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  1. Do not use the numeric material/entity ids for the api (commit: 6dcca54) (details)
  2. Protect against sql injections when using the api (commit: 6a398a6) (details)
Commit 6dcca54637cf0cc62ae8663236242df66c371cc8 by Brokkonaut
Do not use the numeric material/entity ids for the api
(commit: 6dcca54)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/de/diddiz/LogBlock/
Commit 6a398a67abc61249778565b5583d74525ee9a7b6 by Brokkonaut
Protect against sql injections when using the api
(commit: 6a398a6)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/de/diddiz/LogBlock/
The file was addedsrc/main/java/de/diddiz/util/