd2a013d71d7b54ddfaa57c0c8364 by basicsensei
(commit: aaf9455)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
Commit 8db1a732b0a41b1cc9c9e9324314c2f1108c7d92 by hidendra
Fix an NPE
(commit: 8db1a73)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 01b0b6fe43fea0bd6af3be087ecc7bd196011edd by hidendra
another nullcheck (which shouldn't occur ?)
(commit: 01b0b6f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit fbfcc47dcb69a53aca541875e6d7fa59a118cb1c by hidendra
disregard that, let's find out what is null, as it shouldn't be null
(commit: fbfcc47)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 41cce0676fe562e8e92500582df7cb426c670eae by hidendra
protection type can sometimes resolve to null, somehow?
(commit: 41cce06)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 1220b73fac7f386e82bef277aa4150b2b5593438 by seejay.11
Tiny mistake in comments
(commit: 1220b73)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit 62ed7729e04a5417637dfd49a280720b72be60e3 by seejay.11
Play the door toggle sound effect on door toggle
(commit: 62ed772)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit ea8c1fca0714362562add010eaf97ae233b1a60f by hidendra
fix a long overdue bug with saplings
(commit: ea8c1fc)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 503d5228520a6c368632a33dbebc88b497a03094 by bencvt
Add the REGION permission type to interface with WorldGuard regions
(commit: 503d522)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedconfig/worldguard.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
Commit fa09e6a6d7088fc0f5861a1cc075b149927832e9 by hidendra
add language messages for bencvt's region permission additions
(commit: fa09e6a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
Commit b12892f29c1da81d3e8cdb83fb25d02501f86016 by hidendra
mcpc support for blocking placement of transport pipes beside chests the
player does not have access to.
(commit: b12892f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
Commit d521d0ab520dad3d35c1892f8594cc5d5f9962af by hidendra
unroll * import
(commit: d521d0a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit a3b81d86f3181b240d26e8d3b40f92bcbd1ab893 by hidendra
Should fix cases where materials on blocks appear to be null (some
ModLoader cases, it seems?)
(commit: a3b81d8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 2fc093279690d5654b398ee8f75e266fdd03a1c0 by hidendra
metrics update
(commit: 2fc0932)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit f3fe48a0beccea23dfd37bf03d6fc7bb5a63c841 by hidendra
remove the player chat event for now and update CB reference. It is not
worth it to lose backwards compatiblity over something stupidly small.
This can be worked around so I may do just this at some point.
(commit: f3fe48a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
Commit 3449f0916478fc33d91757b6e89d5d5abfeef716 by hidendra
Fix issue where MCPC isnt detected if using CB++. And fix pipes not
being blocked on top and bottom of chests
(commit: 3449f09)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit e4ce6838cc7661d7673e933643c940f41f3309ee by hidendra
return return return!
(commit: e4ce683)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit d63e9777817f913367fc46de5b7dc50ab5ccc28f by hidendra
prepare for release 4.3.0, update changelog
(commit: d63e977)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was
Commit 9fa83df2559f0834b296601ea9ba171d5355f5a2 by hidendra
kindly request another build
(commit: 9fa83df)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 03e877af0c3456743db5594cf5697e6a08729019 by hidendra
duplicates WG code, whoops
(commit: 03e877a)
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/worldguard/
Commit e3143dc3c3f8a88218341726f517073383d3020d by hidendra
fix ic2 wrench breaking LWC protected machines, todo: investigate why
internal events aren't propogating for only machines
(commit: e3143dc)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 91b49c72dc3b70a52c46cd0aa767dc9954976a90 by hidendra
remove needless nanoTime() call (which can actually be quite expensive!)
(commit: 91b49c7)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
Commit a4292690636268d659303755d42d44243ac5f1cb by hidendra
fix /lwc admin reload to reload cached configuration values, especially
protection config stuff
(commit: a429269)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
Commit 862f747795731235c9ded2704c911b7c3c2a971d by hidendra
allow /lwc limits <player> in console and give a better error when a
player is not online
(commit: 862f747)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 955e66fb0badc8c13a76b9a58304435605d40a6e by hidendra
send the output of /lwc limits to the right person :)
(commit: 955e66f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit d8ed6e0f1e3d798b7b60b8a65f421c3736a84622 by hidendra
replace NMS in LWC-Spout, fixes compilation
(commit: d8ed6e0)
The file was modifiedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 1215df908ccd362757c90dd659215af6331a320b by hidendra
hide an underlying issue between shared prepared statements that can
cause deadlocks. the deadlock should no longer occur however nor is the
issue fully fixed.
(commit: 1215df9)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 35d153e514f81bc2a38a88442d9c0c70cfdcabe8 by hidendra
fix potential NPE
(commit: 35d153e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
Commit 9bef00e934a5db5b587ddb7820526d02acbeb861 by hidendra
merge in changes by AlphA (albeit modified) which add config support for
blacklisting blocks that can be placed beside chests and blacklisting
specific players (e.g '[BuildCraft]') to not be able to destroy
(commit: 9bef00e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
Commit 2113955847a09eb76f2812ec9ae6ea3908f5a44d by hidendra
removed a method I wrote and then thought I didn't need, oops
(commit: 2113955)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit dd90132f42634e5b53436c35e093df70dafffcbd by hidendra
javadoc fix
(commit: dd90132)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit bc0e443386326e81241f18e391368b2138713baa by hidendra
remove all references to the deprecated ContainerBlock (replaced with
(commit: bc0e443)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 41148ec7cb72ac8d40a1fe0aa31c3eb494fe440e by hidendra
In the StructureGrowEvent, do not check blocks which are not
protectable. While this is certainly not a problem on servers with all
protections in the cache, it still appears to cause large event timings
even for those (which does not make sense). For servers WITHOUT all
protections in the cache it can cause severe problems especially if the
database backend takes time to respond.
(commit: 41148ec)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 4dffee8aa8eca2ab1e91157aed801abe56017528 by hidendra
add config option for allowing cross world drop transferring
(commit: 4dffee8)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
Commit 968ebb68e8b7fec0f01cc6afa3670682a83b58b5 by hidendra
Magnet: Items that are polled are not considered "fresh" as items are
polled once the queue reaches 0 and then that queue is emptied before
repolling the items for all worlds again.  This means that in the time
between the item being added to the internal queue and being checked by
magnet, it may have died. Which can cause issues ;)
(commit: 968ebb6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit de424536ffc551d1cd2f5b119042f3e7b962f7e7 by hidendra
optimize magnet to be highly efficient when dealing with a lot of
dropped items. It will only check items that have blocks w/ inventories
nearby. It can also leverages the LWC cache now
(commit: de42453)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 17efa5624fcb317f498c695648dd50506ead21ae by hidendra
run /lwc admin cleanup in a separate thread -- if your server grinded to
a halt before it should no longer do so, it may be slower than usual
while it's running but it'll still be usable
(commit: 17efa56)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 43079c6d40eac7b022a130213c57fc9094eeb77b by hidendra
Closes #393 for magnet chests, only pickup items that have lived for
longer than the pick up delay. It fixes instant item pickups (sometimes,
when timed right) and also picking up items that plugins don't want
picked up.
(commit: 43079c6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 85aff8ec5677ac36246fe88e794ef3d014c0ae93 by hidendra
closes #394 don't put items into furnaces when input slots are already
occupied. That is, don't try to put items into the OUTPUT slot. This
could be smarter and put items into the furnace if it'll fit into the
input slots but would require custom methods to handle adding items to
inventory, so not going to happen at the moment.
(commit: 85aff8e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 403d3f95472aaebafe6b351287ee783dec3504af by hidendra
#395 #396 Fallback to superperms if Vault does not return any groups for
a player
(commit: 403d3f9)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
Commit 2556a9c20d4dbc38303a0514ebc465375cde165f by hidendra
null check vault's shenanigans
(commit: 2556a9c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
Commit 367dda5a69b9ea54cce73c5a208f80226dc9286b by hidendra
fix the AUTOCLOSE flag
(commit: 367dda5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit 452a0411768e66c6cb0361c6ee5554de4427518d by hidendra
#409 - patch by @Brianum to not allow magnet chests to deposit into the
output slot of burning furnaces, and allow items to be deposited in the
1st / 2nd slots (not output)
(commit: 452a041)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit b3ee503b2da3e0ca4cabb17d3274e2b9b692b807 by hidendra
fix compatibility with bukkit 1.4.4
(commit: b3ee503)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit d6a16a24f7f02e5c1a18a94b3a27b2d836885189 by hidendra
update changelog, prepare release for 4.3.1
(commit: d6a16a2)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was
Commit 5192775716a75fe3ab864e9d74b608055c820d71 by hidendra
put the plethora of bug fixes under the optimization
(commit: 5192775)
The file was
Commit 9e4837c44cc21447b2c63d17d93e7e2f819456d7 by hidendra
catch the exception thrown by Vault when using Super Perms.
(commit: 9e4837c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
Commit 9d133ea74fa2c7cdfe9d3ef4eb5dc269ae1e1643 by hidendra
work around what appears to be world corruption in signs. very rare,
(commit: 9d133ea)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 8ad6fcf02f888aeb101c38a98deaee265a419a3c by hidendra
log to the console when a possibly invalid block is found
(commit: 8ad6fcf)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit ff6ef30529f9be95abb2d9bfb8c41792575d73df by hidendra
Add a db pool in a slightly elegant way without having to modify the
existing code base TOO much!:
Database pools required you to get a Connection object and then close it
afterwards. LWC has 2000+ lines of database code. Modifying every
instance of this is extremely (!!) time consuming and very inconvenient.
Instead of doing this we exploit the fact that in LWC's usecase, once a
PreparedStatement or ResultSet is closed, everything above it is closed,
e.g a close chain: ResultSet -> PreparedStatement -> Connection. This is
done automatically by the new backing AutoClosingPreparedStatement and
This however did require manually modifying anything that used raw
Statement objects.
This means that this build truly is a "dev" build not an unreleased
stable build. Care should be taken with this build.
(commit: ff6ef30)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedlib/dbpool-5.0.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit e89aecdf5cb5e7a865a48ca5ead5064cf90bfc24 by hidendra
when left clicking signs don't cancel the interact event. closes #433
(commit: e89aecd)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 3eadb1460b6948a67a68918467666787c7422d61 by hidendra
fix saving protection history when creating a protection
(commit: 3eadb14)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 274475f96d2dc86384b5f2c9d5c239e55f4506b0 by hidendra
Magnet: convert scanForInventoryBlocks to native code (use tile
entities)  #441
(commit: 274475f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 8ea10684b95bfde6d2575b699619f941baffa5fb by hidendra
Don't use unnecessary getItemStack() calls by using native code. #441
(commit: 8ea1068)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit e082d69b10a9d1f0baec739bbeea9f4193cf0aad by hidendra
naïve implemention of async magnets. if needed could be improved by
batching together requests inside Future tasks. #441
(commit: e082d69)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 9c717fb40688adbc4c83ae56a1e49c69e3d391f9 by hidendra
addresses issues with connections staying open when a exception occurs
and more importantly locking issues with SQLite ( use a single
connection ). this may require some tuning
(commit: 9c717fb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 03eb6a18b96cbb76dfae4d1e6c7a037085e49ab3 by hidendra
fix issues with new LWC dbs not initializing properly
(commit: 03eb6a1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit d993012047a9bf1b8d30591a1a662c13db1cd964 by hidendra
move downloader logic to before the database is connected to.
(commit: d993012)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 40a9146e12607aaaf23f0104f8b30c705db2a804 by hidendra
simplify some login that could be confusing
(commit: 40a9146)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 4653db59ef3606a3cd068948fb7e5676b71b8d01 by hidendra
Remove automatic updating. Instead, a notice will be printed in the
(commit: 4653db5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 9656ee01cd084565ae6ca55ad9d3cf2f2e5ba099 by hidendra
uninitialise dat int
(commit: 9656ee0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 30ec9d142d3dd7f8befb09b8ebb900fd7ba5c632 by hidendra
remove extraneous startup output and move some of it to /lwc admin
report. Also, cache output in /lwc admin report is a bit nicer.
(commit: 30ec9d1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit a798cf48baee9e567c5533e9d63c1b13ee74248d by hidendra
remove /lwc admin update, update /lwc admin version
(commit: a798cf4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 85a05893bfe2c7c0849263a8d49524a175f89cbc by hidendra
modify /lwc admin report cache size colour thresholds
(commit: 85a0589)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 3413f60bec6e0ecd09820a8b2f2605cbc2c3a841 by hidendra
Highly experimental entity protection & slightly improved magnets. NOTE
This extends LWC protections to the following major entities: Storage
Minecarts, Portraits, and Item Frames. LWC has been originally designed
to work with clean Block & Material objects. Making it work with
entities is interesting so I _expect bugs_!
* All wall entities should be protectable: portraits, item frames
* => To interact with them you need to try to destroy them.
* => You yourself cannot destroy a protected entity. You need to
/cremove it
* => Protected entities will NEVER BE DESTROYED unless /cremove'd at the
moment. That means if the wall backing them is removed, the entity
stays! And if water fills your beautiful palace, the entities again
* STORAGE MINECARTS are protectable
* => Furthermore, /cmagnet WILL work on storage minecarts
* => When interacting with the cart, try to open the inventory (right
* /lwc admin cleanup has been tested and properly checks for entities
but has not been fully examined
* There *may* be entities that I don't know of that can be protected.
I've tried protecting MOBs and it didn't work so you don't need to try
that! (although LWC could probably protect mobs really easily now, but
that's a different story)
Again, bugs are expected at this point so PLEASE DO NOT RUN ON HUGE 300+
PLAYER PRODUCTION SERVERS! As much as I would love that, you'll probably
hit a brick wall very quickly.
This addresses #392 for the most part.
There is s till more left to do for a full implementation however this
is a good start.
(commit: 3413f60)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 879bc997bc68858303de40018f1fe723f1b51c6d by hidendra
check if item is dead
(commit: 879bc99)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 0bb5161f3da02e94bdbd72847b2e12d7c9b581cd by hidendra
improve errorneous database configurations. Errors that are no huge
stack traces; and safe mode for the server when unrecoverable Database
errors occur. #411
(commit: 0bb5161)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit c26e6417debe947fef6ab03ce48e6a79a376a64a by hidendra
Make LWC compatible with CB build removing easy visibility to NMS / CB
code, meaning LWC no longer uses FAST native access in key areas :(
(commit: c26e641)
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit e8b1b9907a32c4e3b1a687ff06ec5588d0e74285 by hidendra
attempt to load sqlite.jar via two methods #457
(commit: e8b1b99)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit e4cf5c82c2a08fd8a489a083abf0523c22e592be by hidendra
failed logic -- check for crossWorld == false not true
(commit: e4cf5c8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
Commit 8f82eacec21566589f02c4c5a72470000319122c by hidendra
allow entity protections to be configured in core.yml. storage_minecart,
item_frame ;)
(commit: 8f82eac)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit f756a79d6b346eeebe64fe123842058714d526d4 by hidendra
Metrics R6
(commit: f756a79)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 2d9c45a166f5308ed04c2a108e9b21933b7a3eea by hidendra
Metrics change for java version
(commit: 2d9c45a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 5a50f3acde333222192a91baf4e770ca57dc56ed by hidendra
LWC-Econ: use class-loader-of instead of using Class-Path in the
(commit: 5a50f3a)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit 1897f70de0fc31627aadc5e02e4f8da626bf0f99 by hidendra
improvements to magnet again and remove storage minecart magnets for now
as they are slowing everything down
(commit: 1897f70)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit e24d7902909c85d3be504eb79c33cbe2b30b56ba by hidendra
fix matching blocks attached to wall signs. looks like minecraft did the
ol' switcheroo with data values for block faces at some point
(commit: e24d790)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit d261c6cb1d497a3401b0bb3d109635fc53c387f3 by hidendra
CB can throw exceptions when depositing items. catch them
(commit: d261c6c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit c05e0a85b300efdabc727205e589a5089423999e by hidendra
use Bukkit's getFIle() to get the location to LWC's jar instead of the
usual Java way
(commit: c05e0a8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
Commit 25cf7f4972aeca277ade9e247ce2aa0b65a7348a by hidendra
safen up some calls
(commit: 25cf7f4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit d394231c9ea123d75faa441644fce8a067d61a46 by hidendra
Flush when extremely full -- experimental
(commit: d394231)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 547c22aa174248454e9b1557a2235f425ed0ae35 by hidendra
Add pool statistics to /lwc admin report and don't forcefully flush
(commit: 547c22a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit a9be214513640801ac041caa79ef2a35a23416c8 by hidendra
Run database thread in a task on the main thread for now. Seems to fix
contention issues with the db pool. Needs to be assessed if writes /
reads can be separated into separate pools or not.
(commit: a9be214)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 98119d2b49275454365d1acb3198719f7a9a8925 by hidendra
add core.updateNotifier to enable/disable the update notifier
(commit: 98119d2)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
Commit 734e368528909a413918bf40fd3ef327b9fdc396 by hidendra
Donation chest support. does not require spout or NMS/OBC
(commit: 734e368)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 2556f75ed70406608f87f245a771591801605294 by hidendra
remove frivolous statements
(commit: 2556f75)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 75e835da29ca1d309d6b4da977bcca0bc5af84c0 by hidendra
Allow "sign" limit in limitsv2 to apply to _both_ wall signs and sign
posts. Closes #338
(commit: 75e835d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 20780f9308063ea2f7e15103c73eb0e384e37c92 by hidendra
Move the database thread to async task and impose a work limit
(commit: 20780f9)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 942199e08ce133a20d558d3b0ea17d191c210e5f by hidendra
fix legacy limits not expecting to see entity protections
(commit: 942199e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 2fec0636310182fdf1dc1c06618b47450078f09f by hidendra
didn't mean to commit some extra output messages
(commit: 2fec063)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit fc9abfbd53b7d036a1cc68fe3af783fba6bb61ab by hidendra
fix database migration (saveNow() used to create if it needed to, it no
longer does because it really should not!)
(commit: fc9abfb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
Commit 410c2d39a284580216320f235bff659a8dced7ad by hidendra
Disable magnets globally for now due to ongoing lag issues with it
(commit: 410c2d3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 82754e50cac408141245d9c4ce0cdcf7646c6f42 by hidendra
fix double doors opening protections you don't have access to
(commit: 82754e5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit f0db2ce50030ef52035b5e4fbdff8ba932f06118 by hidendra
share 1 connection when flushing the db queue instead of opening a lot
of connections
(commit: f0db2ce)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 5431cc5f06fb32a09eacba8bac36c1dd8e6477aa by hidendra
catch exception in rare cases when bukkit fails to get the location of a
block when interacting with an inventory
(commit: 5431cc5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 5fedfd3111cfec4c68a161db872cf5e2a6d7d307 by hidendra
Revert "catch exception in rare cases when bukkit fails to get the
location of a block when interacting with an inventory"
This reverts commit 3c3bc3396864c9754116e832fafcb51aa2751d71.
(commit: 5fedfd3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit f60472e392cad51da9b85077da26e6eefda91b6b by hidendra
Revert "share 1 connection when flushing the db queue instead of opening
a lot of connections"
This reverts commit 6a6839e133987b333e355fcffb79fcf43eb46089.
(commit: f60472e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 9a0a141f00dec873b2072d82d6eb5d71da64a98b by hidendra
Revert "fix double doors opening protections you don't have access to"
This reverts commit f2db1d3473a8eb182bf34125ab976fb17f8b3811.
(commit: 9a0a141)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit 6f51c307e5c5f21e8ba53598c804c21883f4b2ee by hidendra
Revert "Disable magnets globally for now due to ongoing lag issues with
This reverts commit 0092804eed212a130f03dd82c7093d5084583d59.
(commit: 6f51c30)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 0239ef4b399dc792cd76b5eb091f2ab9fcbde4b3 by hidendra
Revert "fix database migration (saveNow() used to create if it needed
to, it no longer does because it really should not!)"
This reverts commit 87f27256fcc0769ba3bc92a97c7c622c353a31e5.
(commit: 0239ef4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
Commit fe9840ecf09bb633c5d319c8e71ef49412b45190 by hidendra
Revert "didn't mean to commit some extra output messages"
This reverts commit d3973e0ee774659a80d86ead95f17e890fc1bb54.
(commit: fe9840e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 29b30b011e0d23d91500ca3319034405d6643371 by hidendra
Revert "fix legacy limits not expecting to see entity protections"
This reverts commit 60f275a25502f3ae7268e5e09b0d2ac015533241.
(commit: 29b30b0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit c06d89b189b50066def0d6b910ea54e0d62880e1 by hidendra
Revert "Move the database thread to async task and impose a work limit"
This reverts commit a35e726fd68ee2f0e0155f9c2b2f4f588449fec9.
(commit: c06d89b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit e2cdc2f3206b7310d771dfb240586507dbcf4095 by hidendra
Revert "Allow "sign" limit in limitsv2 to apply to _both_ wall signs and
sign posts. Closes #338"
This reverts commit 0be8b9ed86982977f68a64f8257ceb69aef14f92.
(commit: e2cdc2f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 9c4ace64d962755ecdb1c5666ddb63045d134a98 by hidendra
Revert "remove frivolous statements"
This reverts commit a2f67e9ab7b5da39facf40acef155187b9bf4177.
(commit: 9c4ace6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 4a82c1dc2fb460a81d0430b2d67fe51405d335af by hidendra
Revert "Donation chest support. does not require spout or NMS/OBC"
This reverts commit bfbd9ab42c69be362efed9ee16493d8c9861d798.
(commit: 4a82c1d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 73a59284c0f0321017e99b38f02cf7e78138b842 by hidendra
Revert "add core.updateNotifier to enable/disable the update notifier"
This reverts commit 74ce66660f49e041ba5735f38b83bf4a3a715acb.
(commit: 73a5928)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 4f6f10164a4b0d85359afae2bc6870dcf26fd2c1 by hidendra
Revert "Run database thread in a task on the main thread for now. Seems
to fix contention issues with the db pool. Needs to be assessed if
writes / reads can be separated into separate pools or not."
This reverts commit 9dae28b9102115817ada7f559d98b8dc8d666280.
(commit: 4f6f101)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 0d19c6d4b255a58c43dc082d4fd4dbaabb49dd92 by hidendra
Revert "Add pool statistics to /lwc admin report and don't forcefully
This reverts commit 903b989549fe279e965b137d1ade894a9d297ee1.
(commit: 0d19c6d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 6c71770e6e7252b07c012bd9af4364c70ffd4772 by hidendra
Revert "Flush when extremely full -- experimental"
This reverts commit d90ee7e2a158e4fe8711e10ba022ef53654cf9ad.
(commit: 6c71770)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 441b0644103e30efd50c43c501b08c467fb63c99 by hidendra
Revert "safen up some calls"
This reverts commit 1f27516fe9c0446abc5f32b29af1b547868bb7a2.
(commit: 441b064)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit e77ac19e2a30ec199f365333bda7b3de630620ab by hidendra
Revert "use Bukkit's getFIle() to get the location to LWC's jar instead
of the usual Java way"
This reverts commit 6d54a79a9b041533f2c1972e1ef039447765f4fe.
(commit: e77ac19)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
Commit 242c7bf6f83980a93b9bf13f353fb6aecf9c886b by hidendra
Revert "CB can throw exceptions when depositing items. catch them"
This reverts commit a5ae2bc004d20e702e827a8ee1a00c8653755b0b.
(commit: 242c7bf)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 5427cbe24117dd15463c22e39d013da4a1b4d0f4 by hidendra
Revert "fix matching blocks attached to wall signs. looks like minecraft
did the ol' switcheroo with data values for block faces at some point"
This reverts commit 1aa143d5beb0f7fd2c861bfb313a748844b48e77.
(commit: 5427cbe)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit e7762aec6fad6f296603f28f5190e270dc3765e8 by hidendra
Revert "improvements to magnet again and remove storage minecart magnets
for now as they are slowing everything down"
This reverts commit 3afa50299e1374effa59ac9fca0f400b9a284c3e.
(commit: e7762ae)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 3078f4cb2af99a02a5b52bf11429475f9ebffa01 by hidendra
Revert "LWC-Econ: use class-loader-of instead of using Class-Path in the
This reverts commit a07206e4fdb5b0bd17e0d7f663bf5ef35c4ed633.
(commit: 3078f4c)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit 53c6b398c6dd72a6d1527f87168ddf1e7a0d835c by hidendra
Revert "Metrics change for java version"
This reverts commit dd8e75567b4ad7a398bdc3dd44e529acbbae8eb5.
(commit: 53c6b39)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 586686fe0a894ebace1b6badc619440feb0745dd by hidendra
Revert "Metrics R6"
This reverts commit 8d83d5a1f0bba10e9a04e2c6634134bb3c54cb54.
(commit: 586686f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 0c48fdb4469e48fbf29115214fa01c8279360b29 by hidendra
Revert "allow entity protections to be configured in core.yml.
storage_minecart, item_frame ;)"
This reverts commit f802de5b463e60393aa726ad2741daeddbda74f9.
(commit: 0c48fdb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit a19f2ea77b7a767a4e489bde9b2c075d43040e73 by hidendra
Revert "failed logic -- check for crossWorld == false not true"
This reverts commit f070ea8895f5fbd4b13567ad9c7dff31c2abf24b.
(commit: a19f2ea)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
Commit da86e4d50a03970de354b2f3dff4d0bc262227f8 by hidendra
Revert "attempt to load sqlite.jar via two methods #457"
This reverts commit be0c68a261cbaecf5538d3a2483c3be33ac3aa09.
(commit: da86e4d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit 85cc306b2c1f97bb57b51c00a2c289f27689c2ec by hidendra
Revert "Make LWC compatible with CB build removing easy visibility to
NMS / CB code, meaning LWC no longer uses FAST native access in key
areas :("
This reverts commit fb47ca0fb8b6f8d001fc1f905c23b36627336f0c.
(commit: 85cc306)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
The file was addedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
Commit 1ea289ac906a1ba9727f63056f7f52b88d584bed by hidendra
Revert "improve errorneous database configurations. Errors that are no
huge stack traces; and safe mode for the server when unrecoverable
Database errors occur. #411"
This reverts commit f3793bed9b976ad6f4d3dd9c96e6052f9882dcb7.
(commit: 1ea289a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 2578c8023a89419b6b5c7336ba6491553b332055 by hidendra
Revert "check if item is dead"
This reverts commit bcf0b010750bc2aa5211dd8d1f33188e9dc20942.
(commit: 2578c80)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 118356f624c4317a2999e5c8b93fb7de364c9013 by hidendra
Revert "Highly experimental entity protection & slightly improved
This reverts commit 8aeeccc5c206e6d9230ecd7eccceee856b405a4f.
(commit: 118356f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit f8b81f3442ca006adf43ceecd5f17145b7549938 by hidendra
Revert "modify /lwc admin report cache size colour thresholds"
This reverts commit 9b9c98f12a84c49293ae02fda4b7f9d052cee490.
(commit: f8b81f3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 6149ae99ed375b19890d707f7b9222caec213ac7 by hidendra
Revert "remove /lwc admin update, update /lwc admin version"
This reverts commit 0ce837fff1a36bbb44dda140136d71763a754a27.
(commit: 6149ae9)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit daaac49d87e8184b07bcedc7637cb863de6cfa46 by hidendra
Revert "remove extraneous startup output and move some of it to /lwc
admin report. Also, cache output in /lwc admin report is a bit nicer."
This reverts commit 8b59a8abb23193f8369a0f015312697ca2ca63d4.
(commit: daaac49)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit fccb36169d9477c5b017771806520c02ee87f32e by hidendra
Revert "uninitialise dat int"
This reverts commit aae5361fa103537a9ca6c53ec3b3ecf513966eb1.
(commit: fccb361)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 5ae8e52a554aeac45d17f53e0054eb957cc798f9 by hidendra
Revert "Remove automatic updating. Instead, a notice will be printed in
the console."
This reverts commit 7dcb153f9beea320632d55623078d7c263794aef.
(commit: 5ae8e52)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 16406947374b85dfc444f3d9c88bb2b3a004eec4 by hidendra
Revert "simplify some login that could be confusing"
This reverts commit edffc27c63485cad9a2eefba0fb66186b8ba7cec.
(commit: 1640694)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit de210dac8907451f61dfc29c5d7f6be8111dc26f by hidendra
Revert "move downloader logic to before the database is connected to."
This reverts commit 1fc38dfc62dfc9c97698ee7dadcc9669980293d4.
(commit: de210da)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit bf0804a009daf2208ea6d2275771a1f65b583440 by hidendra
Revert "fix issues with new LWC dbs not initializing properly"
This reverts commit 1c6c92f4ea96ed8257947f51900fe2e21c975f22.
(commit: bf0804a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit d6f8f8e3e8c763b266242ab3f03e990c29744e04 by hidendra
Revert "addresses issues with connections staying open when a exception
occurs and more importantly locking issues with SQLite ( use a single
connection ). this may require some tuning"
This reverts commit 112bb65513c3b921879215d845bd4bd42c1c7a56.
(commit: d6f8f8e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit c876f11dad9a3993616fe7e536e0eaffc5349454 by hidendra
Revert "naïve implemention of async magnets. if needed could be improved
by batching together requests inside Future tasks. #441"
This reverts commit 4ae53dc3d34b7a8615573fc65382b7fa0e5b1e70.
(commit: c876f11)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 2cf4586847d2d8e68d125948351b5f42c8c2e6bb by hidendra
Revert "Don't use unnecessary getItemStack() calls by using native code.
This reverts commit 6848daa1835bffe7494e7225fa0f05f324ab9f2a.
(commit: 2cf4586)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit f1806cfd083a69840cc387ce7ef45be3fffef1bd by hidendra
Revert "Magnet: convert scanForInventoryBlocks to native code (use tile
entities)  #441"
This reverts commit 805e6876f9c4a4fc264f7702e7af83177f56ebee.
(commit: f1806cf)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 499e533868d9a0267c496ad6215adf471373addf by hidendra
Revert "fix saving protection history when creating a protection"
This reverts commit 0d82f0ee86e4ecef256cfefbe97124c07eb29a34.
(commit: 499e533)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit b46034b30fe6e8f2b29781d00c82ead305d43880 by hidendra
Revert "when left clicking signs don't cancel the interact event. closes
This reverts commit 834ee4589335e146dab197da68c98e17ecbd4d95.
(commit: b46034b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit daa9893fcfbad11d337920dbe32b2a97f2e81278 by hidendra
Revert "Add a db pool in a slightly elegant way without having to modify
the existing code base TOO much!:"
This reverts commit cec9f858d42c34fd634723426293987963cd69ee.
(commit: daa9893)
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was removedlib/dbpool-5.0.jar
Commit 9e201b43a2f0ed88379d71a74b37ab433d14faf5 by hidendra
when left clicking signs don't cancel the interact event. closes #433
(commit: 9e201b4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 6771e283b2792b816cabfd450fe00bb315f69846 by hidendra
move downloader logic to before the database is connected to.
(commit: 6771e28)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit c7cf5899748d2a01cc346284e940e5cdb13a9da9 by hidendra
simplify some login that could be confusing
(commit: c7cf589)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 270c08c95e467fc59c03146efcd8e26439afaccd by hidendra
Remove automatic updating. Instead, a notice will be printed in the
(commit: 270c08c)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
Commit 0c22f27cc847c0d2df38fd22a747b022a8b599c9 by hidendra
uninitialise dat int
(commit: 0c22f27)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit a25e4f30d7c8a670bc209e9830a3fc8b583d468e by hidendra
remove extraneous startup output and move some of it to /lwc admin
report. Also, cache output in /lwc admin report is a bit nicer.
(commit: a25e4f3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 6c85c0b7d01edfa58367e3ef3d6de432420d2116 by hidendra
modify /lwc admin report cache size colour thresholds
(commit: 6c85c0b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 71d88b5bd0a5351509274b7f28f98d004dd0ffd2 by hidendra
remove /lwc admin update, update /lwc admin version
(commit: 71d88b5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit ecfe81da94aa76fc46230c2e333f9caf355c0018 by hidendra
CraftBukkit NMS/OBC update
(commit: ecfe81d)
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedmodules/spout/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/spout/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit 21ffd704b29aa7f2b8f033e9b952117058f7daf6 by hidendra
failed logic -- check for crossWorld == false not true
(commit: 21ffd70)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
Commit 9eac40e7341e88150fd2aa38b623162290eab82a by hidendra
LWC-Econ: use class-loader-of instead of using Class-Path in the
(commit: 9eac40e)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 22cb713ea088e80591520635ca2c43e6a1a67426 by hidendra
fix matching blocks attached to wall signs. looks like minecraft did the
ol' switcheroo with data values for block faces at some point
(commit: 22cb713)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit cc380a08d1e0bfc21809c6465d102ee329d0d09c by hidendra
CB can throw exceptions when depositing items. catch them
(commit: cc380a0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
Commit cc80a19b8e0b7d0e53a720e8eff2042e5b2433b5 by hidendra
use Bukkit's getFIle() to get the location to LWC's jar instead of the
usual Java way
(commit: cc80a19)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
Commit 8058051ad5cbb0ada16548171c871902a76f96a2 by hidendra
add core.updateNotifier to enable/disable the update notifier
(commit: 8058051)
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 53afe3649e9934391fc4ce5e6e6e34d12c5ed5d8 by hidendra
Donation chest support. does not require spout or NMS/OBC
(commit: 53afe36)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit bb7899ba3d7031366ce55e322915e97b516b968b by hidendra
remove frivolous statements
(commit: bb7899b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 3f002d6c5167fdb382349eb820d6472e6d090954 by hidendra
Allow "sign" limit in limitsv2 to apply to _both_ wall signs and sign
posts. Closes #338
(commit: 3f002d6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit c016e73525c458da87145dfbbfc92a0dd584de09 by hidendra
fix double doors opening protections you don't have access to
(commit: c016e73)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit eda377c9fb2c53aa6069c4371fe782f640705943 by hidendra
catch exception in rare cases when bukkit fails to get the location of a
block when interacting with an inventory
(commit: eda377c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 008a1d6b81c706c89c6ebe90bfd30a4d78b42dc7 by hidendra
Heroes support. Don't allow drop xfers when hero is in combat
(commit: 008a1d6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedlib/plugins/Heroes.jar
Commit 42c94452e704ce49a0cd9eb3e1146bd851e4a84e by hidendra
Not efficient at all! Revert "optimize magnet to be highly efficient
when dealing with a lot of dropped items. It will only check items that
have blocks w/ inventories nearby. It can also leverages the LWC cache
This reverts commit 4cb9b050c650b0ca54f2a72fa0a052689e21ede2.
(commit: 42c9445)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 3b6b7b82f7cbb3e0b07c3eb81b923e547319fd7d by hidendra
Keep the ticks check, though.
(commit: 3b6b7b8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit defc89772a4e315a80ce9c1f80b3e953e81342fc by hidendra
clean up the magnet class a bit
(commit: defc897)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 8f2a0f7b7a79d5aaf9a322fb7daa63dfb912c405 by hidendra
Ignore the DB when all protections are cached when checking for
protections around a magnet area
(commit: 8f2a0f7)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit 8cbeba0f2ee62d5e5b3131c0b8fd27854781de28 by hidendra
remove undesired console output :)
(commit: 8cbeba0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 644b0da43c5856c5f67ff2a1672d259dd8ebae40 by hidendra
properly remove cached protections when using fastRemoveProtections.
(commit: 644b0da)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 84ca9519efc5f023222d9edbb5cddd48f914e000 by cleon7274
Add /cdonation to help menu /lwc
(commit: 84ca951)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
Commit 77552e25fba0d580d05e02a4bf2c90be62f462c8 by hidendra
fix matching trap doors. Data values were changed.
(commit: 77552e2)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit 8519218a976e2da40065a4f0ad92ba6edeb1682c by git
Minor grammar fix
Do you want to roll this through the other locales ?
(commit: 8519218)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
Commit 7d1402b0f72b28591e05d73de481afb0298b0608 by hidendra
Send a keepalive packet to the database server approximately every 5
minutes. This fixes issues with LWC exploding after a few hours when
using MySQL due to wait_timeout.
(commit: 7d1402b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 72dc87400cd1029558617f2241148d3ad776c4e5 by hidendra
Update src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Due to an API change a few versions ago, LWC relies on a method that
doesn't exist anymore in CreeperHeal, resulting in exploded doors
dropping to the ground instead of staying protected. This is the correct
way to access it now.
(commit: 72dc874)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 931473a486106503263fa20e59de3cd649bfed2c by hidendra
update CreeperHeal reference.
(commit: 931473a)
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/CreeperHeal.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 20ab77dcfdcbef6d9f9c72d765f35f92cac2ad22 by hidendra
(commit: 20ab77d)
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedconfig/worldguard.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedconfig/limits.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/bpermissions.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/Showcase0.7.7.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modified.gitignore
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedconfig/limitsv2.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/WorldEdit.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/iConomy6.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/Towny.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/PermissionsEx.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/Towny_Advanced.jar
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/CreeperHeal.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/Vault.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedconfig/magnet.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifieddocs/backups/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/BOSEconomy.jar
The file was
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/WorldGuard.jar
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/PermissionsBukkit.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedconfig/iconomy.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedconfig/doors.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/SpoutPluginAPI.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/confirm/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/iConomy5.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedLICENSE
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/MobArena-v0.94.4.52.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/Essentials.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
Commit 6974d7a7083100f645112431320f0cb429b49539 by hidendra
replace craftbukkit with bukkit
(commit: 6974d7a)
The file was addedlib/Bukkit.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was removedlib/CraftBukkit.jar
Commit d8a3d2cf393eeae70c339d29c61a46db5f409aff by hidendra
Revert "test"
This reverts commit 20ab77dcfdcbef6d9f9c72d765f35f92cac2ad22.
(commit: d8a3d2c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/SpoutPluginAPI.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/bpermissions.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/WorldEdit.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedLICENSE
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedconfig/limitsv2.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/Vault.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/PermissionsEx.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/WorldGuard.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was modifiedconfig/doors.yml
The file was modified.gitignore
The file was
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/confirm/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/BOSEconomy.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/MobArena-v0.94.4.52.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/CreeperHeal.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifieddocs/backups/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/Showcase0.7.7.jar
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/Essentials.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedconfig/magnet.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedconfig/worldguard.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/Towny.jar
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/PermissionsBukkit.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/iConomy6.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/iConomy5.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedlib/plugins/Towny_Advanced.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedconfig/iconomy.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedconfig/limits.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
Commit 29dd7b4d7e3abc942f9c3abdb5d63dae16b14f34 by hidendra
configurable database ping interval
(commit: 29dd7b4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
Commit 17e09dd366ca1b2a69269115540f488b4395b4f6 by hidendra
move MobArena logic to the drop transfer handler so it does not block
all item drops, just drop transfer
(commit: 17e09dd)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
Commit e3323f50b7c43c7ef74d390186b3d168968a6c47 by hidendra
fix being able to swap items in donation chests that have the same id /
durability, but not the same amount.
(commit: e3323f5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 9d4a60e2475f0f9a5a4ebabe91fa2766d790fbe3 by hidendra
fix-fix MobArena cancelling item drops.
(commit: 9d4a60e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
Commit f53c7a7eda1f23030be554f536ea4fed9b7bc814 by hidendra
some bug fixes with donation chests. Most importantly, fix being able to
swap out Enchanted items
(commit: f53c7a7)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit eecd637b9388cba94ebeb499c7a9f10006d5f055 by hidendra
fix potential NPE (I wouldn't think it would ever be null anymore but I
guess it can be?)
(commit: eecd637)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 417cc22923694a4781cf08620bc2c0f01cd0f4aa by hidendra
Credits changes (/lwc credits). add in the donations for the last ~year
among others. It is getting rather long
(commit: 417cc22)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
Commit c191055f50254a77f4d242f35c966b9011bd2ae6 by hidendra
give %owner% to lock messages
(commit: c191055)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 76f2756f2bc1753ac2b847c697d206d2a59ee82d by hidendra
Fix lwc mods resetting the last accessed time on chests they do not have
access to
(commit: 76f2756)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit fde4c9a131e526a22a4a338cb8ac65ddf4841ba6 by hidendra
add readonly-modify and readonly-remove to protection configs. allows
you to not allow users to remove or modify their protection. (e.g if
it's automatically protected using autoRegister)
(commit: fde4c9a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
Commit c182a7bb7fcd4ec18bdb0ff50f4b0ae821ed298f by hidendra
allow limits via permissions: lwc.protect.BLOCKID/NAME.# or by default
(total) protections: lwc.protect.*.#. Not fully tested yet
(commit: c182a7b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit b0cfcc7f4bb7c6f01477f2e4e77a9e6be0688995 by hidendra
allow limits parsing to be enabled / disabled
(commit: b0cfcc7)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
Commit 9a5fe3b18f23920699767cc5efc3495d7e77d41c by hidendra
(commit: 9a5fe3b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
Commit 88a7ab4e2abdc8f0b25097537f83493f0f66706e by hidendra
safely ignore array index out of bounds generated by a bukkit call
(unknown source right now) for now
(commit: 88a7ab4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 6fa3614f63ab02214f4958315b0637beec51f8f5 by hidendra
fix blacklistedBlocks not matching certain combos. fixes Hoppers (id
154) as well.
(commit: 6fa3614)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit b38ad78c1c2e5959b6a3283f405670562bd13ed4 by hidendra
change version to 4.3.2 for second (and probably last) beta release.
Official release will be made once hopper API is added most likely.
(commit: b38ad78)
The file was modifiedVERSION
Commit 8d3e7443a4b73191337e5beb315ff03787f63c98 by hidendra
fix blacklisted block bug with allowing blocks in certain arrangement
(commit: 8d3e744)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 4c7eb8d7e0b39adefff3ba1cf70c97ddfc7d6041 by hidendra
bounds check inventory slot on inventory click event to escape the event
early on if they aren't even using the inventory
(commit: 4c7eb8d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit c9a7c634ebf06e567352313ab1fa5d8b2ab702ee by hidendra
caught AbstractMethodError for inventory event's
event.getInventory().getHolder() and dump the player who caused it so it
can be investigated
(commit: c9a7c63)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 4336884ed4bf21b0b10e0291e6f8907b9c95ffdc by hidendra
move blacklist block handling from its own event handler to LWC's own
(commit: 4336884)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 54578ee67681bad7f5ce6f35f6355c0d5182ca9a by hidendra
fix blacklistedBlocks being broken by the last build ( and also the
exception caused on startup )
(commit: 54578ee)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit d5280e7b9855ee0e2a7754a8e5be6bf957b0864a by hidendra
cut out some unused code
(commit: d5280e7)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit a40f72b1f437b9a6d3a0cc8b6e4e20c6be06dd15 by hidendra
native support for Double Trapped chests.
(commit: a40f72b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedlib/Bukkit.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 4dc96c6c6bd963a7eb4213504002aaec89465ecc by hidendra
magic chest enums!
(commit: 4dc96c6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 3ea06a41b8675b8cda02338e504ed0bc23c93efc by hidendra
alias 'chest' in core.yml to both Chest and Trapped Chest.
(commit: 3ea06a4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 604e318203cd2fa428b203ba7e3183ed587088ab by hidendra
add Hoppers to core.yml by default the first time this version/build is
ran. After that it can be safely removed if you do not desire it (you
will also be told in the console this happened)
(commit: 604e318)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 020a416f27f3365f33d270fba045e6f57c6e4eee by hidendra
add Trapped Chests to core.yml by default the first time this
version/build is ran. After that it can be safely removed if you do not
desire it (you will also be told in the console this happened)
(commit: 020a416)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 65d7b791852ece8f41290a9f0572e278026546c0 by hidendra
reduce visibility
(commit: 65d7b79)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
Commit c28776ea30afe1a309e94d3947bfccab43c93be1 by hidendra
while i'm simplifying things take it a _step further_
(commit: c28776e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit e8914b116f4c6f43683bd040a6b076e445b131f2 by hidendra
fix placing hoppers on donation chests you don't have admin access to
(commit: e8914b1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit edd08b635fec1022c255eb2dd62c198dadcaf1a8 by hidendra
don't attempt to ping the database if we are not connected to it
(commit: edd08b6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 771cc8918f50bfab386608c0a92fad3b7f7ad5a1 by hidendra
Disable hoppers on protections by default. They can be enabled on
individual protections by using /chopper on. If you want hoppers to be
enabled by default (and then /chopper disables them) set denyHoppers in
core.yml to false (it'll show up first time you run this build)
(commit: 771cc89)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedlib/Bukkit.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedconfig/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
Commit baa4e4d9a6d802fddfd6f9afe2fc5b7a095c3281 by hidendra
hopper prevention now uses both dest/source. this just adds destination
prevention, so people can't dump all their junk into your chest w/ a
(commit: baa4e4d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 3bd8ca3559a5bbe3174d30ecda0cbdca19c4cbeb by hidendra
Fix minor bugs with donation chests: allow left clicking (inserting)
into the chest when an item is in hand and compare enchantment levels
correctly incase it was not working
(commit: 3bd8ca3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 5728875ad255156b3323bea37548dda88eee565e by tobias336
Replaced this ugly StackTrace message (Failed to connect to MySQL) with
a message that should contain information that are equally useful.
(commit: 5728875)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 28a074302f5cac40248fb138b61ef5c652c6d741 by hidendra
when using fastRemoveProtections account for protections that can match
more than 1 block
(commit: 28a0743)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit e5e7ae1c77dd30cdd6a17b7ddee9c027fb746061 by hidendra
Implement Bukkit's doubleClick() method for InventoryClickEvent. Still a
PR so pending acceptance. Fixes taking items out of Donation chests by
double clicking.
(commit: e5e7ae1)
The file was modifiedlib/Bukkit.jar
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit f7784a2be5e5fde7f2462203d6fb889f63050c86 by hidendra
Throwabl, not Exception.
(commit: f7784a2)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 6d2ef6017953ca75a2a0e9a21ebeed29f7124b96 by hidendra
Fix Block name matching for protectable blocks in core.yml. This finally
properly fixes support with specific ModLoader blocks (e.g. 145:2) as
long as it reports proper block / data. HOWEVER, BREAKING CHANGE! If you
use LWC-Economy you need to update to the latest build.
This begins development on 4.4.0 because of the breaking change as
mentioned before which will not be made backwards compatibility to
ensure 100% compatibility with ModLoader blocks going forward.
(commit: 6d2ef60)
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedVERSION
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 71aec354cdde28ab535ab7519711784fdd377e9f by hidendra
fix misc formatting
(commit: 71aec35)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 0f7e7985ac516ab0bbd53c0f32ae9b48d1eb198d by hidendra
Replace the enumset used to check if a block is an inventory with a
Bukkit API call. This should have been done a long time ago as many
blocks (e.g. mods) can have inventories that I cannot account for.
This also fixes compatibility with MCPC+ according to bloodshot.
(commit: 0f7e798)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 25c97b7ffe91a008cd99d46a72e816d5225c4f86 by fpigerre
Updated French language file
Updated French language file. More info at LWC issue #613
(commit: 25c97b7)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
Commit 0c1a034ee2bca5ace72295c5065d3d325be5c1ee by hidendra
Auto protect can create duplicate protections when blocks are
unexpectedly destroyed (e.g. WorldEdit //set). Also, use MONITOR for
auto protection.
(commit: 0c1a034)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 3d1170c7a07766c9543daf0145405322407ce10d by hidendra
Remove JS
(commit: 3d1170c)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit 8d9c0a394a07ee13bcbac2b214caedfec1f7b455 by hidendra
Metrics R7
(commit: 8d9c0a3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit cc36fd0a9d3b40f23461206961135de5aa544b27 by hidendra
Change version string
(commit: cc36fd0)
The file was modifiedbuild.xml
Commit c7111badce5c69cdf9d95dd5ab5bcf810157822f by coolcraftcze
Translate new texts & fix some bugs in older translate
(commit: c7111ba)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
Commit b9ac4b8bab4cdf0fa1a1cadb1dac0adc23386045 by hidendra
fullRemoveProtections should update the history table to make the
protection inactive. This effects lwc admin expire, cleanup, and other
(commit: b9ac4b8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit efb6edb81f17e9d72e654ddd17ab8b7b6f020aba by hidendra
fullRemoveProtections should update the history table to make the
protection inactive. This effects lwc admin expire, cleanup, and other
(commit: efb6edb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
Commit 109a799d8b0c20459e087c270c837da4c10fe810 by hidendra
It looks like the sign blanking bug has been fixed (when cancelling
interact event at the same time as the destroy event for a sign)
(commit: 109a799)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit e4cd156c2f2b4ddbff8f84b29280510c5409ed6f by hidendra
Could swear I ctrl+f'd cremoveall before :-(
(commit: e4cd156)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
Commit d380b4e0100d0debf29530b8f3585d7b696da09c by hidendra
Implement chest double click (implemented in MC 1.5). This fixes issues
with donation chests and taking arbitrary items if you have the same
item type already.
(commit: d380b4e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedlib/Bukkit.jar
Commit 26356c7ee518a0eddd6a5d5de35d46c5a10300d7 by hidendra
Allow hoppers to transfer items if the hopper AND inventory it's
attached to are protected by LWC by the same owner. This means hoppers
would need to be made protectable of course.
(commit: 26356c7)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit e72b569e09347ce127b24d91453aacde326bb71c by hidendra
Prepare for adaptive cache testing with a known-nulls cache. This
existed probably over a year ago as well but was removed. Basically:
It is just a cache of blocks that are known to not have any protections
on them. If all protections are not in the cache then an otherwise cache
miss would force a DB lookup. This prevents that DB lookup after the
first time it's done (and nothing is found)
(commit: e72b569)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit b476444975a2b89996d838a06c88f3664980709a by hidendra
Fix a somewhat long standing bug where you might see "grass" or
something protected when removing one side of a double chest and placing
a block down where it was before. Other removeCache calls are to assist
with the known null cache
(commit: b476444)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit d018552e5dce0726ab929c05931d3ceaf066cb09 by hidendra
New adaptive cache increasing which can be requested by high-intensity
code areas. /lwc admin report now lists the default and adaptive cache
size, e.g. ( 1252/1260 [100+1160] ) = 100 default cache size (core.yml)
+ 1160 adaptively increased because a high-intensity code area needed
PS this is of course in very much testing. I expect this to work well in
the long run but of course some minor issues may come up here and there.
(commit: d018552)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit bb622ed4c9b702dd1c671b21c7272dd3086042a6 by hidendra
protection.removeCache() should remove adjacent blocks that aren't
protected (i.e. in null cache).
This fixes double chests (and potentially doors and other multiblock
protections) from not being detected if it is /cprivate'd and not placed
closes #712
(commit: bb622ed)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit aa2c8dd80d52d20a9a6ee555d47ef5ec5fa0bc83 by hidendra
Add findProtection(location) which can be used to avoid precious
getBlock() calls if the location is already in the cache
(commit: aa2c8dd)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit ddca6acca526508c3c84f642a30dc130c9ccabb0 by hidendra
Potentially use one less findProtection call
(commit: ddca6ac)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 6037431cf8bd1a7875a78170b0c9b36aabd7981a by hidendra
simplify expression to xor (simpler to understand)
(commit: 6037431)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 52be00093eb0f84ce368bdbdd8b32d4d082594fc by hidendra
Some specific optimizations targeted at hoppers but should help all
around as well. LWC startup may be a touch slower for now while more
testing is done.
This commit makes LWC do the following:
- When all protections are in the cache don't even go through the
protection matcher (skip it entirely)
- Match all blocks for precached protections on startup (makes the above
op allowed) When the cache is full don't bother trying to match any
blocks. All precached blocks are matched on startup.
- Hardwires HOPPER to not use any block matchers (i.e. used when the
cache is not full)
All of these together should significantly decrease the event time for
InventoryMoveItemEvent. For example, it was >30,000 nanoseconds per
event for my test server before (around 130 hoppers spamming items every
tick) and is now around 2,000-2,500 nanoseconds per event while keeping
the exact same functionality.
This commit *might* break things (e.g. LWC-Economy might break since LWC
now loads postworld not on startup but from my testing it is OK). If
your world doesn't explode in a ball of fire you should be alright.
(commit: 52be000)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 78b43f57cb88854196d14d47931389bac7ce4abd by hidendra
Revert some changes done by commit 52be0009: precaching all blocks in
multiblock protections
Closes #736, #735
(commit: 78b43f5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 02658396cccddc47a7dbe88f8d5a552bb629aaac by hidendra
Add a method counter which right now is just used for the cache in /lwc
admin report to give a more detailed view of the cache, e.g.:
15:19:14 [INFO]  ==== Cache ==== 15:19:14 [INFO]   Usage: 15.92%  (
1592/10000 [10000+0] ) 15:19:14 [INFO]   Profile: 15:19:14 [INFO]   
isKnownNull: 645,738 (9496.15 / second) 15:19:14 [INFO]   
getProtection: 228,874 (3365.79 / second) 15:19:14 [INFO]   
addProtection: 1,592 (23.41 / second) 15:19:14 [INFO]     addKnownNull:
1,244 (18.29 / second)
This test world has a LOT of hoppers so the huge amount of reads is to
be expected (each hopper is trying to poll an item every single tick but
getting blocked by LWC)
(commit: 0265839)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit cac8742be7556d36701178ac51fd37ebdb734e5f by hidendra
(commit: cac8742)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit e4579ef5958366f9b966f882b5e7c71b1bc32e12 by hidendra
Restore /lwc admin view
(commit: e4579ef)
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 5b01b5f2bde5945b420d20fe9ad2d0c8d9f3c629 by hidendra
The null cache doesn't need to be weak (the value is always strong ....)
and also fix a minor math mix up
(commit: 5b01b5f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit b92e97b2a9a09cf50ba55a2ed3368182bf0d3ddc by hidendra
Hopper events only ever have 1 inventory to select from so instead of
trying both source and dest use only the one that is not the hopper
For my test server this removed about 30% of the cache reads some may be
more or less
Lastly, optimize flags a tiny bit and add a
resolveProtectionConfiguration method to skip the getBlock call
(commit: b92e97b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 52298176ef4a6d2e2b51a4e0dbaecef88a1ae2ff by hidendra
The messy hopper protection stuff can be shifted back to the
handleMoveItemEvent because it will only ever be called once per event
(commit: 5229817)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 47afa8428fec107bd6db74b5a38f0d7b15e4eb67 by hidendra
More optimizations regarding hoppers. Mainly, only if hoppers aren't
already protected then they a lookup should not even be tried
(commit: 47afa84)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 7d74b251a7e51c52ed9211d499374a9bbf5e80ff by hidendra
Fix NPE in Updater
(commit: 7d74b25)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 03d11ffc0acbef583cc86fd5d75dc6bd82f1afb8 by hidendra
Add second entity explode event that removes protections from blocks
protected in an allowed explosion
(commit: 03d11ff)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 5b518ece19765f1c9a15ab888f4c7c0a4d8f3398 by hidendra
Properly update cache when a chest is removed from a double chest
(commit: 5b518ec)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 27c81a07151e6a5cd055f32a05b61f472df923ed by hidendra
Fix NPE in LWCBlockListener
(commit: 27c81a0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 63d674c34ea148a15972e337d0fc52d1d32852e4 by hidendra
 #742 Updated Danish translation from cannafix
(commit: 63d674c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
Commit c38016d71b97153eb88aa2d8f6a1aada012ee0c4 by hidendra
Donation chests: Compare enchanted book contents. This fixes being able
to swap enchanted books with other enchanted books
(commit: c38016d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit df3ab124d98f611d8c041be3bd77e5cb5ad14ec3 by hidendra
Auto closing doors: now support trap doors
(commit: df3ab12)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit a150d35007f5e5efa6140ff5c787b07cbbd9a71b by hidendra
Database connection errors: print out the cause error (more descriptive)
if there is a cause
(commit: a150d35)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit c8e7486a9aa30f3f2b8e42bc3e1fd9097f3f66da by hidendra
Properly handle protected trap doors placed on the upper part of a
block. Fixes #767
(commit: c8e7486)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit b577d6d91638b922c6216d94380140f14e5c1351 by hidendra
Validate protections when a block is placed
(commit: b577d6d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 57cd7598e969bf8d8dcce2e896e0d8366d7fbb7e by hidendra
Switch to maven from ant \o/
(commit: 57cd759)
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/lib/plugins/WorldGuard.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedlib/plugins/PermissionsEx.jar
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedlib/plugins/SpoutPluginAPI.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was removedlib/plugins/PermissionsBukkit.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was addedcore/lib/plugins/Showcase0.7.7.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedconfig/core.yml
The file was removedconfig/iconomy.yml
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/plugin.yml
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedconfig/magnet.yml
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/config/magnet.yml
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/config/iconomy.yml
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was addedcore/lib/plugins/Essentials.jar
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modified.gitignore
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was removedlib/plugins/Essentials.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was removedlib/plugins/iConomy5.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/config/doors.yml
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedconfig/doors.yml
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedmodules/economy/pom.xml
The file was addedcore/lib/plugins/iConomy6.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedsrc/main/resources/lang/
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The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedlib/plugins/Showcase0.7.7.jar
The file was removedconfig/worldguard.yml
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
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The file was removedconfig/limitsv2.yml
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The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
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The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was removedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedlib/plugins/BOSEconomy.jar
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The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedcore/lib/plugins/CreeperHeal.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedlib/plugins/CreeperHeal.jar
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was addedpom.xml
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedlib/plugins/MobArena-v0.94.4.52.jar
The file was removedlib/plugins/WorldGuard.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
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The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
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The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
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The file was removedsrc/main/resources/lang/
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The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
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The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
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The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
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The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
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The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
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The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was removedlib/plugins/Towny_Advanced.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was removedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcore/lib/plugins/Towny_Advanced.jar
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcore/lib/plugins/BOSEconomy.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedlib/plugins/Towny.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedcore/lib/plugins/Towny.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedlib/plugins/Vault.jar
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/confirm/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedconfig/limits.yml
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/confirm/
The file was removedlib/plugins/Heroes.jar
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedcore/lib/plugins/Heroes.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedbuild.xml
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was removedlib/Bukkit.jar
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedcore/pom.xml
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/config/worldguard.yml
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedlib/plugins/bpermissions.jar
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedlib/plugins/WorldEdit.jar
The file was addedcore/lib/plugins/PermissionsBukkit.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedcore/src/main/resources/config/limitsv2.yml
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedcore/lib/plugins/iConomy5.jar
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was addedcore/lib/plugins/WorldEdit.jar
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 7f4bba98ece4a417192811f6645fbcf54c8d755b by hidendra
Update readme
(commit: 7f4bba9)
The file was
Commit c201e67ac8632f1e3b0eff058c9a329687c395d3 by hidendra
Fix LWC-Economy - was not loading
(commit: c201e67)
The file was removedmodules/economy/src/resources/plugin.yml
The file was addedmodules/economy/src/main/resources/plugin.yml
Commit eb138442733f1cc80a677001fee9ae20e2a7f5bb by hidendra
Move LWC's load time back to startup
The main reason is so that is loads before WorldEdit and other such
plugins that LWC needs to run events before. For example, so that
WorldEdit's super pickaxe can be properly cancelled on protections the
player cannot access. This is better than moving LWC's event priority
(commit: eb13844)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/resources/plugin.yml
Commit d6532d6be13aa43ef53ac202baf5f7b4cd9a9665 by hidendra
Check that block.getState does not throw NPE. Apparently BlockSkull can
throw this.
(commit: d6532d6)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 67ab525613f8d71b038dcd254d342cbeac16f786 by hidendra
#811 Initial UUID work. This is NOT backwards compatible with MC 1.6
Offline mode: Names shouldn't be converted to the UUID of the user with
the same username (online mode) as long as the player already logged
into the server at least once. Offline mode might still have a couple
bugs as a result.
* When a protection is loaded: Check if it needs converting; if it does,
convert it
* Use UUIDs when creating protections and modifying rights
* /cadmin find now searches by UUID
* Change output from varous commands to attempt to resolve a player's
name instead of using a UUID
This does not yet slowly crawl the database to convert everything.
(commit: 67ab525)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/pom.xml
The file was modifiedcore/pom.xml
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit d1d1c50e23375367f6f38275f4edfd83f2c463a5 by hidendra
Remove log message, and save when a protection is converted after being
(commit: d1d1c50)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 4518763e7a5b5bc679eecc9dfe87224ce5c3165a by hidendra
Don't convert protections when they are loaded for now (only when
interacted with)
(commit: 4518763)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 2ed212ed91b7c623f1e78ec51b45bb46be05ea9c by hidendra
#811 Do not convert protections to UUIDs at the moment until the new
converter is ready (which will be quite different.) This will still
support protections that did convert to have UUIDs
(commit: 2ed212e)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 880acaf1db6c5775cdda46e006566cf74b1447f3 by hidendra
#811 Register protections using a player's name instead of their UUID --
the new converter will change the format so better keep better backwards
compatibility (/cremoveall, and so on) for now
(commit: 880acaf)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
Commit 913767592ccdf0bb21609f6f1639f552affa6d23 by hidendra
Fix a cache invalidation bug as reported by andrewkm. Thanks!
(commit: 9137675)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 395232f3d97014d63f572ce265d36cb1e9d5c884 by hidendra
Fix issue with LWC downloading Linux native libraries on FreeBSD (and
thus crashing the JVM because SQLite happily also defaults to Linux ...)
(commit: 395232f)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit b8838958e9f3a90b6f8b1d42efacf9e52ebb72c8 by hidendra
(commit: b883895)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 6ce37d66247735b78f2f388d57e21561af683f62 by hidendra
Initial update for Minecraft 1.8 to restore compilation.
(commit: 6ce37d6)
The file was modifiedcore/pom.xml
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedmodules/economy/pom.xml
Commit b5c15db87f315b822bb16b41ac576fa5d61af266 by hidendra
Support new doors added in MC 1.8.
This uses the old deprecated method which should still support older
versions of Bukkit.
(commit: b5c15db)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit 6151faea727da546f662d0a5d43a676ce099446a by hidendra
Add the new 1.8 doors to the config by default
(commit: 6151fae)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/resources/config/core.yml
Commit aaa9a30bd0084b5f4a042b45e38f3b56002cfd22 by hidendra
Add travis file
(commit: aaa9a30)
The file was added.travis.yml
Commit 634058e9e98f67822e27e874d8fa2ea49e3f4c9a by hidendra
Add support for new MC 1.8 fence gates.
(commit: 634058e)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/resources/config/core.yml
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit 2f3d5355a5b0f19cea093ac6bcc261ada6c244a9 by hidendra
Add support for MC 1.8 banners (both standing & wall).
The must be manually enabled in the config, i.e.:
           enabled: true
           enabled: true
(commit: 2f3d535)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit 805ec726e1b12ee0a3152309576adf501fbe6699 by hidendra
Add support for MC 1.8 Iron Trap Doors. This includes support for right
click open (like iron doors!)
(commit: 805ec72)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit 0a3ec63d39ca5b5969f89d42b04feda86d1fdfd8 by hidendra
Make iron trapdoors protectable by default.
(commit: 0a3ec63)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/resources/config/core.yml
Commit 02ced0a6bc23abd1723173cd1b611ccfdfbf9119 by hidendra
Updater: Don't cause NPEs when using BSD (which atm required PureJava
(commit: 02ced0a)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 88552d838671dfea0a58733b0b25aa109093248a by hidendra
Private protections: Allow access via the player's name as well as their
This fixes an issue where users coming from an older build would have
broken /cmodify'd permissions.
(commit: 88552d8)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 57b4f98cba68a8f27454ad4ebe2ac2fec49747cc by hidendra
/cmodify @player was not working with later builds because their UUID
was not being checked. This has been fixed.
(commit: 57b4f98)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit d62cf1a513af7163a1d8edbc81a9eaf39938abdc by hidendra
Remove unused var
(commit: d62cf1a)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 5bba25ef57921aab116c2794c98a0049b68cf40a by hidendra
Restore compatibility with MC 1.6.4 & 1.7.10 (likely other versions as
(commit: 5bba25e)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was addedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit 68c96db2e0ad6df6da949dfbace37f05f6a20ac2 by hidendra
Add travis webhook
It is on 5.0 but not master, so was not updating :)
(commit: 68c96db)
The file was modified.travis.yml
Commit 11fb1637466d1e209e600fd37c1b1800cf81f254 by hidendra
Protections should be created using a player's UUID.
Before, /cprivate, etc was using the player's name. Protections created
with autoRegister (i.e. auto protect when placing blocks) were being
created with the player's UUID correctly.
(commit: 11fb163)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
Commit 2895120ecb843b9eb265d3b268bc93733463c93c by hidendra
Adapt protection matching to accept BlockState objects.
(commit: 2895120)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
Commit b761279ff49fa790e168761a1cd1cdae71f71e12 by hidendra
Don't let beds replace protections.
This seems to be caused by a new bug in Vanilla.
Thanks to Clovis D for reporting this.
(commit: b761279)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit c77a734949ea5cbb6259191643365f34fde866b4 by rumickon
Fix removing flags
(commit: c77a734)
The file was modifiedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 4bb165626794d9d8a48524d0070deccdd58a1cde by unconfigured
First Upload
Int Upload
(commit: 4bb1656)
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was addedlang/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
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The file was
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The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
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The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
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The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/migration/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedcore/lib/plugins/CreeperHeal.jar
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The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
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The file was removedmodules/economy/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
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The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
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The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
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The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedconfig/magnet.yml
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The file was addedlang/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
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The file was addedcom/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedlang/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
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The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
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The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
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The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
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The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
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The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedVERSION
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/listeners/
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The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
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The file was removedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedcore/src/main/resources/config/limits.yml
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/listeners/
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The file was removedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modified.gitignore
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedcore/src/main/resources/config/core.yml
The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedplugin.yml
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The file was removedcore/src/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedconfig/limitsv2.yml
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The file was addedcom/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
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The file was addedcom/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was removedcore/src/main/resources/lang/
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The file was addedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedcom/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit b530d4e613b7414f96785e68b90971ada9357346 by sammylover26
(commit: b530d4e)
The file was
Commit 52a18f5dde4deda9ebd4bbb123055612f475808a by unconfigured
Moving Stuff....
(commit: 52a18f5)
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
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The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
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The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/sql/
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The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/matchers/
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The file was removedcom/griefcraft/listeners/
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The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
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The file was removedcom/griefcraft/io/
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The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/
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The file was removedcom/griefcraft/lwc/
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The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
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The file was removedlang/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/modes/
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The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/event/
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The file was removedconfig/limitsv2.yml
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The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/modes/
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The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedconfig/core.yml
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedlang/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/sql/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedLWC/config/doors.yml
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedLWC/lang/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedLWC/lang/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was removedconfig/doors.yml
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/lang/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedconfig/magnet.yml
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/config/limits.yml
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/cache/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/integration/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedlang/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was removedlang/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedLWC/lang/
The file was addedLWC/lang/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedLWC/lang/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/integration/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was addedLWC/config/iconomy.yml
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was addedLWC/lang/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/cache/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was removedplugin.yml
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedconfig/worldguard.yml
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/config/limitsv2.yml
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/cache/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was removedlang/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedlang/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/plugin.yml
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedlang/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/migration/
The file was removedorg/mcstats/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was addedLWC/lang/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedLWC/config/worldguard.yml
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/confirm/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was removedconfig/limits.yml
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedLWC/lang/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/confirm/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/lang/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was addedLWC/org/mcstats/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/cache/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedlang/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedcom/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 59775aca306fc1260029a8751417beeadeb38bea by sammylover26
(commit: 59775ac)
The file was
Commit dde922e90317e4d196ccbb65c64c5cb36f9cdfc1 by sammylover26
(commit: dde922e)
The file was
Commit 747cb84dc30c1bd014ee5e5d3d7b540141a1dd47 by sammylover26
Fixing WG locking with entities
(commit: 747cb84)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
Commit 800cbd31f28849efe9101bd7e149ce14967c5441 by sammylover26
(commit: 800cbd3)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
Commit 261d2bc63233b04b9aa4fb236e84f941f196c6fb by sammylover26
Updating to newest Version
(commit: 261d2bc)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit b9473a429973ff77c5dcd8a932b3e466c730db70 by sammylover26
(commit: b9473a4)
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R2/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_7_R4/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_7_R4/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R1/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R1/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_7_R4/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R2/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R1/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R2/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedLWC/plugin.yml
Commit da08baac9cfcc20e7deff92f22f794e77e999be6 by unconfigured
Updating for 1.8.4
(commit: da08baa)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R3/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R3/
The file was addedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R3/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 58dd465223b6af36062779070707e34c6bed7f28 by sammylover26
(commit: 58dd465)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit a726f7b2f95b988f888c19fd399162c5ca71ea7a by unconfigured
(commit: a726f7b)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedLWC/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit cb515ddb5ead69624f83d9dab6f56c219f9ec55a by Brokkonaut
Several bugfixes + features: - Armor stands can now be autoprotected
when placed - Protections are no longer accidentally removed when left
clicking them - Member access does no longer allow you to destroy
protected entities - You can no longer break protections of other
players when you don't have the permission to create them - Everyone can
rotate items in public protected item frames - Everyone can add/remove
items from public protected armor stands
(commit: cb515dd)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 5788495a614e9ed380c44123062274f2562ea71d by Brokkonaut
- Removed specialized depencies (now vault is required) - Remove
furnitureapi support - Remove creeperheal support - Reworked the
FakeBlock to remove version dependencies - Fix clieanup - Fix update
uuid cache - fix blocks below fence gates changing
(commit: 5788495)
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R2/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_7_R4/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R2/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modified.gitignore
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R3/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R1/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R1/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_7_R4/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R1/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_7_R4/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R3/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R2/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/v1_8_R3/
Commit 9908bfc29f6eaaa273dcd6e4f91e31134ddfde57 by Brokkonaut
- remove double armor stand check - remove metrics - cleanup
(commit: 9908bfc)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedLWC/lang/
The file was removedLWC/org/mcstats/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
Commit 7e086fd27592780d37869c0ff4bd4fdde8e08635 by Brokkonaut
- Don't update the last accessed of a protection when an admin opens it.
- Only show the name, not the uuid of a known player when opening a
(commit: 7e086fd)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedLWC/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedLWC/lang/
Commit ed01e3974389054f91a35efa17f72503b76acc03 by Brokkonaut
some changes
(commit: ed01e39)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedLWC/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
Commit 78df38d7e5e12b20cce6cf093407caf499cf2d15 by Brokkonaut
remove updater, remove own library loading, some bugfixes
(commit: 78df38d)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedLWC/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit 30068f6cc402b7cc766e310e1ae26d9da5f6016a by Brokkonaut
(commit: 30068f6)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was modifiedLWC/plugin.yml
Commit 9dedfdac5323de0e1489f29f0363154cb1fcddd7 by Brokkonaut
optimize cleanup and some minor fixes
(commit: 9dedfda)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 827d555ba5080623a6dc1f198af0fc5bbf9a3518 by Brokkonaut
- fix: update protection timespamp when accessing as non-owner - change:
messages for own protections in action bar (to avoid chat spam) - fix:
admin cleanup for sqlite - fix: doors: disable block placing when
opening/closing iron doors/trapdoors - fix: doors: disable door
interaction when shift-clicking
(commit: 827d555)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedLWC/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit 92c8c32b6030cc8ce4da4f1eadb0e788fe887156 by Brokkonaut
fix persist: cancel pending actions when turning it off fix free module:
cleanup own permissions by uuid, not by name
(commit: 92c8c32)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
Commit 6f59412f6a0bc5837a4a3df2be465c5c6197994d by Brokkonaut
cleanup: remove some bullshit
(commit: 6f59412)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 163697b78572583b18f17184b85421a2e38c0286 by Brokkonaut
update readme
(commit: 163697b)
The file was
Commit 9afd3da55aaa8a045e0cbd14a1feeb882aee50e6 by Brokkonaut
fixed cleanup, timeout for mojang lookups
(commit: 9afd3da)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedLWC/plugin.yml
Commit c95847aae80e6ee7aea384c111ff71d9950e8860 by Brokkonaut
fix UUIDRegistry
(commit: c95847a)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 63cd2bfc857dd8937c120f15a8c94ffa5143baf8 by Brokkonaut
Update to latest WorldGuard
(commit: 63cd2bf)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
Commit e484c1fedead8ef10525a0ec8487658cb525094d by Brokkonaut
Optimize Hoppers
(commit: e484c1f)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 1633e3d703d964ee73141de4fa89f53c46f3ba7d by Brokkonaut
Clear protection cache after cleanup
(commit: 1633e3d)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit ec8f3f0c86b23ee5dfd9b0fcaef6c2aff4bd4e91 by Brokkonaut
protection owners and access list members can access any protection type
(commit: ec8f3f0)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedLWC/plugin.yml
Commit 5e55ec603c55d6366f3af6cff93a81f35f4b6098 by Brokkonaut
Improve LWCPlayer cache
(commit: 5e55ec6)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit 427213d1dbb2248a523fdf2c2b9704c507fd2739 by Brokkonaut
Respect world when finding players in some region
(commit: 427213d)
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was modifiedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 1a51a5a92ed583bb0f09fa56a75bf2c12890010e by Brokkonaut
mavenize, remove towny support
(commit: 1a51a5a)
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was removedLWC/config/doors.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/config/core.yml
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/confirm/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/owners/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/history/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was removedLWC/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/config/iconomy.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was removedLWC/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was modified.gitignore
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was addedpom.xml
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/config/magnet.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedLWC/config/limits.yml
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/confirm/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/
The file was removedLWC/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/debug/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was removedLWC/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedLWC/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedLWC/lang/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedLWC/config/worldguard.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was removedLWC/lang/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/config/limitsv2.yml
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was removedLWC/plugin.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/config/core.yml
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/config/limitsv2.yml
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/unlock/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/config/doors.yml
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/credits/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/towny/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/config/iconomy.yml
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/lang/
The file was removedLWC/lang/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/integration/permissions/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/config/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/locale/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/config/limits.yml
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/config/worldguard.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/flag/
The file was removedLWC/lang/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was removedLWC/lang/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/scripting/event/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/modules/modes/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was removedLWC/config/magnet.yml
The file was removedLWC/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/
Commit ea394f9fc875a1e6731faa15a6996155cfd5b9f2 by Brokkonaut
(commit: ea394f9)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit 7d0b9784c7e363ac58b184e61fe33206a551353c by Brokkonaut
cache entity lookups, some cleanup
(commit: 7d0b978)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 157f47cf1f1b139f361c8a5dbe9f91ec75b00306 by Brokkonaut
Greatly optimize cache + More stats in the report
(commit: 157f47c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 863f645f0030e5d3e7b3d44ab13e3c9c871c74bf by Brokkonaut
Remove DatabaseThread, it causes more harm than good
(commit: 863f645)
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit aa473396c75bb5871b4d433dd4f1968c97f65b3a by Brokkonaut
Update last_accessed only all 5 seconds
(commit: aa47339)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit c462f2c3e1a3ee5685c94c8f15b2b245813de62c by Brokkonaut
Cleanup cleanup
Do all async database updates with own connection, remove deprecated
api, reinit cache at the end
(commit: c462f2c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 42709412b57cf7512141ec326fc82ce8da108797 by Brokkonaut
Update readme
The official build is no longer available on spigot, a lot of bugs
mentioned in the readme are no longer there
(commit: 4270941)
The file was
Commit c04c42ff62590531ae7d13221c9e9c4baa9df837 by Brokkonaut
(commit: c04c42f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 5a072270b14874632bdc63d19a6b8b9ba028241a by Brokkonaut
Remove MCPC support
Its dead
(commit: 5a07227)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 0fa6e7c4c5030527803b9b3d36691e1ce1943c67 by Brokkonaut
Update to make it ready for 1.13
!! Update before updating mc to 1.13 or everything will break
- Remove all deprecation ignore annotations
- Use own block mapping table instead of block ids
- Removed a lot of old deprecated methods, some very old plugins may be
- old backups are incompatible because they were saved using item ids
instead of material names
- item ids are no longer supported in config files, use material names
- possibly broke everything
- minecraft before 1.8 is no longer supported
(commit: 0fa6e7c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/destroy/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/setup/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/integration/currency/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/free/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit efb40aa7ed698e11e93834ff4c78e8f6ff2e5ee0 by Brokkonaut
Catch some more block changes
- Block explosions (beds)
- Entity change block
- Explosions are no longer cancelled but protected blocks are kept safe
(commit: efb40aa)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
Commit a4db9c4666e628affa52729942a79b1db6aa49f6 by Brokkonaut
No longer look for trapdoors + remove forgotten ignored deprecation
(commit: a4db9c4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit 59f4a7e678fa5d4c83268c6ff8356e53a44ec81a by Brokkonaut
Move resources to the correct location
(commit: 59f4a7e)
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/config/iconomy.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/config/limitsv2.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/config/limits.yml
The file was removedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/config/core.yml
The file was removedsrc/main/java/config/worldguard.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/config/limits.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/config/doors.yml
The file was removedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/config/limitsv2.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/config/iconomy.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/config/doors.yml
The file was removedsrc/main/java/config/magnet.yml
The file was removedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/config/magnet.yml
The file was removedsrc/main/java/config/core.yml
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/config/worldguard.yml
The file was removedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/lang/
The file was addedsrc/main/resources/lang/
Commit 4f94db3a5a205d6eb1eb0c022f66ec665f4064bc by Brokkonaut
copy block mappings to new database when switching databases
(commit: 4f94db3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/migration/
Commit 869e998e49d4b5b596f0eeded41c2948c3d4be88 by Brokkonaut
use bukkits ItemStack.isSimilar instead of own implementation
(commit: 869e998)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 706f3090671db3f3fc07d042f5fa5c2151fe2cb2 by Brokkonaut
Cleanup imports
(commit: 706f309)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 94113cac08b007581316979d86bbfe8935ccf17e by Brokkonaut
Formating changes..
(commit: 94113ca)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit e516034121a452d7b8114deece9379870eeb7736 by Brokkonaut
Fix opening of protected iron trapdoors
(commit: e516034)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit f2e8174af9726ad190a870a91f47f033688bb340 by Brokkonaut
Protect blocks against entities (enderman,anvil,..)
(commit: f2e8174)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 5cc801887ecf9031b3e857cf0bef096d537558a2 by Brokkonaut
5.0.13 Release
(commit: 5cc8018)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit a77dd044a155b59b049d24e0481b5e4d22679a9b by Brokkonaut
(commit: a77dd04)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit 863f0fcf6a84878982745767d99105e4806d80d7 by Brokkonaut
Fix creating entity protections with /cprivate (/lock) command
(commit: 863f0fc)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
Commit 8d41dfb8f1c6f83f53fbf449415da6428c1ff35c by Brokkonaut
Cleanup player name to uuid converting
(commit: 8d41dfb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit a74ec65fb8f6a87cbc3924c3ca7ce53fcbd6bb59 by Brokkonaut
Remove backup function. it did not even work (async world access).
There are definitely better ways to create a backup
(commit: a74ec65)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/io/
Commit 430e704319255ebf5064f890a50fb4f0f60591ca by Brokkonaut
Remove some unused methods and fix module (it was for beta 1.8)
(commit: 430e704)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was removedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/fix/
Commit 36f7d8c1ea42c5b04a6a4340e62aa0b91d5b0c92 by Brokkonaut
cleanup imports
(commit: 36f7d8c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 3d8b0c9e55ab30d52b7225fb4d01bccd9830c05b by Brokkonaut
New command to transfer all protections from one player to another one
Command is /lwc admin transfer oldplayer newplayer Permission is
(commit: 3d8b0c9)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
Commit 4ff6ec29511f30d3c39cb395c46aae27e5dd9107 by Brokkonaut
Update paper repository url
(commit: 4ff6ec2)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit dc70e03c2e3c55d49d7c411a49315e746e6e11d6 by Brokkonaut
utf8 for lang strings
(commit: dc70e03)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
Commit 1d37e61221884e59f8db0f6d44813de1a95bf810 by Brokkonaut
Protect protected entities against explosion damage
(commit: 1d37e61)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 956e415d2e58a7da95d5bba9b79f8ec65099014b by Brokkonaut
remove some unneccessary object cloning
(commit: 956e415)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
Commit a8c335b9e1973d0e18cf058791218c53477342a5 by Brokkonaut
Remove unused import
(commit: a8c335b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 34d71488ebef748a92d7825e7c795b2f970346c7 by Brokkonaut
remove pex dependency as it causes build errors
(commit: 34d7148)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit 60b4c5fa5178872779f72355d33bb10890966980 by Brokkonaut
Update to 1.13 (still buggy, don't update yet)
Important change: In core.yml only item/entity names are allowed, no
ids. protectable entites have to be in protections.entities now. If
unsure look at the default config.
(commit: 60b4c5f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/redstone/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/limits/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/config/core.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 85641cbebc12f8f25e2aeb5cb1966d2ef13eee6a by Brokkonaut
Update readme (1.13)
(commit: 85641cb)
The file was
Commit 9b5d8e129f892ade3f46117e94b2b59f6560f124 by Brokkonaut
Improve double chest detection
(commit: 9b5d8e1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/matchers/
Commit ce041840ab0745f15cfa9e6844e49e57755d4bfe by Brokkonaut
Update from 1.13-pre7 to 1.13
(commit: ce04184)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit f811f0ec7de9d0b2f19d5546fe6324805a880323 by Brokkonaut
Update to WorldGuard 7
(commit: f811f0e)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
Commit c949ab8b75702813571459110eb947b8a0ace099 by Brokkonaut
Ignore deprecation warning in uuid converter
(commit: c949ab8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
Commit cad5cd63467346cd94e89ddd346c432373ea9086 by Brokkonaut
Convert protections 1.12 -> 1.13
- Update your core.yml with new materials before starting 1.13
- After starting use "/lwc admin cleanup" to refresh protections
(commit: cad5cd6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit b787a229d9f4e9d0805806386e08cf63138c81ef by Brokkonaut
Remap protections resolving to no material
(commit: b787a22)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 963794b9c40878927801bb3ab3d02e2249f40008 by Brokkonaut
Fix WG regionmember access for entities
(commit: 963794b)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
Commit 8fc2f7acf336b2f9968287472f38003c5392e022 by Brokkonaut
remove outdated WG special case
getRegion does not special case region ids starting with #
(commit: 8fc2f7a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
Commit 9fa2015728b2770341311508980b4e787ab416a8 by Brokkonaut
Allow protection members to remove items from ItemFrames
(commit: 9fa2015)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit b0a5e4db6e028a2ee3542dfb7f794963e44c26da by Brokkonaut
improve entity protection
(commit: b0a5e4d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 28193e521de8d287d428d22d20afeaee0635ee15 by Brokkonaut
improve entity protection
(commit: 28193e5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit b42a2ad209f70505cd21986a65f5adb77b43cb08 by Brokkonaut
fix several bugs with entity protections
(commit: b42a2ad)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit 25742855d4df7d84c13da1a6ea7d7eddb96f41ca by Brokkonaut
rename variable
(commit: 2574285)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit bda95f308b14f8ed2d0e2b36a74a6d5877f185be by Brokkonaut
fix default config node for entities
(commit: bda95f3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 83b6d9e29f5ff47a1f7063d8833eadce3a05ef8f by Brokkonaut
Remove unused import
(commit: 83b6d9e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit eadb6240e23ac8547155413bc2d3b8f68c7e3202 by Brokkonaut
Allow upgrading from very old versions
(commit: eadb624)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 4c5f4357c687f6825c7182a782f029c21282bd96 by Brokkonaut
Remove dead pex repository
(commit: 4c5f435)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit e7dad4045bb5f3c15302d8aba1a2fdeedf6100dd by Brokkonaut
specify distribution repository in pom.xml
(commit: e7dad40)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit 61a119747b6d0598a63cdfd9edc918b9ae35d8f0 by Brokkonaut
Update readme: add jenkins link
(commit: 61a1197)
The file was
Commit a8a57afb6679be4a87e71830ee3b8ba9acaf235f by Brokkonaut
compile against spigot
(commit: a8a57af)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit ca7734b26302459c9fae68a85d9ffb84d5e90dac by Brokkonaut
Add converter for ModernLWC
(commit: ca7734b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 2332de3cc3517cf2580ab69c087cf23f237e2aad by Brokkonaut
If its a block, its not entity
(commit: 2332de3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
Commit b94dbbca32d68cf009792b32d8ee0773c5c74f7e by Brokkonaut
Improve protection upgrading
(commit: b94dbbc)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 8c748525239d78f4b9de6ec655215156bbfbf882 by Brokkonaut
fix NPE because protections were incorrectly loaded
(commit: 8c74852)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 58c04a5cbb46a7942238b88de20b8a615859afb3 by Brokkonaut
There is only a single entity block id
(commit: 58c04a5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit 9a74faa73a177c61e9c8bf3b5c6290ed3bbcf96a by Brokkonaut
Add some null-checks
(commit: 9a74faa)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/cache/
Commit 6b9b8df383497702119f5deb03ee9d0803f93b82 by Brokkonaut
Update to Spigot 1.13.1
(commit: 6b9b8df)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit ba10d69226e49a985195729cac558d93077ddfba by Brokkonaut
Keep at least 5% free memory on cleanup to avoid OOM
(commit: ba10d69)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit c275f49721e61ea07e8f6b4b70abb5feaf5611cf by Brokkonaut
Simplify wait for memory sleeping
(commit: c275f49)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/admin/
Commit d2516a2dfafadefa612ca50989ed7d1f8c165e69 by Brokkonaut
Format pom + fix we/wg dep
(commit: d2516a2)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit 79a484abfd9b2c64d2b9123598febd966652b37e by Brokkonaut
Build against latest spigot/we/wg
(commit: 79a484a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit 97d3cdc3637084e3a4b4686e5b5be2e2023de321 by Brokkonaut
Avoid sending doubled messages for protections
(commit: 97d3cdc)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 811601c9aa59dd4dfcaade8b089d620017fcf42b by Brokkonaut
Adapt to latest WorldGuard changes + Compile against Spigot 1.13.2
(commit: 811601c)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/pluginsupport/
Commit bdca05f1ae7a0ed69e1a8f003c47acd098eac252 by Brokkonaut
Fix compile against latest spigot
(commit: bdca05f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/bukkit/
Commit d800fdee27b34a33fd69b16c3fad7dcdbbcb313a by Brokkonaut
WE/WG and its dependencies..
(commit: d800fde)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit aacae0f1229374aed60c476283b76fd1fc7f2fb2 by Brokkonaut
Fix issues with invalid double doors
(commit: aacae0f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/doors/
Commit efe0ce6a7d065aa848492154968d3edda8409e76 by Brokkonaut
New protection type: Showcase
Allows looking at items but not putting items in/out
(commit: efe0ce6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/info/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/model/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/lang/
Commit f1e322c87d56a6679f8f3f2b6d244d8c6512a713 by Brokkonaut
Allow modify protections using cprivate/cpublic/...
It will now call modify instead of create if a protection exists
(commit: f1e322c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/modify/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/modules/create/
Commit ff396f0024e76efe94ee6d7811ffaffa482289da by Brokkonaut
Allow players with access permissions to modify contents of
donation/showcase chests
(commit: ff396f0)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/lwc/
Commit 8855674959b57befeffc4ee21cbc0292d7aec4d5 by Brokkonaut
Fix permissions
(commit: 8855674)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/plugin.yml
Commit c07e1cadb5d6f59432ec2fa509bbfcd4515be92e by Brokkonaut
Allow autoregister of donation/showcase protections
(commit: c07e1ca)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/listeners/
Commit d002ad525098718c95638f0ae6dc4b75fc4f62ac by Brokkonaut
Fix creating some database indexes
(commit: d002ad5)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 5b76d677ee0aa6f4e0fae8a9774b21eae63bbb96 by Brokkonaut
Add trapped_chest to default config
(commit: 5b76d67)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/resources/config/core.yml
Commit 5712277919bb5a98581d49e742229d53cccc23a8 by Brokkonaut
Fix creating tables in sqlite
(commit: 5712277)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit b82e21272355b83366f9cf9795352f0fe68ac18e by github
Add license information
(commit: b82e212)
The file was addedLICENSE
Commit e738c8e50bcf3db3344cac981ff737ba81488eca by Brokkonaut
Optimize table format and improve startup time
- Several columns were much too large
- Add a check if any database upgrades might be required before trying
to upgrade
- Fix database schema on creation
(commit: e738c8e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/
Commit 1476008c8327b300377608d13a8ca637e18ea564 by Brokkonaut
Remove unused column in database schema
(commit: 1476008)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/griefcraft/sql/